I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 371: The Wall of Destiny

Above the night sky, Kenmine Jiro, with two wings, was walking crookedly with the wind, and his condition did not seem to be very good.

A few minutes ago, the full moon above his head suddenly disappeared, and the terrifying sight made him unable to move. He fell directly from the air and landed on the roof of a high-rise building.

Relying on the body of a grudge on his body, he did not become the first "Tengu Power" controller to fall to death.

Later, that Yuetong's attention seemed to be attracted by other existence, and he was able to relax.

Your Excellency "Hell Revolution", what kind of existence has awakened from the gates of hell? "

Feeling the strong fluctuations of the unknown force field on the roof of the apartment in front of Tibet, there was a trace of fear in his wooden eyes behind the tengu mask.

Instinctively told him that there were extremely terrifying monsters fighting to death.

"Boom boom boom..."

The roar of his feet attracted his attention.

Without the grievance package, the black-and-white locomotive that rushed back clearly appeared in his sight, pointing straight to the Tibetan apartment under the gate of hell.

"The noisy guy, isn't he dead? Then let me see, where is your limit..."

Suspended in the air, Kotomine Jiro opened his palm solemnly.

A slap-sized piece of metal appeared in his hand.

"It's a glorious death for you to let me use this grievance."

As this thing appeared, the wind surged up and down his whole body far more surging than before.

"Kamikaze, fall like cherry blossoms..."

The grudge, "fragments of the Sakura attack plane."

The Sakura special attack plane was the first to be used in the Jushui II operation and was the main type of the infamous "Kamikaze Special Attack Team".

The name "Kamikaze" originated from the Yuan army's invasion of Japan.

The Yuan Dynasty army's two eastern expeditions to Japan were due to the sudden typhoon on the sea, which caused fleet losses and made the eastern expeditions come to an end.

The Japanese believed that the "Kamikaze" set off by the ghost of Emperor Jinmu repelled the Yuan army, allowing them to escape the fate of being annihilated by the Yuan Dynasty. Since then, the "Kamikaze" has been named the death squad.

The Kamikaze Special Attack is a method of suicide attack, that is, a large number of high explosives are loaded on the aircraft and placed in front of the pilot's cockpit. Once the target is found, the person and the aircraft will hit the aircraft, and the nose will touch the hard one. The object exploded violently immediately.

This type of full-loaded bomb is often only equipped with the most basic power. It is mounted by the bomber to the enemy ship and thrown out, without any hope of returning.

Part of the special attack team members with weak minds were even tied to the special attack aircraft, and did not provide parachutes and return fuel, in order to cut off their hope of survival.

"Falling down like cherry blossoms" was their second slogan before they died in despair.

In terms of the metal wreck in Minejiro's hand, it is the result of the obsession of the "Sakura Special Attack Plane" that was filled with fanaticism, despair and longing for life in "Operation Kikusui II" and died with the enemy.

Not only can the holder land safely from the air, but it can also greatly increase the control of the "wind".

As Yanfeng Jiro held the "fragments of the Sakura Special Attack Plane" and squeezed his palms together, the four violent tornadoes that ravaged Taitung District, like soldiers lined up, gradually closed under the fierce collision...


With the sound of weeping strings, the invisible arrow pierced the strong suction of the tornado and came straight to the door of Yanmine Jiro without warning.

Fortunately, a gust of wind spontaneously protects him, blowing away the arrow of spiritual power, and protecting his face.


After dodge the arrow dangerously and dangerously, Yanfeng Jiro stretched out his hand to touch the mask on his face.

The tengu mask with red fangs and thick nose, starting from the 18 cm tip of the nose, a crack slowly appeared, and then it turned into fragments and fell in mid-air.

Behind the mask, Yanfeng Jiro's green face was exposed.

"Spirit Eliminator? Did you notice me?"

His sharp eyes like an eagle, through the night, fell to the end of the "road of light", on a certain girl who was standing with a bow.

The girl in the red and white robe of the witch, looked at him without showing any weakness.

The eyes of the two men crossed a distance of kilometers, and they collided with fierce sparks.

"Following Nagoya Port, we met again. The witch-sama of Akagi Shrine...Are the Abe's successors also there?"

In the midair, Yanfeng Jiro bowed gracefully to the opponent.

"...This time, you won't be as lucky as you were last time."

On the ground, Mayumi Torii did not respond to his politeness, just like practicing in the archery dojo on weekdays, without killing intent, pulling away the longbow in his hand...


In response to Yanmine Jiro, there were arrows that roared one after another.

"Unfortunately, the sky that the goshawk flies over cannot accommodate half a bird..."

Yonmine Jiro hovered in the air without dodge or avoid, a pair of black wings stirred up the violent wind, and took those invisible arrows away from the orbit.

At his feet, the black and white locomotive, as if drunk, was approaching crookedly in the direction of the tornado.

"Hiccup...the tornado has started again, and buy one get three free...Wait, do you fit together?"

These four huge tornadoes that stood side by side, swept away most of the grievances and ghosts in Taitung District, slowly gathered and merged before his eyes...

A tornado that was four times larger than the previous one, in the form of a high wall called "Despair", lay between the locomotive and the apartment in front of Tibet.

"Hiccup...really, God is not beautiful!"

Seeing the "four-in-one" super-large tornado in front of him, Sosuke Araki fiercely twisted the accelerator, his eyes flashed with despair and unwillingness.

At this moment, the expensive GOPRO above his head has been swept away by the wind, and only the abnormal inverted triangle headband remains stubbornly wrapped around his head.

"Hey, can this world just not tolerate me?"

In his eyes, the invincible tornado entrenched in the front has already turned into a high wall called "Destiny".

"Taking away Uncle Haruto, Xinghei, Reiko..."

This high wall has kept him on his way all the time over the years, making it difficult for him to move forward.

"Up until now, even my only shelter..."

"And the collection that represents precious memories..."

"...Do you want to take them all too?!"

In the past, he will always choose to use optimism and hard work to resolve.

But at this moment, the backlog of unwillingness and anger over the past two decades was completely ignited by alcohol and turned into an impulse in his heart.

The urge to crush this unfair destiny, desperate world!

"If you don't want me to go home so much, even if it's a script written by God, Laozi will rebelliously show you today!"

Following the angry roar of Araki Sosuke, the "Warring States Samurai" under him also made a fierce roar like he felt, and the speed soared instantly.

Like Don Quixote rushing towards a windmill, the tiny locomotive sprints towards the stout tornado that has completed the "four in one" and transformed into the "eight-level gale"...

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