This eyeball-like red planet just floats lifelessly in the void of the universe, like a rolling thunder, exuding an overwhelming aura, always playing unclear, but awakening songs.

The memory dust belonging to the planet inevitably falls with the scarlet energy.

Death is not eternal. Compared with the unknown eternal world, even death itself will pass away.

This iron-red planet drifted for eternity in the void universe, crossing the orbits of countless stars.

Above the stars that pass by him, any sleeping existence will be awakened by this strange song.

Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, meteorite impacts, awakened ancient beings in the stars are fighting each other...

The scene of apocalypse that was so tragic that it was disintegrating appeared.

These stars that came into contact with Him have only one ending...

The entire astral body, together with all the lives on it, was completely destroyed and ceased to exist.

Just when everyone was immersed in this terrifying fear and felt that their self-consciousness was about to collapse, this "eyeball" moved.

Something seemed to be sensed, as if slowly and quickly, He started to move somewhere in the endless void.

Although I don't know where he is going, the frantic whisper contained in the song is ruthlessly telling...

Using the singing voice spread by this "incarnation" on the rooftop as the "link", the mysterious connection established with the people is the "coordinate"...

He, with a sense of destruction that is unconcealed, has nothing to do with good and evil, and only follows instinct, is coming towards the earth!

"No matter what he wants to do..."

"...Stop him!!!"

Facing this nightmare scene, the determination was as firm as Tokimoto Ichiro and Monk Kofa, and they could only faint directly after squeezing out these words.

"This...what's going on... It's noisy, my head hurts..."

Mochizuki Ayano, who had just regained consciousness, covered her ears instinctively, and looked at everything in the room in confusion.

At this moment, the world in front of her was completely new.

The spiritual power and resentment flowing in the air, the moonlight falling in the air, the dark red strange particles that spread to everyone with the song of the eyeball monster...

All the elements that make up the movement of the world are in her eyes.

It seems that as long as she makes a random look, she can mobilize the flow of power where she sees.

The moon pupil in the night sky has a strong connection with her, continuously providing her with the power of the moon.

"This is, Hundred Eyes True Eyes and Moon Wheel Jiuyao?"

Mochizuki Aya only felt that she was as powerful as a god like never before.

Under the combined action of "Hundred Eyes True Eyes" and "Moon Wheel Nine Lights", the eye power in her body, like the vast ocean, and the power of the moon from the full moon above her head, spontaneously merge together.

Before Emperor Meiji left, the spiritual power of the chrysanthemum pattern that remained between her eyebrows was also burning like a candle in the wind.

All the forces that belong to this world seem to unite like never before at this moment.

Just to protect her consciousness, to isolate her from the erosion of the indescribable singing, and to avoid her being contaminated by the strange power of the monster before she wakes up.

"No road race, no road race, no road race..."

As her eyes flowed, the powerful moonlight power had already blessed the human bodies around the apartment, preventing the scarlet weird energy from continuing to spread.

"shut up!!!"

With Mochizuki Ayano's impatience, the body of the Evil God with eyes was violently twisted like a black hole.

Hundred eyes moon pupil · Heaven and man return to the moon.

In a short while, the space where the Evil God's body is located has experienced countless annihilation, emptiness, and reconstruction.

In desperation, Mochizuki Ayano did not hesitate to use the strongest pupil technique among the memory fragments of the Hundred Eye Ghost.

"How can this be……"

Unexpectedly, the scarlet energy floating in the song spontaneously covered the body of the Evil God of Slots, forming a barrier.

That scarlet barrier not only blocked Mochizuki Ayano’s strongest attack, but also ferociously swallowed the pupil power from Mochizuki Ayano...

"It's terrible, this is what Emperor Meiji said, is it an alien?"

Constantly devouring everything he touched, the scarlet energy became more and more violent, forcing Mochizuki Ayano to immediately withdraw his pupil technique.

As the pupils dissipated, the weird singing voice spread out again, wisps of scarlet energy, like snowflakes falling in the air, entangled more and more heavily on the surface of Mochizuki Ayano...

"No...get out..."

That terrible song was entering her mind bit by bit.

Mochizuki Ayano knew that it was only a matter of time before she was eroded by this strange song.

At the same time, the gap-eyed evil god who was standing on the roof and continuously "singing" slowly raised his head to look at the gate of hell above his head...

"The'coordinates' are not enough...and more..."

Looking at those countless eyeballs, Mochizuki Ayano instantly "sees" that the crevice-eyed evil god had received it from nowhere, without any concealment.

"Go inside, awaken the'existence' inside, create more'coordinates'"


Mochizuki Ayano's eyes waved, and she rose up in the air first, and swept toward the huge gate of hell like Huiye returned to the moon.

He noticed her preemptive move, but the Cthulhu Cthulhu below did not respond, still standing on the spot blankly.

Just need a little more "singing time" to erode away the only sober human above his head, and no one will be able to stop him from entering the door.

The night is long, and He has enough time.

In the midair, that terrible "song" like an alarm sounded more and more densely beside Mochizuki Ayano's ears, accompanied by numerous and mysterious consciousnesses and images constantly pouring into his mind.

The power of the moonlight sheltering her body continued to shatter, and a drop of blood flowed out along Mochizuki Ayano's eyes and ear holes.

Between her eyebrows, the chrysanthemum charm that the Emperor Meiji left behind, which firmly guarded her soul, became more and more dimmed.

"There must be light at the end of the hell of bliss. The clouds and mist are all gone and there is only a bright moon in my heart."

Obviously it was an extremely critical situation, Mochizuki Ayano's thin lips slightly cocked, and she even felt free to read a poem.

This is the death poem left by an ordinary detective, Seiyu Tamiya.

It is also the truest portrayal of every ninth agent who knows it is futile, but still chooses to use his life to fight against those unknown existences.

"Who do you think I am... I, but the ninth lesson, the head of section!!!"

Her eyes, which are indistinguishable from ordinary people, together with the moon pupils on the night, suddenly showed the pattern of "Moon Wheels and Nine Lights" simultaneously.

The outer eight circles circle the center circle, spinning like an electric fan like crazy.

The full moon in the night sky, like a lunar eclipse, went out.

The moonlight that had been selflessly spilling onto the earth was harvested into a beam, and it was only shining for one person at this moment.

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