Scenes of fragmented memories kept pouring into Mochizuki Ayano's mind.

Belonging to the Hundred Eyes, Belonging to Mochizuki Ayase, Belonging to her...

"I see……"

Gradually, a smile of relief appeared at the corner of Mochizuki Ayano's mouth.

It turns out that Mom and Dad weren't killed by me or this body.

But they chose to give me the hope of continuation of life...

The deep love from her parents gradually enveloped her sensitive and fragile heart and became extremely powerful.

Having lost the memory of that night, she has been burdened with the guilt of not being able to control the Hundred Eyed Ghost in her body over the years, killing her parents.

It is precisely for this reason that she was appointed to serve as the head of the ninth lesson when she was in danger. She just hoped that through her own efforts, she would be able to reduce the number of families that were similar to her but fragmented because of the "extraordinary".

This is also her "salvation" for herself.

"Ayano sauce..."


A man and a woman called softly, making her turn her head.

Her father and mother, who didn't know when, quietly appeared behind them, staring at her warmly.

"Mochizuki Ayase, is it your ghost again?"

With six eyes facing each other, Mochizuki Ayano frowned slightly.

Now, she has no disgust for another personality "Mochizuki Ayase".

It is precisely because of this sub-personality that my young self can live and grow in the way closest to ordinary people without a mental breakdown, and has been silently bearing so many terrible memories for himself, as well as the erosion from the Hundred Eyed Ghost.

Now it seems that Mochizuki Ayase often uses scenes like this to stimulate herself, just to increase the chance of gaining control of the body and to "take a breath."

"The child Ayase is asleep now."

"Yes, after all, she has tried her best to suppress the Hundred Eyed Ghosts over the years."

In front of him, the words of his parents made Mochizuki Ayano's body tremble uncontrollably.

She only noticed that there was no blood, scars or strangeness in the image of her parents.

On the contrary, there are many more "details" in her appearance and dress that she never had in her memory.

This is completely different from many previous "false reunions".

"Dad...Mom...Really, is it you?"

"Yes, Ayano-chan... you are so cute when you grow up."

Before he finished speaking, Mochizuki Ayano was already tightly embraced by his mother.

"Strictly speaking, it was the power of the soul that we sealed in your body at the beginning."

From the back, the father who walked slowly over, smiled and explained.

"Sorry, Ayano-chan, Mommy used you as a container to seal the Hundred Eyes without authorization, but left you again, leaving you to bear these burdens alone..."

"If we failed to live with you, grow up with you, or give you enough love, how could we be willing to leave."

Mother Mochizuki Ayano's words filled with apology made Mochizuki Ayano's tears flow from her eyes like a fountain.

After the two burned their lives and sealed the Hundred Eyed Ghosts, they did not choose to leave in a tacit understanding.

Rather, he gave up the possibility of becoming a Buddha and reincarnating and reentering the cycle of reincarnation, burning his soul, turning it into another seal, and staying in the depths of Mochizuki Ayano's soul.

"...Dad, mom."

After a long while, Mochizuki Ayano, who woke up to all this, awkwardly wiped the tears from her face, and replied with a trembling voice: "You... don't have to apologize, I have never hated Mom and Dad..."

"From birth to the happy memories of my sixth birthday, every second, every frame, I have kept it in my heart..."

The hearty smile that she had never seen before appeared on her face like the rising sun.

"Now, I have understood that my parents were not killed by me. On the contrary, you gave me the opportunity to continue my life...Before bearing these burdens, I had already been filled by your love. Full……"

Hearing Mochizuki Ayano's words, Mochizuki Keiji showed a relieved expression and stepped forward to hug them: "It seems that you are more mature and rational than we expected."

Mochizuki Ayano shook his head slightly, leaning against his parents as if lying on the bed, with a sweet smile: "I am the child of Mom and Dad, and I am also the section chief of Special Operations Section 9 of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. With these love in my heart, I will continue my destiny as a spirit remover!"

"After you left, the patriarch, Tokimoto teacher, and Master Kukai have always taken care of me."

"Moreover, I have already met a lot of interesting and trustworthy people. Of course, there are also headaches among them."

A warm, familiar smile flowed in her mind.

"Although, in the face of those terrible weirdness, we are still struggling hard."

"But, I will be like Mom and Dad, even when I die, I will never give up!"

Crystal clear tears bounced down her straight eyelashes, splashing dots of fluorescent light in the void.

"Really, then we can rest assured! I hope I can stay with you for a while."

As the three of them embraced each other, the figures of Mochizuki and his wife glowed with fiery light, gradually turning into fragments, dancing and blending into Mochizuki Ayano's body.

"...But now, your companions need you more."


Above the roof of the Tibetan apartment, the crimson energy of the gap-eyed evil god composed of countless turning eyeballs spread out, and the obscure, noisy and harsh singing voice in his mouth became more and more exciting.

The nearest Kukai and Tokimoto Ichiro, with blue veins on his face soaring and bloodless, drifting with the waves like a boat in the center of a storm.

The singing that hit the soul, gradually melted and fermented in everyone's mind, and gradually turned into a consciousness that transcended language.

"The sound of the sky is gradually ringing, and all beings know whether or not"

"Music is magical, the ants are unsolved, but the earth listens to it."

"The sunken city, the cave of no light, the cell of darkness, the gods listen"

"God understands his meaning, fades away from eternal sleep, and welcomes the moment of awakening."

A chaotic and fragmented picture, like the unceremonious elephant between the legs of the African elephant human race, rudely entered the minds of everyone in the field.

In the endless void of the universe, a faint gap suddenly appeared.

The gap slowly opened, revealing one of the scarlet one-eyed eyes, staring at it as if feeling.

Being stared at by this single-eyed gaze that does not know where it exists, everyone just feels that the sky is spinning and the mind is broken.

As the eyes intersected, the scarlet eyeball zoomed rapidly in front of everyone.

The closer the line of sight, you can clearly see this huge dark red eyeball like rust, the shell is full of faults and rift valleys, full of gas, ashes and hot liquid iron...

The "pupils" and "whites of the eyes" are composed of hot liquid iron, ruby-like existence and white unknown material exposed under the huge cracks in the outer shell.

This is not an eyeball at all, but...

A planet located somewhere in the void of the universe.

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