I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 365: A Storm That Devours Light

"Huh, has any expert made a move? The yin and yang liao's background is really unfathomable."

Near the apartment in front of Tibet, Jiro Kenmine, who flapped his wings and hovered in the air, looked at the invisible barrier that bloomed like chrysanthemums and became more and more solid, revealing horrified eyes.

"Since the reach of Hell's Gate cannot be expanded, let's solve the immediate trouble first..."

He bowed his head slightly and looked not far below his feet.

"As long as we can guarantee the unsolvable existence of the gates of hell, after dawn, the bloom of evil will naturally spread across people's hearts..."

There, a locomotive was vaguely roaring in resentment, swiftly lighting up the lights of Showa Avenue along the way, dragging out the torii gates like a long tail, and sprinting towards the gate of hell.

"Let the entire Tokyo see and see my power to control the storm."

Yanfeng Jiro waved his hand gently, and a huge tornado rose up on the road of the locomotive, devouring everything around him.

"Me, Yanfeng Jiro, see you!"

With his palms hitting together, the black tornadoes that were hitting the edge of Taitung District also all reversed their directions and quickly converged towards the center of the gate of hell.


"Dragon... hiccups... tornadoes? Does this thing happen in inland areas like Tokyo?"

On the galloping warrior of the Warring States period, the drunk Araki Sosuke looked at the tornado that suddenly rises on the ground and continuously devours the dark city ahead, with a face full of confusion.

He has only seen this kind of tornado raging inland in the news, but it also happened in a certain country on the other side of the ocean where there is a "tornado land".

However, with the facts before him, he couldn't help but not believe...

Because the tornado moving extremely fast came straight towards the two of them, and the distance was less than a hundred meters.

The violent wind plundered the surrounding air, like an invisible giant hand, pulling the locomotive toward the center of the storm.

"Little bird you, catch... Hold on to me, even if you die, you can't let it go!"

Despite the strong wind filling the entrance, Araki Sosuke frantically twisted the handle and drove the warrior warrior toward the edge of the tornado.

At this moment, the distance is close, and the probability of turning around and running past the tornado is too low. He intends to make a dangerous move, passing around the edge of the effective range of the tornado.


On the back seat, Yu Mayumi Tori nodded and hugged his sturdy abdomen with confidence.

Seeing the familiar tornado ahead, she frowned slightly.

Intuition tells her that this tornado that suddenly appeared is definitely not as simple as a natural disaster.

Just as Araki Sosuke turned his direction and headed towards the tangent of the tornado wind range, the straight forward tornado, but life-like, turned into a horizontal movement, and stopped directly in front of him.


Seeing that the situation was not good, Araki Sosuke dumped his body, turned his head in place with a dexterous brake flick 180 degrees, and rushed along the direction he came, trying to escape the tornado.

It is a pity that it is difficult for him to reach the maximum speed on the streets with congested traffic and many obstacles.

What's more, the violent wind twitched the air, still pulling the warrior warrior under him back.

Under the speed difference, after driving back no more than 100 meters, the tornado slammed into the roaring warrior of the Warring States period with the momentum of crushing everything.

"Huh, it's over... I'm sorry, but I didn't officially let your Excellency know my name."

In the midair, watching the locomotive underneath being swallowed by his own tornado, Yanfeng Jiro, wearing a tengu mask, sighed slightly.

"Next, let's play with those guys blocking the door for a while."

As if he had done a trivial thing, he turned around indifferently and looked in the direction of the apartment in front of Tibet.


His movements suddenly became stiff, and even the flapping wings on his back were stagnant.

Because the connection between the tornado and him was suddenly disconnected.

Looking back, the tornado that had just "swallowed" the locomotive had disappeared without a trace, and only a soft breeze was left in the night sky.

"It was you who was on the boat that day. Huh, he can eliminate my tornado, and he is a respectable strong man..."

The tornado dissipated, and the building debris, car wreckage and other things wrapped in it fell weakly like a meteor shower.

"...It's a pity, it's just a mortal body."

The "Road to Light" that stretched all the way from Akihabara and composed of torii gates was instantly buried by things falling in the sky and ended.

No longer looking behind him, Gonmine Jiro flapped his wings and swept towards the hell apartment.

No one can survive in the situation just now.


Below the gate of hell, the apartment in front of Tibet.

The strong resentment, with different forms of wraiths and ghosts, intermittently flowed down from the gates of hell in the air like a waterfall.

In the middle of the parking lot of the apartment, the monks headed by the presiding officer of Dharma still looked solemnly and closed their eyes to recite Buddhist scriptures in silence.

Around them, there are densely dense groups of resentful spirits and ghosts sitting in a formal and regular manner, just like elementary school students who are listening attentively in outdoor teaching, with their hands clasped together with a hideous face.

The inside of the exterior wall of the entire Tibetan apartment is covered with talisman paper, exorcism cloth and other things, and the light of spiritual power is constantly surging, dispelling the grievances around it.

Blocked by layers of Buddha light, formations, and multiple spirit removal tools, the weaker existences will be stopped immediately after they gush out from the gates of hell, suppressed here, unable to move, and can only watch. The resentment dissipated.

The embarrassed men dressed as office workers who belong to the "Spiritual Interview Institute" are guarding the periphery of the parking lot. They are swaying weird spirit-eliminating props such as exorcism salt and garlic strings. They will be slightly stronger and will soon break through suppression. Eliminate the ghosts in advance.

After the people of the Spirit Slayers Association gradually gathered, like the assembly line operation of a slaughterhouse, a scientific "ghost screening system" was established by constructing a compound array method, and at the same time, a reasonable division of labor was carried out.

This eased the situation that was about to lose control completely.

On the roof of the apartment, Mochizuki Ayano, a petite figure, is swiftly leaping off a huge red Prajna shoulder.

Behind her, Shimoto Ichiro had just dispelled a congregating wraith spirit by Jieyin.

Unlike the people who suppressed a large number of ghosts around the apartment, the combination of Tokimoto Ichiro and Mochizuki Ayano is mainly responsible for seeing through the rooftops and suppressing individuals who can break through the suppression of Buddha's light and formation with their strong individual strength or hidden characteristics.


Behind Mochizuki Ayano, the red prajna held his hollow eyes in pain, kneeled to the ground, and slowly dissipated into resentment.

"Hee hee, it's only at this level, people just got excited..."

A pair of huge eyes appeared in Mochizuki Ayano's small hands at some point.

It is the Hundred Eye Eye Technique·Dazzling.

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