"President Shiben, what happened?"

Seeing the strange situation on the rooftop, the presiding officer, who was under pressure from the beam of light, hurried forward to inquire.

"Host Kofa, I also ask everyone from Kawasaki Master Temple to help me..."

Taking out a dark and quaint compass from Cocoon, Tokimoto Ichiro put the precious textiles in his pocket, and asked Kofa with a serious and sincere expression.

"Otherwise, today's things may not be good!"

"Amitabha, it is my duty to eliminate demons and defend the way, and the president has something to say bluntly."

I had never seen Shimotoichiro in such a panic, and Kofa seemed to be aware of something.

"Mochizuki's pupil technique, you must have seen it, so you should have guessed it a long time ago."

Putting the compass on the ground, Shimoto Ichiro explained to Kofa while laying out a circle around him with talisman paper.

"Although the Mochizuki clan has a special bloodline, they are not good at pupil skills. The poor monk has indeed seen that there must be hidden secrets in it..."

Kofa looked at the golden light that penetrated the sky at the rooftop, and his eyes became severe.

"But this time involves the secrets of the Mochizuki clan, and it is inconvenient to speculate as an outsider."

"Outsiders? Don't have to be so humble. Without Master Kongkai, the Hundred Eyes Ghost Rebellion would not have been so easy..."

"Hundred Eyes Ghost Rebellion? Since this matter involves Kukai's presiding, we will not be alone."

Hearing the name of Kukai's host, Kofa couldn't help but look solemn.

At the time of the "Hundred Eyes Ghost Rebellion", he was only in his twenties and his cultivation base was still shallow, so he had only heard of it from the air and sea where Chu Ling returned.

Hundred-eyed ghosts are female ghosts with nearly a hundred coin hole-shaped eyes in the legend.

Because of an extraordinary obsession with beautiful eyes, she will unscrupulously take the eyes of all creatures as her own, and at the same time acquire the memories and abilities of those who are dazzling.

According to legend, the Hyakome Ghost was retired from Fujiwara Hidego in Utsunomiya City, Tochigi Prefecture, and was seriously injured, fled to Myojin Mountain, and became a Buddha under the extradition of Master Chitoku of Honganji Temple.

Therefore, on the west side of Mt. Myojin in Utsunomiya City, there are still roads known as "Hyomikuki" and many place names related to Hyakoma.

Twenty years ago, for unknown reasons, the Hundred Eye Ghost reappeared in Utsunomiya City, Tochigi Prefecture, killing countless soul-eliminators, and attracted several superb spirit-eliminators to be retired from the government.


In the deep gaze of the host, Tomimoto Ichiro made a seal on both hands, bit his tongue and spit out a mouthful of blood on the talisman paper in front of him.

Two gas streams, one black and one white, scattered out flexibly like a fish, covering the roof of the apartment in front of Tibet.

Nine-character mantra, Qimen Bagua array.

Wherever the black and white swimming fish went, a wave of soul-suppressing power spread out, and the affected spirits no longer wailed and struggled, but presented a peaceful state.

"Unlike what has been claimed to the outside world, we have tried countless methods for ten years, and we have not been able to completely eliminate the Hundred Eyes."

After doing all this, Shimoto Ichiro's face turned pale in an instant, as if he was a few years old again.

"That guy is still sealed in Mochizuki's body."

"What?! So that's it..."

Not paying attention to Kobe's surprised expression, Shimoto Ichiro leaped onto Yuu's back and hurried towards the top of the rooftop.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Dharma advocacy followed closely behind, showing a very good light pace.

"Mochizuki girl!!"

When the two rushed to the top of the rooftop, Mochizuki Ayano, who raised her head and looked at the moon, slowly turned her head back as if feeling."Hee hee, I haven't seen you for ten years, and you are a lot older, little Taoist...there is a monk who hasn't met..."

In her big golden eyes, there are eight small black round pupils around her dark pupils.

"Amitabha, the poor monk promotes Dharma, and the current host of the Kawasaki Master Temple."

"So, the dead bald donkey in Kukai, isn't there anymore? What a pity..."

Mochizuki Lingnai exudes majestic pupil power, tangling with the pair of yin and yang fishes surrounding the roof.

"I...every day...every day is in the endless void, counting the days..."

The pair of weird pupils with strange beauty, like a suction, makes people sink in with the touch of their eyes.

"Count... the days to take your lives!!!"

"Namo Amitabha……"

Kofa lightly wiped the rosary, and a circle of Buddha light scattered from him, suppressing Mochizuki Ayano's body.

The Buddha's light collided with that pupil force, and suddenly it crackled like boiling oil and water.

"This... turned out to be the pupil of Yueyao Nine Wheels..."

Being sheltered by the Buddha's light, Shimoto Ichiro pulled his gaze away from Mochizuki Ayano's pair of different pupils, and he trembled even when he spoke.

"It turns out that today coincides with the day of the full moon, and the bloodline talent of Girl Mochizuki was brought out."

Eight circles encircle one circle, which is the family pattern used by "Wangyueshi", and the name is "Yue Yao Nine Wheels" or "Jiu Yao".

According to legend, those who inherit this different pupil can arouse the power of the moon, and have the ability to steal the sky and change the sun.

This symbolized the different pupil of the highest state of Mochizuki's bloodline, which had not been born for hundreds of years before Mochizuki Lingnai.

"Huh...it's Dharma again, but unfortunately, you and Kukai are too far apart!"

Suddenly, Mochizuki Ayano's eyes, the pattern of eight circles surrounding a circle, began to spin frantically.

Seeing this weird scene, Shimoto Ichiro's vicissitudes of life flashed through water-like sadness.

This situation and this scene seem to have known each other before.


Ten years ago, in Saitama Prefecture, the full moon was clear.

"Master Shiben, it's here..."

As the police car stopped in front of a "one-family-built" villa in the suburbs, Shimoto Ichiro pushed the door vigorously and got out of the car.

Outside the villa, surrounded by a group of men in black with guns and live ammunition.

Inside the open door, a strong smell of blood that couldn't be hidden filled his brows.


Stepping past the corpses of several agents lying on the hallway, outside the living room door at the end of the corridor, a man and a woman covered in blood, crumbling, appeared in front of Ichiro Tokimoto.

"What happen to you guys……"

These two people are the founding members of the Spirit Slayers Association, Mochizuki Keiji and his wife, Mochizuki Kino.

"Chairman Shimoto, the seal in Ayano's body has always been strong, this time someone must be tricking it..."

"Needless to say, since the decision was made, I should have expected this day."

Seeing Shimotoichiro's arrival, the seriously injured couple showed a look of guilt and pain.

"Shiben, don't be stunned, hurry up and deploy to help the poor monks!!"

At the other end of the living room, his eyes were empty, but there were a pair of eyes made of spiritual power. It looked like the Kukai monk of a god, who was hanging cross-legged in the air, his whole body beard, hair, and robe without wind.

"Today, we must not let this Hundred Eyed Ghost break out..."

The majestic and unbreakable Buddha's light was surging out of him, bombarding a small, cute, mixed-race young girl who looked no more than six years old in the middle of the living room like waves.

"You, an old monk who violently spurs the heavens and objects, abolished that pair of'eyes of heaven' yourself, thinking you could seal me like it did ten years ago?"

The blood-stained blond girl with two ponytails sitting on the ground was unmoved by the Buddha's light that was constantly beating over her, but instead she took time to look at the people in the field.

"Hehe, the smelly Taoist priest is also here. It seems that the people who sealed me back then, except for the corpses, are all here..."

The original immature voice had a strong killing intent.

"Unexpectedly, I wished to use Mochizuki's'celestial blood' to seal my soul, but instead allowed me to get the body of the'Moon Wheel Nine Lights' that I have never seen in hundreds of years..."

In the girl's eyes, around the pitch-black pupil, there are eight small black round pupils that are spinning like a revolving lantern.

"Under the full moon, the spiritual power of this body is endless, just wait until your spiritual power is exhausted..."

As the golden light surged, several bloodstains slowly appeared on the girl's body, violently splitting, turning into a number of terrifying, spiteful big eyes.

"In the past ten years, Mochizuki's revenge for disintegrating my body and sealing my soul, my "Hundred Eyes" will be reported today! ! "


"President Shiben, don't stare at her!!"

A big golden clock fell from the sky, covering Tokimoto Ichiro in it, blocking his vision.

The golden flames unique to the Hundred Eyes Eye Technique exploded on the clock body, summoning the bewildered Shimoto Ichiro from the endless memory.

"As expected of Moon Wheel Jiuyao, he accidentally said..."

When he woke up, Shimoto Ichiro couldn't help being afraid for a while.

The other party just made a look, and used the memory to sink his mind into it.

"Since we were able to seal you twice that year, even if we fight this old life, we will seal you a third time!!"

Several talisman papers appeared between Tokimoto Ichiro's fingers in an instant, following the violent wind around him, surging into the air.

The talisman paper combined with the Qimen Eight Diagrams array that had been spread all around, inspiring several black and white yin and yang fish, rushing towards Mochizuki Ayano like a flying fish crossing the border.

"Tsk tsk, you so-called spirit removers, who have not made any progress for so many years, are these how to come and go? It is a pity that this is different from the past, so I won't play with you..."

The dense eyes of the whole body were flowing with golden light at the same time, Mochizuki Ayano soared into the air and flew straight to the gate of hell above her head.

"...Today, it is a great opportunity for my Hundred Eyes to return to their original form!"

There, another wave of ghosts is eagerly pouring out of the gates of hell.

"What is it going to do..."

"No, stop it quickly, once let it return to its heyday..."

Looking up at Mochizuki Ayano, who was heading straight to the gate of hell, Shimoto Ichiro suddenly thought of something, and his face looked terrified.

"Hehe, so many jewel-like eyes are all mine!!!"

In front of the dark red door of hell, those who had just escaped from the hell, the hungry torrent of resentful spirits, met face to face, but they were cruelly laughing girls with golden eyes.

At this moment, a hundred eyes opened, dazzling.

Staring at the girl's countless strange eyes, those resentful spirits couldn't react, so they wailed and dissipated.

Hundreds of meters above the night sky and in front of the gate of hell, the almost invisible petite figure, like an indestructible dam, evaporated all the grievances and ghosts gushing out like a flood at the door.

In the night sky, there were only eyeballs scattered down.The power of a glance is terrifying.

"Sect leader Mochizuki, so... so strong..."

The spirit-eliminators who did not understand the situation below watched "Mochizuki Ayano" soaring into the air, using their own power to wipe out the ghosts and grievances in the terrible gate of hell from the night. .

As the ghost dissipated, Mochizuki Ayano's whole body opened one, one, and another eye like a night flower blooming...

The sudden increase in eyes grew more and more, breaking through hundreds of them in an instant.

"Hundred-eyed ghosts are unsolvable monsters that take away more eyes and are more capable..."

Because "Mochizuki Ayano" exploded, Tokimoto Ichiro and Kobe, who got a respite instead, did not show any expressions of rejoicing.

The air around me is surging more and more fiercely for some reason...

The temperature of the apartment in front of Tibet was already close to zero due to too strong grievances.

In the cold wind, the figures of the two became more and more bleak.

"Look at the side, then... what is that?!"

Several black tornadoes connecting the heavens and the earth appeared so quietly in the sight of the spirit eliminators.

The tornado, which was hidden by grievances and was not observed by the people in the center of the apartment, now showed a hideous face as the distance approached.

"...It is said that if the Hundred Eyed Ghost is endlessly ‘dazzling’, it can be refined into a terrifying thing called "Hundred Eyes True Eyes." "

Regardless of the weird tornado in his line of sight, Shimoto Ichiro looked deeply at Mochizuki Ayano, who was murdered in front of the gate of hell under the full moon, and seemed to think of something terrible.

"Hundred Eyes True Hitomi?"

Sitting cross-legged, he muttered this familiar term in silence, and slowly raised his head to look at the sky.

"...That's it? Have your courage been exhausted by the fire of hell?!"

In the midair, because the ghosts dissipated too quickly and tragically, the gate of hell, where ghosts spewed wildly, unexpectedly appeared "green and yellow not receiving" phenomenon, and "stopped business" again.

It seems that even those who don't know life or death in the door are frightened by the fierceness of the Hundred Eyed Ghost.

"Humph, it's enough..."

"Mochizuki Ayano" faced the night breeze and slowly closed his eyes.

Her pupils all over the body began to close and disappear one by one.


After the last eye on her body disappeared, "Mochizuki Ayano" smiled and opened his eyes.

This is a pair of ordinary, light blue eyes restored.

Hundreds of eyes return to one, and the square is the true pupil.

"It seems to be... late."

Looking at Mochizuki Ayano's eyes, the white light in Kofa's eyes surged, and the sky's eyes turned on the defense like a conditioned reflex.

"Finally... finally let me reshape Hundred Eyes True Hitomi."

Hundred eyes return to one, Mochizuki Aya is raising the sky and roaring.

With the true pupil of the hundred eyes, her pupil skills can be regarded as being able to be fully utilized, and truly set foot on the threshold of a certain supreme field.

"Hundred Eyes True Hitomi, it's just the beginning... what I want is much more than that!!!"

Immediately, she suddenly raised her head and greedily looked at the full moon in the sky.

"Today, I not only want to reshape the true pupil of the hundred eyes, but also use this'Moon Wheel Nine Glory' as a guide to turn the bright moon in the sky into my "moon pupil"..."

"I want to prove to Fujiwara Hidego that this pair of eyesight that you abandoned like a shoe is the most precious treasure in this world!"

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