Under the lunar eclipse, the apartment in front of Tibet was completely dark.

"No matter what your existence is, I will never let you do what you want!"

Mochizuki Ayano rises into the sky, and the dazzling moon blooms all over her body, transforming into the only light source in the night sky.

The heavy light enveloped her body, so that the terrifying song from the Evil God of Slot Eyes could not penetrate for a while.

"I, Mochizuki Ayano, today is death..."

Then, she swept across the sky like a meteor and rushed into the gate of hell, which was enveloped in resentment and could not see the scene inside.

Standing in the center of that dark red giant gate, Mochizuki Ayano, a petite figure, looked like a bright moon in the sky, glowing with dazzling brilliance in resentment.

"...I also close this broken door to you!!!"

I saw her spread her hands and shook her hands against the doors on both sides...


An incredible scene happened.

The dark red giant gate that gathered the eyes of the entire Tokyo city unexpectedly made a sour sound, and with the naked eye "tortoise speed", it began to close inward with difficulty.

At this moment, Mochizuki Ayano stood up against the terrifying "song" of the evil god with slit eyes, and with her petite body, she built a bridge between the full moon and the gate of hell.

She actually planned to close the gate of hell in the night sky before she was eroded by this song.

"Give me... off... uh ah ah ah ah..."

The terrible moonlight power passed through her body, and at the same time it brought inhuman pain.

Even though her eyes turned white and countless cracks bloomed all over her body, her movements did not stop at the slightest. A pair of slender arms slowly and stubbornly closed towards the middle...

Looking at the door of hell slowly closing above, the Cthulhu "singing affectionately" on the rooftop, his feet have been floating about one meter from the ground for some unknown time.

This means that he has no calmness before.

If he loses the "coordinates" in that door, he will not be able to maintain the connection that has been established so hard to guide the direction for that "Supreme Being".

Just as the Evil God of Slot Eyes kept singing, raised his feet slightly, and was about to skim toward the gate of hell...

"Boom boom boom boom... woo woo woo..."

A roar of exhaust sound roared at the door of the Tibetan apartment.

This angry sound was too harsh, and even for a moment, it overwhelmed the strange singing of the Cthulhu.

Hearing this incomparably familiar voice, the movement of the Evil God of Slot Eyes stiffened...

Like conditioned reflex training, the countless eyeballs flowing on his body simultaneously showed a look of horror.

In recent months, this voice has become his "nightmare."

As long as the harsh sound rang in front of the apartment in the wee hours of the morning, it meant the return of the "devil".

And he must "get off work early" and return to the room shivering.

The horrified eyes only lasted for a second on those eyeballs, and then they turned into complex expressions such as excitement, resentment, excitement, and expectation.

The crevice-eyed evil god in mid-air jumped up from the rooftop and landed directly in the center of the parking lot below, looking in the direction of the apartment door as if he was facing an enemy.

He stretched out his hands to the sky above his head, opened and closed his mouth full of fine teeth, and began to "sing" more vigorously.

It seems to be calling for a certain existence in the distant universe to give him stronger power.

As the dazzling headlights cut through the darkness, a black and white locomotive rushed into the parking lot of the Tibetan apartment.

"Ahahaha, the tornado, there is something to keep blowing for me!!!"

In the car, there was a blond man wearing a triangle headband and ripped shirt.

In his eyes, there were two incandescent flames burning in substance.

The dense black runes continued to rush to the face, and constantly collided with the incandescent flames, and collapsed into dark red sparks scattered all over the place.

Surrounded by the steaming heat from the locomotive, he looked like a ghost rider returning from hell.

"Today, Laozi is going to see... Hiccup... Who else can stop me... Hiccup... Go home!!!"

This man with a big tongue and a breath of "Oolong tea" returned to the apartment in front of Tibet after experiencing "a lot of hardships". Sosuke Araki

A handsome tilted head laterally braked the black and white locomotive and parked it in the "special parking space for locomotives."

Taking off the headband from his face, Sosuke Araki walked from the locomotive to the apartment building.

As he progressed, the black liquid that the ghosts turned into on the ground quickly gathered together and disappeared in his body.

The entire Tibetan apartment, apart from being darker, looked like a quiet night.

This situation is the same as when he returned from the night shift in countless mornings.

Apart from……

The male monk in suit lying on the ground and unconscious, as well as the apartment parking lot that was made pitted, filled with dug pipes and abandoned construction vehicles, like the scene of the blasting last night...

"Here, what kind of gas did these people get? It's a mess, where is that girl from the Mochizuki clan?"

If it weren’t for the apartment building to be safe and sound, Sosuke Araki couldn’t recognize it. This was the apartment that was still peaceful when he left in the morning.

Looking at the only black figure standing in the field with a strange posture, he raised the corners of his eyes and walked towards the opponent.

"That, I said..."


Seeing Araki Sosuke approaching, the Cthulhu Cthulhu who maintained the "hugging the starry sky" posture, the singing in his mouth became more intense and harsh.

The countless eyeballs on him staring at Araki Sosuke showed various complex expressions such as revenge for vengeance, willingness to suffer, and relief.

Just like a queen who has achieved fame, she finally finds the tramp who has beaten herself a hundred times when she was young, and then sends her to Thailand and arranges to enter the customs industry to serve for life.

Even if it is now the [Slit Eye Cthulhu], he will never forget his tragic experience in the [Slit Eye] era.

A few months ago, he, who had been conscientiously watching the human world and fulfilling the "rule of killing", was moved to this apartment by the "creator", and he encountered the greatest shame and nightmare in his "career".

That is, the blond man in front of me.

According to the rules established by the "creator", the [Eyes of the Gap], who is a member of the occupants hidden in the apartment in front of Tibet, can move around freely, but must constantly try to kill the victim at irregular intervals. The man locked by the rules.

However, this devilish man not only ignored his "one period and one meeting" attack...

With a pleasant and subtle expression, in his sleep, he did something indescribable and unforgivable to the avatar of the eyeball he sent to him in his sleep.

As a result, [Eyes of the Gap] once fell into the endless loop of "Assassination-Failure-Loss Resentment-Assassination-Failure"...

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