"Damn it ah ah ah!!!"

Facing the giant gate that almost completely disappeared in the night sky, the white flames in Araki Sosuke's eyes rose up into the sky with anger, despair and unwillingness, and instantly burned the surging runes all over his body.

However, his body still cannot violate the laws of physics, and continues to fall downward...

On the weakly stretched wrist toward the night sky, a circle of red knotted rope lightly lit up.

"...The moonlight is so beautiful."

The girl's countless thoughts turned into this shy and tender words, which sounded softly in her ears.

"Huh? It's... the voice of Yuushi Xiaoniao?"

Before Sosuke Araki could react, his body had already moved his brain one step at a time.

When he fell down, his left hand subconsciously grabbed into the air.

"woo woo woo woo……"

Accompanied by a crying tail sound, an invisible thick object was tightly grasped by him with a skilled technique...

In his hand, there was an extra quaint sword.

"...July rain?!"

The sword with irresistible inertia, like an intercontinental missile, swiftly stopped Araki Sosuke’s downward movement, and then mercilessly carried him upward...

"Wait... Hey ah ah ah ah ah..."

The excessively exciting ups and downs in the sky reminded Sosuke Araki of the fear of being dominated by the "Fujikyu Four Kings".

With a frantic wailing, he quickly approached the gate of hell above.

However, a second before he arrived, the gate of hell had completely turned into transparency and disappeared into the night.

"Still... it's too late..."

Looking up at the giant gate that disappeared in the night sky, and Araki Sosuke, who turned into a black spot like an exiting villain, Kofa showed a look of compassion, closing his eyes and chanting: "Amitabha, if I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell, Mochizuki donor To cross the common people with oneself..."

"If, this world..."

In mid-air, Zongjie Araki's face was savage and glaring, holding the July rain, and by inertia, he severely chopped down towards the original position of the door.

"...If someone has to sacrifice for it to survive..."

Angrily stared at the raging white flames, the black runes all over his body also simultaneously cooled down like a lava, and the whole person seemed to be burning.

"Then this world is broken, it's better to destroy it!!!"


As the loud crash sounded, July Yu seemed to have inserted something invisible, causing him to hang in the air like this.

"Hey, I found you..."

After letting go of the July rain, Araki Sosuke fumbled indescribably in the void, his hands fiercely inserted into an invisible gap.

"To Laozi..."

As he exploded with all the strength of his body, a figure covering the sky and the sun, with an extremely majestic aura, suddenly rose into the air from the back of Araki.


When the spirit removers around Taitung District still had time to move their eyes away from the closed and disappearing gate of hell in the future...

An unforgettable scene appeared for them.

A black figure similar in size to the gate of hell, with three heads and six arms, and lava burning scripture all over, appeared in the night sky without warning.

The black figure that made it impossible to see the image glared with anger, and the same white flame as Araki Sosuke burned in his eyes.

I saw the two huge arms in front of him, merged with the hands of Sosuke Araki, and they stretched out toward the original position of the gate of hell, and then violently tore them out...

Although there was no sound, people who saw this scene automatically made up a loud "boom" in their minds.

In the dark night sky, the space seemed to be torn apart, showing a strange distortion.

The gate of hell, which had already disappeared, was torn out of the torn space by those giant hands, and appeared in front of everyone again.

That Mochizuki Lingnai did everything he could to close the door with great difficulty, and under the power of the black giant arm, as if facing twenty brawny men, there was no resistance, and he could only let the other party open it forcibly and fiddle with it. Want to look like.

Then, the huge black figure disappeared into the gate of hell naturally as if returning to the room.

The whole process lasted less than a second.

In the night sky, there was only the door of hell that swayed the door, silently accusing the other side of the "crime" like a victim who had just encountered the "pain of breaking a melon".

"Amitabha...It was my Buddha who manifested the sacred and protected Venerable Araki..."

Just when Kofa looked at the swaying gate of hell with a shocking face and bowed down devoutly...

As if remembering something, two huge black arms stretched out again from the gate of hell, grabbed the sides of the door, and violently slammed into the middle...


The terrible gate, which was pressing like a big mountain above the entire Tokyo metropolis, closed again extremely tragically under this fall, and dense cracks appeared on the door panels and frame.

Then, the scarred gate of hell quickly turned transparent and completely disappeared into the night sky.

In the entire Taitung District, only the residual grievances remained, telling what happened tonight.


A minute ago.


The huge gate of hell closed suddenly in front of Mochizuki Ayano's eyes.

Before her eyes, there was only endless darkness composed of strong resentment.


Disconnected from the power from Tsuki Hitomi, Mochizuki Ayano instantly fell to her knees.

She only felt that every corner of her body was torn apart, painful and weak.

This familiar feeling reminded her of a terrible memory of waking up in the sinful room of a single man.

Even though there are true pupils with hundred eyes and nine dazzles of the moon, it is still too reluctant to act as a bridge between these two terrifying forces with a mortal body.

"Dad, mom, I did it, I didn't give up..."

The strong resentment surging around, taking advantage of the emptiness, made her feel that her consciousness was gradually blurred...

Therefore, the end of oneself should be to die quietly in this endless void.

Suddenly, the gate of hell, which was originally integrated into the darkness, appeared again in front of Mochizuki Ayano without warning.

"This is……"

A pair of palms covered with black runes, with moonlight, came in through the crack of the door unreasonably.

"To Laozi..."

I saw that like the veins of the palm of the hand skyrocketing, like a horror movie that is endlessly chasing after the evil spirit from hell, it exerts force on both sides...


Accompanied by the sound of wood cracking, the door of hell was like a door that was forcibly pried open without lubrication, and a wide door gap was slowly opened by those hands jerky and painfully.


Amidst the hoarse roar, a face whose nostrils were dilated and the face was distorted by excessive force until the nasal mucus squirted in, so brutally squeezed in through the opening of the door, occupying all of Mochizuki Lingnai's Sight...

Through the true pupils of the hundred eyes, she could clearly see the white flames out of the other's eyes and the lava runes burning all over her body.

Is this an evil spirit sent from hell?

Like a baby elephant forced to give birth from the mother's body, the entire body of the "evil" was forced out from the crack of the door and rushed towards Mochizuki Ayano.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, who allowed you

"Desolate, desolate, desolate..."

Mochizuki Ayano, whose consciousness was about to dissipate, instantly heard this voice that couldn't be here.

She was like a girl who had been broken in and forced to sleep, shuddered by this face that was infinitely magnified towards her, and she couldn't even straighten her tongue.

"...Songsuke Araki?! Why are you following in?! No, I'm obviously closed, why did you come in..."

As Araki Sosuke broke in, the strong resentment in this space was instantly sucked out.

"...What silly thing to say, but I promised someone else to take you back!!"

With inertia, he slammed on Mochizuki Ayano and hugged her, as if he was afraid that the "Illegal Work Elementary School Student of the Metropolitan Police Department" would disappear again...

"...You...what are you doing? Don't wipe your snot, ah ah ah!!!"

Accompanied by the girl's disgusting roar, the two fell towards the endless void below.

After the two disappeared, the gate of hell, full of cracks, closed again at lightning speed, quickly blending into nothingness.

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