I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 372 Writing Bird Tour, pronounced as Ying Wu

"This idiot!!!"

"Senior Araki..."

On Showa Avenue in the back, Abeji Temple and Yamada Kengo were in canthus after seeing Sosuke Araki's "suicidal" action.

However, they had no time to do anything, so they could only watch desperately, the tornado that destroyed the world, disappeared in that tiny back...

"and many more?!"

"Am I dazzled?"

As everyone expected, the scene of Sosuke Araki being turned into flesh by the tornado did not appear.

On the contrary, it was the huge black tornado. After being hit by the locomotive, it turned into a few breeze and drifted away as if it had never appeared before, without warning...

And inside that tornado, almost the entire Taitung District condensed into a thick liquid resentment, frantically pouring into Araki Zongsuke's body.

However, even though the wind was light and the clouds were light and the black fog dispersed, the sky full of building debris and countless ghost figures still fell towards him from the air.

"If, even this world can't tolerate me..."

Seeing this weird scene above, Araki Sosuke's face filled with black runes like a conditioned reflex.

The thick liquid resentment entered the body, making him, who was already drunk, more and more mad.

It's like a drunkard who has been drunk continuously for a hundred years and then became drunk crazy.

"...Then simply, let me crush the world!!!"

The white light of anger ignited from the depths of his pupils and gradually spread throughout his eye sockets, bursting out like a substance.

As soon as the black rune climbed onto his face, under the impact of the white light, it shattered fiercely into a dark red spot.


The white light burning in Araki Sosuke's eyes collided with the black runes that wriggled up along his neck.

He entered a mysterious state where he was irrational and acted only by instinct.

In his heart, he only remembered one thought.

Just like every night when leaving get off work, riding a motorcycle, along the dark and familiar path in front of you, back to the apartment in front of Tibet...

Back, my only shelter.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

The "Warring States Warrior" roared and cocked his head, leaping high on the pavement raised by his feet...

On the back of Sosuke Araki, a pair of huge black arms of lava whizzed out, causing the black and white locomotive to glide forward for a while as if it had obtained two wings...

At the same time, the violent and continuous wind of fists like a Gatling machine gun blasted the night sky behind him fiercely.

The dense clusters of ghosts, construction debris, and vehicle wreckage all turned into nothingness under this terrible count of punches.

At this moment, Fengyue was silent, the dynasty of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

In the night sky of Taitung District, the Leonid meteor shower blew up.

"To...become a Buddha? This number?"

"This is... Is that guy's real strength?"

"Yes, this is what I know, Mr. Araki..."

In the light and rain, Araki Zongsuke's figure soaring and galloping in the air made everyone unable to look away.

"Where is this guy sacred?!"

In the air, Yanmine Jiro, who had been expressionless, opened his mouth in a gaffe, looking at the ghost under the black fist that was broken into countless light spots.Although he doesn't quite understand the meaning of those ghosts whose limbs are shining white light and flying in the night sky, why he still has to put his hands together...

However, this is because he deliberately manipulated four tornadoes, covering almost the entire Taitung District's grievances, and sucking in thousands of ghosts and ghosts! ! !

Just as he dodges the invisible arrow, he is gone if he says nothing?

His eyes fixed on the back of the rider like an eagle.

"Hey, it turns out that if you are as strong as your lord, will you get hurt?"

The clothes on the rider's back have been shattered into pieces of cloth under the scrapes of various wrecks and debris.

There was a dense, blood pool of fine wounds.

"No matter where you are sacred, as long as there are weaknesses, even if you are a god, you will be killed!"

Steady his mind, the blue veins on Kenmine Jiro's face burst, and a violent wind began to gather around him.

"No one...can...stop...the blooming of evil flowers!!!"

Several winds turned into invisible arms, rolled up a few cars parked on the road, and smashed them towards Sousuke Araki in mid-air.

Kenmine Jiro, who saw that the "divine power" was difficult to directly take effect, calmly adopted what he thought was the most effective method.

In the midair, the "Warring States Warrior" tapped a piece of wreckage that hadn't fallen yet, and leaped in another direction with force, avoiding a smashed car dangerously and dangerously.

Jump to overtake!

However, the subsequent burst of the car window glass still brought out small blood stains on Araki Sosuke's body.

"Hey, I think you can hide how many times!"

It seemed that he had grasped the key, Kinmine Jiro in the night wind waved his hands very rhythmically as if he was conducting a symphony.

Cars, following the rhythm of waving his hands, were constantly being stirred up by the gust of wind and attacked towards Sousuke Araki.

Even though the warriors of the Warring States period are hoarse, they are swiftly tossing and turning like beasts...

But the residues that passed by still left wounds on his body, and at the same time, they ate away his space of activity bit by bit like a Go game.

"No, if this goes on, that guy will be unavoidable!"

In the distance, watching Sosuke Araki, who was walking in embarrassment in the "car rain", with less and less space for activity, but still not slowing down at all, Abeji frowned.

Not far from him, Tori Mayumi stopped drawing the bow at some point, closing her eyes with her hands on her chest, meditating silently.

"The one who can defeat you, only me..."


Squeezing out the last trace of spiritual power in his body, the sun and moon double knives around his waist were hung out of the sheath, and they galloped towards Sousuke Araki against the ground.

"No, stop here for Laozi!!!"

In the midair, seeing Sosuke Araki who had just avoided a huge piece of concrete, Yanfeng Jiro's eyes flashed with excitement like an eagle.


Under his anticipation, another large truck, already being rolled up by the wind, slammed into the only foothold of that annoying locomotive one step ahead of time.

Seeing that the warriors of the Warring States Period had nowhere to take advantage, they were about to turn into mud under the heavy truck, and a pair of samurai swords appeared ghostly under their tires.

"Boom boom boom..."

The tires of the locomotive were spinning at a high speed to take advantage of the pair of knives. The warrior of the Warring States Period switched directions, dodge the deadly heavy truck, and ran towards the Tibetan apartment not far away.

"Run? Can the rabbit on the ground escape the goshawk in the air?"

Yanfeng Jiro will naturally not let the other party get what they want.

"...This time, I must end you here!!"

Like a falcon that consumes the power of hunting objects in the night sky, he spreads out his wings to follow the "white rabbit" running below, and constantly manipulates the whirlwind with both hands, rolling up various things and chasing the locomotive and smashing it.

After landing, it was blocked by the traffic that was anchored on the road and the broken terrain crushed by the tornado. Instead, the activity space of Sosuke Araki was not as flexible as flying in the air.

And the black arms behind him seemed to be only interested in ghosts, and they "finished work" early and retracted into his body.

In the face of various wrecks that were constantly coming in, like heavy artillery shells, the situation became more and more precarious as Araki Sosuke was immersed in accelerating speed.

"Master God..."

At the back of Showa Avenue, even though the situation was precarious, Yu Mayumi Kotori still folded her hands on her chest, praying with her eyes closed religiously.

Because Grandpa said that as long as you pray with your heart, the Lord God will definitely respond.

The Akagi Himimei-sama whom she enshrines is highly respected because of her prayers for women.

I am the heir of the Little Bird Tour clan.

I am the current and only priestess of Akagi Shrine.

I am, the dignified level of exemption [two] the spirit remover, the bird Yu Mayumi.

Akagi Hime-sama, when Mr. Araki needs help, I am not reconciled to being just, his burden.

"Even this time, please grant me the power to fight alongside Mr. Araki..."


As the girl prayed in a low voice, the old long knife that had been silent on her waist all night suddenly trembled fiercely and screamed loudly.

"Seven, July rain?"

Akagi Three Sacred Weapon·Demon Sword·July Rain...

Request to play!

"...You, too, want to be with me and guard the back of Mr. Araki, right?"

Tori Yu Mayumi was taken aback for a moment, then with an excited smile, carefully grasped the soft leather-wrapped knife handle.

Unlike the demon bow crying and the dry gouyu, as the first of Akagi's three divine tools, the most Tsundere, the demon sword July Rain, which has not been sheathed for hundreds of years, is the only divine tool that has not responded to her.

This is July Rain, and it is the first time to answer her prayers.


Before she could exert her strength, July Rain almost unsheathed herself against the palm of the girl.

"This is……"

Seeing the July rain that he pulled out of his hand, Tori Mayumi showed a look of surprise.

"It changes invisible like a drizzle in July, hence the name, July rain."

As a shrine maiden at Chisei Shrine, she had secretly wondered before going to bed what a Taishou would look like if the July rain was pulled out by her hand.

However, the July Rain in her hand is not what she imagined, any kind of Taito.

Rather, this is not a "knife" in any sense at all.

This is one that only she can see. The torso is as thick as jade, and the head is as sharp as the teeth of a giant snake...

Giant bone arrow.

"I see……"

At the time of the devil, the grandfather's whisper in her ear clearly came to mind.

"My little birdie family still has a secret arrow, which I haven't granted you..."

Without hesitation, Yu Mayumi Xiaoniao held his breath, and placed the July rain in his hand on the giant demon bow crying.

"It's not that I have selfish intentions, but that this arrow can only be used by a person who has the approval of the three Akagi artifacts at the same time. There is no precedent except for the first maiden of Little Bird Tour. It is easy to shake the faith and miss the whole life..."

At this moment, she finally understood why the demon bow cried so huge.

Because only such a huge bow is qualified to catch the giant arrow made by the rain of July."call……"

The majestic spiritual power surging from the whole body of Yu Mayu Yuu Tori, and calmly follow the movements of the eight knots of the Kyudo, stepping, building, kicking, attracting points, meeting, and leaving...

In the eyes of others, she was still empty in her hands that should have held the arrow, and her bow and arrow movements were the same as before, but slower.

The arrow hits the string, and it gradually fills up like a bright moon.

When the moon wheel was complete, she calmly closed her eyes.

Because, this arrow does not require the use of eyes.

The string of translucent withered gou jade on his chest, lightly swinging with the wind, lit up one by one.

In the boundless darkness, the little bird's thought of traveling Mayumi stretched towards the night sky, firmly locking a certain figure in mid-air.

Then, as if stroking the strings, she gently let go of her hand.


In the crisp string tone as always, the invisible July rain disappeared into her hands without warning.

Only the empty bowstring remained, still echoing in the air.


Above the sky, Jiro Genmine, who was flying with wings spread, suddenly appeared a huge blood hole in his body, which penetrated his right chest.

"woo woo woo woo……"

The ending sound, like crying, sounded in his ears like hindsight.

As if there was an invisible arrow, teleporting generally ignored the space and hit him accurately.

Secret Arrow·Eagle None.

It is written as Xiaoniaoyou, pronounced as Yingwu.

The sky where the birds are playing and playing cannot accommodate the figure of the goshawk.


Like a goshawk shot by a hunter, Gonmine Jiro fell sharply toward the ground fiercely.


The thick, invisible but touchable arrow in his chest, like the fangs of a vampire, squeezed out all the power in his body, and disappeared mercilessly.


As the sound of the sword sounded, Julie Yu did not know when, unexpectedly, she returned to the scabbard at the waist of Yu Mako Torii, as quiet as she had never been unsheathed.

In the middle of the air, the last scene that Yanmine Jiro saw before he became unconscious was that Damn it locomotive, like a wild horse running out of hold, rushed towards the Tibetan apartment not far away.


Above the Tibetan apartment, the dark red door of hell is still dripping with endless resentment.

But because of the two terrifying existence outside the door, no ghosts dared to gush out of them anymore.

The spirit eliminators around the apartment, unable to recover from the deterrence of Hundred Eyes True Hitomi, fell to the ground crookedly.

Above the rooftop, Shimoto Ichiro and Kofa, the only ones who remain conscious, are closing their eyes tightly, grasping the spiritual power accumulated in the body every second.

Above the night sky, in front of the gates of hell, Mochizuki Ayano, dominated by the "Hundred Eyes", is still at a standoff with Fujiwara Takumi, who has been slain by the "Emperor Meiji".

At this moment, pieces of golden chrysanthemum pattern supernatural power formed a chain-like appearance, firmly wrapped around her in the form of "tortoiseshell binding".

But the full moon that turned into golden pupils in the night sky was constantly lowering the moon, corroding the chain of chrysanthemum pattern on her body.

"Hey, Meiji...just stay in stalemate with me like this, is it really okay..."

Mochizuki Ayano's blue pupils narrowed slightly, as if resisting some kind of sleepiness that continued to attack.

"My eyes can see clearly, the divine power in your glass god's body is running out..."

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