I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 373 Frozen Memories

"I don't hesitate to exhaust my divine power and stand in a stalemate with me. Then, what do you plan to do with the door of hell above your head..."

Dozens of golden pupils appeared from Mochizuki Ayano's face, staring at the "Fujiwara Takumi" in front of him fiercely.

The surging golden flames continued to gush out, and the chrysanthemum pattern chains on her body were broken and cracked.

As the most popular Shinto shrine in Japan, Meiji Shrine is good at purifying and praying.

The power of faith accumulated for many years was personally used by Emperor Meiji, and it can be described as the greatest nemesis of ghosts.

Even the one-hundred-eyed ghost who has refined the real pupils with hundred eyes and turned the moon into pupils can't break through the blockade of this chrysanthemum pattern divine power for a time.

"At the beginning, your royal family moved to Tokyo because of the Luocheng gate that connects hell..."

Looking up at the gate of hell above his head, "Mochizuki Ayano" seemed to think of something funny, and Yang Tian laughed wildly.

"Today, a hundred years later, shouldn't your royal family move back to Kyoto again because of this Luocheng gate, hahahahahaha!"

During the Heiankyo era, the gate of hell appeared at the southern gate of Kyoto, turning it into a ghost, and countless spirit exterminators, including the Great Onmyoji Abe Haruaki, were helpless.

It was the door that broke the hundreds of years between the world and hell, and created the Heiankyo era of Hyakki Yakou, and opened the bloody and dark history of the coexistence of humans and ghosts for hundreds of years.

"Hmph, this Luocheng Gate has someone who should be robbed..."

Taking a deep look at Mochizuki Ayano, "Fujiwara Takumi" suddenly appeared in front of her, pointing a finger on her forehead.

"Ignorance, why should I use brute force to seal you..."

A golden chrysanthemum pattern spiritual power was deeply embedded in Mochizuki Ayano's eyebrows.

"This child contains enough power to fight against you. All I have to do is to activate the seal..."

"This power...no..."

As the pure divine power entered the body, "Mochizuki Ayano" showed a hideous look, and dozens of golden pupils flashing on her face simultaneously showed incredible eyes.

A holy power entwined with gold and blue surged out of her body.

"It's you...how could it be...your power should have been..."

Feeling this familiar and unfamiliar breath, the "Hundred Eyed Ghost" can't help but think of a pair of men and women.


Ten years ago, Saitama City, full moon night.

"Kino, Keiji, have you really decided? My Qimen gossip formation can't suppress her for too long..."

In a western-style house on the outskirts of Kyoto, a blond young girl with wicked pupils is surrounded by circles of talisman paper on the ground.

A pair of black and white yin and yang fish swimming under her feet and the Buddha's light shrouded in her head made her unable to even move her eyes.

"Otherwise, just listen to me, retreat first and then think of a way..."

Tokimoto Ichiro and Master Kukai, who were pale and unwilling, were sitting aside trying to maintain the transmission of spiritual power.

Under the full moon, the moon wheel and Jiuyao were fully opened, and the young girl who was possessed by a hundred-eyed ghost before her eyes seemed to have endless pupil power.

"Retreat? Do you want me to leave my daughter alone with blood on my hands... There is nothing to hesitate, right, Chino."


Behind the young girl, a heroic middle-aged man struggled to support the blond woman beside him, and with a gentle and firm expression, he rejected Tokimoto Ichiro's proposal.These two people are Mochizuki Keiji, the strongest spirit exterminator in Mochizuki's contemporary era, and his wife, Mochizuki Kino.

That is, the former saint of the Holy See of the Vatican, Chino Saint Catherine.

"Yes, I chose to use the "seventh seal" to seal this immortal demon in the body of the unborn child, when I wanted to completely seal him with the blood of the conceived celestial being..."

The two walked side by side in front of the young girl, clasped their hands tightly, and gently embraced her young and poor body.

"...I'm ready, facing the price he needs to pay for breaking the seal."

The two looked at a monk not far away, nodded and bowed: "It's just that today, the Hundred Eyed Ghost is abrupt and has many doubts and can't get rid of that group of guys... From now on, this kid, please let the two of you take care of it."

"Don't worry about giving her to us..."

Hearing the words of the two, Tokimoto Ichiro frowned, tears in his eyes, biting the tip of his tongue, and a mouthful of blood sprayed on the charm in front of his eyes: "I, I, I, relying on my blood and blood, to swear to the true monarch San Mao, I will be today. Investigating the matter to the end, it is not in harmony with the'gang of guys'!"

Kukai also looked serious and nodded without saying a word.

Two lines of clear tears flowed from Chino's face: "...It's just that this child has suffered, and he has to bear such a heavy responsibility on his own, and walk down alone."

"Believe Ayano, after all, she is our daughter."

Mochizuki Teruji glanced at the cute daughter in front of him with a cowardly look: "I'm sorry, Ayano-chan, mom and dad...I can't continue to fulfill my parents' obligations."

Following the words of the two, the majestic spiritual power and the holy light glowed on the two of them at the same time, and then they continued to be entangled together.

Holy Light Elena's Stigma

Moon-watching Secret Art · Seal of Heaven and Man.

"Are you... crazy... are you..."

Feeling the movements of the two, the blond girl who was suppressed by the seal spoke anxiously and hard.

The two simultaneously used the sealing forbidden technique that could only be driven at the cost of burning vitality.

"Doing this...you...will also...die..."

"Ayano-chan, how much my mother wants to protect you, watch you like every ordinary girl, grow up, graduate, work, get married, become a mother..."

Ignoring the low growl in his arms that did not belong to his daughter, Kino still said to himself.

"In the future, you have to eat more fruits and vegetables, not just food from convenience stores, otherwise it will affect your development..."

"Damn it, stupid...human..."

As the spiritual power surged in the two of them, the young girl in her arms seemed to be exhausted, and she slowly closed her eyes.

"One day, I will break through your seal...At that time, I want you all to..."

Her bitter words were also concealed by Kino's tender thoughts.

"Every day, take a shower, go to bed early, and don't stay up late, otherwise your skin will get worse..."

"Remember to make friends, as long as they are trusted and close friends, even if there are only one or two, it is enough..."

"Everyone has what they are good at and what they are not good at. Don't force yourself to take on too many responsibilities because of your ‘excellent’ and ‘different’..."

The turbulent seal power slowly passed into the young girl from Mochizuki and his wife, turning her countless eyes and pupils into black air one by one, transpiring into the air.

"There are boys, you will definitely meet a boy you like in the future, although he may have shortcomings of one kind or another..."

"It doesn't matter if you are ordinary, as long as you are brave, enthusiastic, and gentle like your dad, that's fine..."

"Ayano-chan, in the future, you may encounter a lot of difficulties, bear a lot of pain and responsibilities, but please don't lose the smile on your face..."

"You must believe in yourself and the people around you, even at the last moment, you can't give up..."

As the technique was gradually completed, the light of fire in the eyes of the Mochizuki couple began to extinguish.

"Nagging mother, time, it's almost time..."

"Sorry, husband, do you have anything else to say to this kid..."

"It doesn't matter, what I want to say, you have already said for me."

Looking at the wife and daughter in his arms dozingly, Mochizuki Teruji showed a weak and content smile on his face.

"Ayano-chan...mother has a lot, a lot, a lot to tell you, mom wants to be by your side all the time..."

Glancing at the lovely daughter in her arms, the two cuddled with each other, smiling and whispering...

"...I'm sorry, remember, Mom and Dad, love you forever."

Forever, I closed my eyes.


Above the apartment in front of Tibet, surrounded by that golden and blue intersecting force, Mochizuki Ayano slowly floated to the ground, closing her eyes tightly as if sleeping.

"Ignorant creatures."

After doing all this, "Fujiwara Takumi" with a cold face, looked down at his feet as if feeling instinctive...

"Wait, when is this guy..."

On the roof of the apartment in front of Tibet, a bumpy figure stood quietly at some point.

"Are there ghosts and gods in the gates of hell?"

It was a monster with a golden double pony tail that was completely undetected by him, and did not know when it appeared there.

The only thing that can isolate the "god" from the induction can only be the existence of ghosts and gods.

This man has a mature body of an adult woman, her whole body is pitch black, composed of countless eyeballs from head to toe, and even the entire head is a giant one-eyed monster, just like this quietly and curiously turning the whole body up and down thousands of eyeballs, Looking around everything that happened.

If Moon Shadow Qiancao or Houhailudou are here, you will be able to instantly recognize that the "female" monster made up of eyeballs in front of you is the last few pages of KIYOMI's masterpiece "Weird Mud Wrestling Series". Cthulhu] (mother).

He stared at the hundreds of thousands of eyes of the evil god with gaping eyes, even when facing the expressionless "Fujiwara Takumi" who "turned the moon into a pupil", it was the first time that he revealed a look called "surprise".

"You...you are not..."

Because he couldn't see the other side at a glance.

This monster does not seem to be as simple as resentful spirits, weirdness, and ghosts.

In addition to the resentment in the opponent's body, there was also a primitive, disorderly, chaotic and brutal aura he had never seen before.

Looking at Fujiwara Takumi from the air, the Evil God of Slotted Eyes put his hands together in front of him and politely "bows", and under the huge eyeball that is the "head", a huge mouth full of fine teeth like a shark burst open... …

Immediately, He tilted his head dumbly, like a girl strolling in the fields, humming happily with that huge mouth, and sang an indescribable song: "Hiccup...He...Lo...hiss~~~~"

His voice is not loud, but it can no longer be described as penetrating.

This weird song instantly covered the area within one kilometer of the apartment in front of Tibet, and it resounded in everyone's mind simultaneously.

Hearing this weird melody, repeating and unclear singing, the few people who were awake in the scene were suddenly struck by lightning.


"The head hurts... what happened..."Immersed in this unignorable singing like an alarm clock, the spirit removers who had fainted around the apartment in front of Tibet somehow also forcibly regained consciousness.

With the singing into the ears, wisps of scarlet and slender energy that could not be observed by the spirit exterminator slowly entangled and circulated on the surface of the human body.

"Uhhhhhh... don't..."

The capillaries on their faces suddenly swelled like reptiles, showing an extremely crazy and painful expression.

"No, this guy is not a ghost at all...External Demon...how could he find here..."

As strong as "Fujiwara Takumi", he can only cover his ears like crazy and fall down from mid-air...

It seems that the impact of this singing on him is far greater than that of everyone in the room.

"Here, only you can stop her... wake up!!!"

Falling to the ground hard, ignoring the injuries on his body, "Fujiwara Takumi" gathered the last supernatural power in his body, and pointed to Mochizuki Ayano who was still asleep.

"Remember, unsee, unheard, untrustworthy, unthinkable, unrememberable, all recognition and perception will only become theirs..."

After doing all this, Fujiwara Takumi immediately fell to the ground, unconscious.

Strong as the Emperor Meiji descended, he could not resist the unknown singing of the Cthulhu Cthulhu, exhausted his divine power and left.



Mochizuki Ayano's slender eyelashes trembled slightly, and she slowly opened her eyes.

As always, she stood in the endless void.

Two lines of tears slid down his face without warning.

"What I just saw was the memory of the Hundred Eyed Ghost when'that incident' happened?"

Touching her wet face with a cold complexion, Mochizuki Ayano tried her best to absorb the memory fragments in her mind.

She lived happily with her parents until she was six years old in the city of Saitama, known as "Little Edo."

Bad cooking, confused but full of vitality...

A gentle, calm father...

In addition to her unforgettable talent, she lives an ordinary life similar to every ordinary girl.

But this kind of life stopped abruptly on her sixth birthday.

What happened that night is completely blank in her memory.

Perhaps a certain memory is too heavy, and her young body will choose the unbearable memory related to the Hundred Eye Ghost, and even the pupil technique, and hand it over to a newly born successor personality for safekeeping.

The scientific name "dissociative identification disorder", that is, split personality.

The personality of that successor called himself "Mochizuki Ayase".

The only thing she remembered was the dead body of her parents who hugged herself and sat down in a lot of blood and breathless when she opened her eyes.

Since then, whether it's the family, the Spirit Eliminators Association, Master Kukai, or President Tokimoto, they have been silent about the events of that day.

And she chose to join the ninth lesson just to find out what happened that year.

However, since the investigation, she has only seen the simple description in the top-secret file, "...The Hundred Eyed Ghost tried to break through the seal, causing the death of Mochizuki Keiji and his wife...".

As if everything that happened that day was frozen by the heavy dust of time.

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