I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 364 God's Love Like A Chrysanthemum

"Fujiwara Grand Priest, the team on Showa Avenue has lost contact..."

Near Sensoji Temple, on the edge of the Sumida River across the river from Taito District, a priest standing in front of the formation barrier turned pale and reported to another middle-aged priest behind him.

"Stabilize the transmission of spiritual power and let the Self-Defense Forces pass by and take a look. If the tornado continues to blow, I am afraid that the three major formations in Tokyo will soon be unable to withstand..."

Standing behind him is the Fujiwara tree, the current patriarch of the Fujiwara family, the great priest of Meiji Jingu, and the current Yin-Yang Liu.

At this moment, he frowned, his meticulous costumes were so messed up by the wind that he had no time to take care of them.

A majestic and vigorous spiritual force is continuously inputting into the formation from him.

"This tornado is so weird, it is deliberately collecting grievances and ghosts, and taking advantage of the momentum to hit the edge of the formation, is it possible that it is some kind of ghost..."

Seeing the terrible tornado like a living thing in front of him, Fujiwara tree only felt that there was an invisible big hand behind the scenes, playing himself and others between his palms.

Before he could think of a way to crack it, the tornado that turned around and destroyed several buildings, with a large amount of steel, cement, car and other wreckage, was pasted toward their location.

"No, leave it to me here, you guys hurry up and find a cover..."

Suddenly realizing something, Fujiwara Shu shouted at the person beside him.

The "Three Tokyo Arrays" can stop the tornado of resentment and the ghosts in it, but...


Before the words were finished, the tornado was like an invisible giant hand, throwing several slabs forcefully, breaking through the formation barrier, falling from the sky like a meteorite, and smashing a self-defense member to the ground fiercely.

Buildings and vehicle wreckage without life and grievances will not give the "three major Tokyo fronts" face.

At the same time, the yin and yang rooms were set up in various places in Taitung District and were responsible for the formation of priests, all facing the same crisis under the tornado.

"No, once you stop sending spiritual power, the formation will collapse!!!"

Several priests guarding the barrier did not hear about it, stubbornly avoiding all kinds of flying things in the wind, and holding on to their line.

The self-defense team on the side ignored the construction debris that was smashed around, with the anti-riot shield in their hands, guarding the priests bravely.

"...Even if you die, don't let these things break the formation!!!"

Because they know very well that they have long since retired.

Once this terrible tornado, overwhelming resentment and ghosts ravage Tokyo, and even the whole of Japan, not only will they have no escape, but even the family, friends, people they know, and people they don’t know will have nowhere to go. escape……

Surrounding the edge of the formation of the entire Taitung District, the priests of the Yin-Yang Lao are teetering like candles in the wind, maintaining the transmission of spiritual power at the cost of their lives, trying their last breath to refuse the tornado that destroys the world and the earth. The realm of the living.



Showa Avenue, near Akihabara side.

The black tornado kept hitting the barrier, and the wind threw the wreckage of various things out of the barrier and fell on the vehicles on both sides.

The black face of Erqian Ryoma, completely disregarding the terrifying sights around him, with a gloomy smile, raised his muzzle at the thick sea and land in front of him...

"Why, it's me again!!!"

Hou Hailu Dou's chubby face was full of blue veins, and he slammed into the back of the car on the side.

A bullet grazed his hip and hit the ground.

"At this time, you can only use the precious'original juice.' You continue to attract his attention."

On the other side, Mai Hanyu sighed with a slight regret, and carefully covered by the traffic flow, narrowing the distance from the rear to the Erqian Ryoma who was possessed by the "dead man".

However, Ryoma before the second in the field suddenly stopped shooting and looked up to the sky dullly.

Because, ten meters above his head, there was a figure suspended quietly at some point.

It was a middle-divided teenager dressed as a college student wearing a T-shirt printed with the words "Ghost Pokémon Limited LATS Award "Ghost Ghost" Special Edition".

Mai Hanyu lifted the SLR subconsciously...

Under the camera, I saw the ordinary young man with the splendid golden chrysanthemum pattern swiftly spinning around his body, and runes of unknown meaning flowed in his eyes.

Unconscious of the few people at his feet, the young man stared quietly in the direction of the center of Taitung District with deep eyes.

"Praying for the gods of heaven and earth for the people will be rain or shine."

With an expression of indifference that is not human, he opened his palm to the formation in front of him.

A large amount of golden spiritual power, centered on his palm, blooms leisurely like a chrysanthemum, blending into the formation barrier.

The entire Taito District, the circle of invisible barriers composed of the "Tokyo Three Formations" was instantly stained with a pale golden chrysanthemum pattern.

With the rapid flow of the golden chrysanthemum pattern, the array barrier burst out toward the outside with countless layers of petals composed of spiritual power.

Onmyoji·God Blessing.

The barrier with countless petals seemed to be reinforced, and faced the impact of the tornado, it became unmoving.

On the contrary, that tornado, every time it hits the formation, it shrinks a bit, and no longer has its previous power.

"This... is this Takumi's spiritual power?"

On the edge of the Sumida River, Fujiwara Tree, standing on the edge of the formation, looked at the very familiar chrysanthemum pattern spiritual power in front of him, and exclaimed in an incredible manner.

"No, this is the power of the gods, could it be..."

As the chrysanthemum petals composed of spiritual power became denser, a powerful wave burst out from the formation barrier, contaminating the people and things on the edge of Taitung District with the golden chrysanthemum pattern spiritual power.

From the sky above, the entire Taitung District is transformed into a "giant sixteen-petal eight-fold chrysanthemum" in full bloom.

"Great priest Fujiwara, be careful..."

At the same time, several dense cement blocks were blown by the tornado and struck towards the priests.

After a burst of "crackling", only the people who had no time to dodge were left standing unscathed in the dust...

"Cough cough cough... miracle... this is a miracle!"

It seemed that he had been blessed by the gods. The huge cement block that could turn people into sludge was just rubbed, and every block was just right passing through the gap between the people.

Even the wounds of those who were injured before are healing at a speed visible to the naked eye...

All over the edge of Taitung District, such "miracles" kept appearing, saving countless lives from the hands of tornadoes.

"What are you doing in a daze, even the Lord God has shot, we can't be embarrassed!"

After regaining his senses, Fujiwara Tree never looked at the tornado again, and with a fanatical and fearless expression, he led the priests to input spiritual power and maintain the formation.

At the same time, in front of Showa Avenue, the black figure behind Ryoma before 2nd, under the wave of chrysanthemum pattern spiritual power, it was as if it had never appeared before and disappeared.

"I...what happened to me? My head... my head hurts..."

The light of reason once again returned to Ryoma's eyes before the second.

There is also a headache like a hangover.

"Although there are times, sooner or later, whoever goes through the whole thing is sincere."

With his head, Fujiwara Takumi glanced at the gate of hell that was completely open in the sky, and said so proudly, with his hands behind him, he flew straight into the resentment.

"This...what the hell is going on in this world..."

Looking at the middle two teenager who left in the air, Ryoma's face was full of confusion before the second.

"This Japanese song... Da Yuxin Twenty-Three? Is it possible that the one just now is..."

Behind him, Mai Hanyu put the thick and long test tube in her bag and looked thoughtfully at the direction where Fujiwara Takumi was leaving.

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