I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 377 What is your zodiac sign

In those dark years, like a piece of code caught in an infinite loop, [Eyes of Gap] found that he was firmly stuck by this Damn it man, both in terms of rules and physicality.

No matter how much grievances he earns through diligence, or how much grievances the "creator" invested twice...

As long as he can't beat the man in front of him for a day, he can't get out of this infinite loop.

Lost, sinking, suffering, and enjoying this cycle for more than a month, he actually gave birth to a kind of "self" consciousness.

Driven by self-consciousness, [Eyes of the Gap] finally broke through the restrictions of the rules, and for the first time, Yansheng took the initiative to launch a sneak attack on the woman with the different blonde eyes above her head.

Although the sneak attack finally fell short because of the return of the "devil", he has since entered the sea like a fish, and a dragon was born into the sky...

Like a sponge that is extremely short of water, [Eyes of the Gap] eagerly peers, learns, kills, and grows in human society, while still maintaining a certain degree of surveillance of the man.

Watching countless existences being defeated by that "demon", he, who was too frightened, could only regard himself as a seed, buried deep in the soil, growing silently, hoping to become a towering tree one day , Broke ground.

Silently buried this hatred in his heart, he chose to bear the humiliation, lie down and try the courage, be angry, try to be strong, eat in the night clothes, dance with the chicken, and move forward...

All these forbearance and hard work were not in vain.

At this moment, he not only won the favor of the "creator", but also received the blessing of the supreme being, and was chosen to be his "incarnation."

Even in the face of existences called "gods" by those stupid humans, he had the confidence to let go.

Although, a certain voice from the distant universe, let yourself enter that door quickly and spread more "memes".

However, before that, he had a bad fate that had to be settled.

That is, stepping on the blond man walking towards him fiercely under his feet, using his own eyeballs, brutally, forcefully, spinning, jumping, and filling every gap in his body without mercy...

"This dress...I see, you guy is..."

As the distance drew closer, and seeing the image of the "Evil Eye Cthulhu" standing in the dark ahead in a weird "hugging the starry sky" posture, Sosuke Araki tilted his head slightly, frowned, raised his nostrils, and his veins burst. He showed an extremely unhappy expression.

He couldn't help but recalled the scene of several men who were also weirdly dressed and wore weird masks in the warehouse in Ikebukuro.

"I said, you guys from the Galaxy Alliance, you guys who are celebrating the festival, can you eat pizza quietly at home... You really are not good at school, it is not good to be scared of COS, but you want to be COS..."

The sound of tongue gushing out like waves, Araki Sosuke felt that his facial muscles were twitching uncontrollably.

"Even if I've been busy lately, I took the time to supplement KIYOMI teacher's "Jihad Works" yesterday from my friends... Do you think you are COS as [Slit-Eyed Evil God Lady], I don't recognize you anymore? "

With the super doubling of the anger value, the white flames in his eyes have been surging out of his eye sockets. With the black runes surging and dissipating like waves on his face, the whole person is as terrible as a demon crawling out of hell.

"Speaking? What are you singing about? What about your 18-centimeter gold rod made of eyeballs? And your'fixed eyes' and'eye for an eye', it's just for me to look at it? "

As the distance drew closer, the eyes of the Evil God with Slot Eyes all over the body, from the expression of pride and hatred, gradually turned into skillful panic.

"It's a big holiday, placing this kind of inferior holographic projection under other people's apartment without authorization, and releasing some shit and sarin-induced hallucinogenic gas, which upset so many people..."

Because, the man in front of Damn it seemed unheard of his "sing" with a sense of destruction and indescribable will, but he was roaring with a drunken appearance.

"Look at the mess around, thanks to you, the high (cheap) level (price) apartment (house) that my uncle finally rented will be demolished for this!!!"

Even in the singing, the scarlet energy that eroded everything impacted on him, extinguished like burning soot, and fell weakly to the ground.

As Sosuke Araki roared like a street gangster in terror, even the panic in his eyes solidified.

How can it be……

Obviously, I have worked so hard to stand out from the most humble works of the "Creator", climbing step by step, flying forward on the leaves at the highest point...

How could the singing voice played by the mighty power of that supreme existence be of no use to the man in front of him.

It must be myself, not working hard enough...

Seeing this scene, even the iron-red planet that communicated with the Evil God of Sloth's movement in the void was stagnant.

Has awakened countless ancient existences and destroyed countless stars on countless timelines...

Even if it was played through an "incarnation", he had never met him, and he was able to ignore the existence of his "sound of nature".


"You are talking... I see, you must be playing the game of absorbing the energy of the universe, searching for your true self, exploring the truth of the universe, and becoming closer to the existence of God than human beings..."

Seeing that the "Galactic Alliance Cult" in front of him ignored him, Sosuke Araki also lost his patience and prepared to give the other party a bit of color first.

"Even if you really become an'existence closer to God than human beings', you must take responsibility for this uncle! Tell me, what constellation you are, and when I drink toilet water, I am a Leo , Will give you the corresponding rhythm..."

More scarlet energy, accompanied by a pulsating emotion, was transmitted to the body of [Gap Eye Cthulhu], causing his body to skyrocket with red light, and his eyeballs were also on the verge of collapse.

Regardless of all this, the Evil God of Slit Eyes sang more desperately.

As long as the "nightmare" in front of you can be wiped out, everything is worth it.

The increasingly dense scarlet energy, along with the singing, kept beating on Araki Sosuke's body, falling into ashes and dissipating.

"Wait...not good...this feels..."

When Araki Sosuke walked in front of the opponent, he suddenly turned pale and stopped.

He arched his body slightly, covering his abdomen with one hand and his mouth with the other, as if he was experiencing something extremely painful.

The bloodshot eyes between the fingers were bulging, and the pupils contracted as if they were shocked, and even the blazing white flames became shaken.

Seeing his reaction, the original panic in the eyes of the Evil God with eyes gradually turned into complacency and disdain.

The "singing" in the giant mouth became louder and louder.

Sure enough, no matter how strong human beings are, they are not worth mentioning under the power of the supreme being to destroy the heavens and the earth.

The time that his "old enemy" insisted was not even as good as the woman who was "closing the door" above her head.

It must be that his "childhood shadow" was too deep, and he almost lost faith in that existence.


Standing in front of the Cthulhu Cthulhu, listening to the harsher singing of the opponent, Araki Sosuke, who covered his mouth with one hand and his abdomen with the other, trembled in pain like a sieve.

His face was flushed with alcohol, and the blush became thicker, and even the blue veins in his neck and arms were swollen.


It seems that his body is enduring more and more intense pain, fighting stubbornly against an unstoppable and majestic force.

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