I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 366 I want more


As the pair of huge eyeballs disappeared from his hands, Mochizuki Ayano's face showed a fascinating blush, the golden light flowing in his pupils, the sleeves on the shoulders suddenly burst, and a similar eye was opened.

With the light of the Buddha around, you can see that her limbs and back are densely open with several eyes of various sizes and shapes.

These are all trophies that were "dazzled" by her during this period.

In the corner, the wreckage of ghosts and monsters that had not had time to dissipate had already piled up into a hill.

At this moment, the one who is active on the rooftop is no longer the meek and well-behaved Mochizuki Ayano, but...

Mochizuki Ayase.

Before the other spirit removers arrived, Mochizuki Ayano decisively released this "second personality" in order to prevent himself and the monks from being overwhelmed by the more turbulent group of ghosts.

"It's not enough...people...want more..."

Like a child who came to a children’s playground and played among various amusement facilities, Mochizuki Ayase sucked her fingers with a twisted and innocent smile, and turned back to look like a monk who had just broken free from the Buddha's light not far away, but there was only one. The monocular square with huge eyes rushed.


Dozens of eyes all over her body rushed through the golden light at the same time, and she looked at the big eyes of the monocular square without any fear...


In the light of the fire, the single-eyed ghost in Japanese folklore that could shoot strong light was too late to "glow and heat," and was instantly burned out.

The same is 【Hundred Eyes Eye Art · Flame】, but the power is not the same as that used by Mochizuki Ayano before.

"Tsk, it's just a broken thing, it can't satisfy people at all..."

Mochizuki Ayano, who jumped down in the air, dumbly slapped the huge single eye in his hand, seemingly upset that she was hit "50% off" in terms of quantity.


A bloodstain immediately bloomed in the blank area of ​​her arm, and a huge, hideous eye was opened again.

In the night sky, wisps of moonlight from the full moon spilled from the gaps in the grievances and slowly merged into her body, replenishing the consumed pupil power.

Mochizuki Ayase, who has repeatedly used "Dazzling" under the blessing of the power of this month, has accumulated to a terrifying level, and ordinary ghosts are not her "One-Eye enemy".

Her posture at the moment is just like the legendary one-hundred-eyed ghost.

This is the true foundation that Mochizuki Lingnai can serve as the head of the ninth lesson at only sixteen.

"Girl, today is a full moon!!! Don't abuse your ability, just in case you let that thing out..."

On the other side of the rooftop, looking at Mochizuki Ayano, who looked crazy with terrifying eyes all over, Shimoto Ichiro, who had just dealt with an evil spirit blue with Cocoon, frowned.

Only he and the deputy head of Takeshi Iwata know that for many reasons, the night of the full moon is usually a day when Mochizuki Ayano is a rare "compulsory vacation".

The special physique of the Mochizuki clan can absorb the power of the moon to restore itself under the full moon, but Mochizuki Ayano's body's 100-eye pupil power fluctuations will also increase due to the increase in strength.

When the fluctuation of Mochizuki Ayano's pupil power rises to a certain level that is difficult to control, it will be taken over by the second personality "Mochizuki Ayase" who is more powerful and controllable and has a pathological obsession with the eyeballs.

Mochizuki Ayase's dazzling eyes will only cause temporary changes in her body, which will be restored after the return of her master character. There is no need to worry too much, but...

"Don't worry, the girl told me when she was'handing the stick' that she only used the'medicine' yesterday... and even if that thing is released, the situation will not be worse than it is now, hahaha! !"

After doing the same thing again and snatching the eyeballs of several ghosts, Mochizuki Ayano broke a few cracks on his arm again, and suddenly opened his eyes...

"Usually, there is no such opportunity to let me collect so many collections as much as I want!"

Immersed in the peculiar pleasure of "dazzling eyes", she threw down a ghost that was wailing and turned into ashes, and greedily turned back towards the target at the other end.

"Hmm... come again... don't stop...fill me..."

The wreckage of ghosts and monsters flying all over the sky and the ever-increasing collection of "collections" on her body made her look more and more enthusiastic, her cheeks were flushed with contentment, and Qiong's nose also made a contented nasal sound.

"and many more……"

Suddenly, bathing in a cluster of ghosts and monsters, her footsteps stagnated, and she fell on the roof as soft as she did, and her complexion became extremely pale.

"How can pupil power fluctuations rise so fast, even if it is a full moon, I have clearly used this level..."

A more terrifying force began to move in her body...

"Impossible! This guy, it was only right that he took the'medicine' yesterday..."

Feeling the gradual loss of control of the body, the gradual sinking of consciousness, the big sweat dripping with Mochizuki Ayase's face.

"Could it be that……"

A terrible conjecture appeared in her mind.

"Mochizuki girl, are you okay?"

The cocoon in dark red armor leaped into the air, stopping the sneak attack of a cluster of wraith spirits with dozens of snake tails.

Shimoto Ichiro took the opportunity to lift her up and put the talisman in his hand on her back, trying to help her stabilize the fluctuation of pupil power.

"No, I can't control it..."

The golden pupil in Mochizuki Ayase's eyes repeatedly expanded and contracted, and his whole body was constantly shaking like a volcano about to erupt.

"...That guy, coming out! Get out of here...Go...Go!!!"

With a burst of golden light, Mochizuki Ayano pushed hard with both hands, exploding with a force far surpassing her petite body, pushing the thin Tokimoto Ichiro down from the roof.


After doing this movement, she seemed to be unable to restrain a certain existence in her body anymore, screaming from the sky, letting out an inhuman scream.

Two huge golden beams of light spread out from her eyes, erupting towards the night sky from the rooftop of the apartment in front of the Tibetan.

Wherever the beam of light goes, whether grievances or ghosts, they all turn to ashes without discrimination, leaving only a pile of scattered eyeballs...

Above the night that was pierced by the beam of light and regained its clarity, the full moon that belonged to the Menglan Bon Festival slowly appeared, sprinkling the moonlight unscrupulously.


After pulling the clouds to see the moon, Mochizuki Ayase looked at the full moon motionlessly like a sculpture, with an intoxicated look on her face.

In the parking lot below the apartment, the cocoon ran down along the vertical wall, and then dived first, catching the falling Tokimoto Ichiro in the position of a princess.

"Quickly, get that thing out!!!"

Regardless of the fact that he almost fell to his death, Shimoto Ichiro hurriedly took out all the talisman paper on his body with a dark face.

"...Not this, I mean the compass!"

Seeing a handful of colorful lace fabrics that were constantly pulling out from the inside of the armor and about to pile up like a mountain, he personally fumbled on the opponent indescribably with a dark face.

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