Under the dark red sky, there is a vast sea of ​​flowers.

Countless coquettish, poignant, and blood-red flowers filled the entire grassland.

The black breeze blew by, bringing up bursts of sad, hoarse, frantic weeping, lingering in the ear for a long time.

A conspicuous figure is slowly walking in the sea of ​​flowers that seems to be stained with blood.

The reason why it is conspicuous is that from above the dark red sky, there is a thick and slender black gas, which is continuously pouring to the figure below...

Looking from a distance, it is like a black chain connecting the sky and the earth, tightly binding the figure.

As the figure slowly moved forward, a snow-white, crystal clear path was gradually left in the "sea of ​​blood" behind.

"Damn it, this guy doesn't look fat, why is he so heavy, how much expired convenience store food he usually eats..."

As the field of vision narrowed, one could gradually see that the figure was a girl with blond hair and blue eyes and a junior high school student appearance.

On her back, there is a man with a tall body, well-developed muscles, and densely packed tattoos exposed under his tattered clothes.

At this moment, the black windbreaker and the shaggy shoulder-length curly hair on the girl's body had been wetted with sweat and placed listlessly on her body. The whole person looked as if she had experienced a fierce exercise in embarrassment.

On her back, the blond man was motionless as if petrified, and even the expression on his face was frozen in the state of a "sage".

The most weird thing is that the "chain" made of resentment falling from the sky is pouring into his back endlessly.

Because the body proportions of the two are too wide, the young girl drags the man down on the ground without mercy.

Behind them, the fascinating flowers that were touched by the toes of the man mopping the floor turned from red to white, blooming with holy fluorescence.

It is these flowers that turned white and bowed slightly toward the two of them, forming the snow-white "road" behind them.

"It doesn't matter if you are too heavy to die, you are still drunk, drunk, and seem to have vomited..."

As if she was getting impatient with her back, the blond girl suddenly put the man behind her directly on the flowers, pressing out a large swath of holy white flowers.

"Araki Zongsuke, wake me up and look like a man softly!!!"

Then, she furiously pinched the man's collar and swayed wildly...

"...If you get up again, the expired food in your refrigerator will become a biological weapon!!!"

Shaking was ineffective. The girl pinched the cheeks on both sides of the man with both hands, and began to knead various Yan Yi frantically.

These two people are exactly Araki Sosuke and Mochizuki Ayano who broke into the gate of hell.

After entering the gate of hell and falling from the sky, Mochizuki Ayano woke up angrily in the arms of the almost naked Araki Sosuke with only a few pieces of cloth left on the upper body.

Since waking up, the two of them have been in this endless sea of ​​"terrible" flowers without knowing where they are located and what their names are.

Because, through the real pupils with hundred eyes, Mochizuki Ayano can see that under the flowers that look like blood at a distance and fire at near, and between the dense roots, there are countless things that are still creeping slowly. Sensuously bones.

And the Araki Sosuke next to her, since then, the whole person has been stiff like a stone statue, keeping the "embracing" posture motionless.

In the depths of his pupils, a faint white flame was faintly visible, wagging like a candle about to be extinguished.

His face was covered with black runes that were slowly squirming, dark and thick enough to turn him into a Siena compatriot.

"This guy...what the reincarnation of an eminent monk... and finally he can't walk here?"

I don’t know how long I have been "loading forward" in this weird environment, whether it is a white flower after being touched by Araki Sosuke, or the resentment that is constantly pouring into his body from the air, the exhausted Mochizuki Aya is physically and mentally exhausted. Nai has already taken offense.

Suspecting that Sosuke Araki’s anomaly was related to the environment in front of her, she also tried to use Hundred Eyes True Eyes to dispel the grievances against Sosuke Araki, or the strange runes surging on his face...

However, even the Hundred Eyes True Eyes, which can mobilize the power of the moon and close the gate of hell, can't shake the two, on the contrary, like leaves caught in two torrents, they almost involve themselves in it.

Those who have had the experience of "picking corpses" must know that the difficulty of picking up a drunk, weak, and silky muddy person is several times more difficult than picking up a sober person.

Moreover, this guy is full of alcohol, seems to be mixed with the breath of vomit, and he is deadly heavy...

However, she couldn't leave him alone.

Because this idiot followed Mang all the way in order to save himself.

As a result, this seemingly immature, but strong, ninth class leader can only choose to continue to provoke this "heavy burden that life cannot bear."

Fortunately, Mochizuki Ayano was petite, but had a physical fitness that was far better than that of an ordinary adult man. She stopped and walked all the way to barely take away the "black stone statue" on her back.

"Well, that's enough!! Sosuke Araki, wake up..."

Mochizuki Ayano patted Araki Sosuke's face with her hands without mercy, but she knocked her palms so hard.

This guy's already strong body is as hard as a stone sculpture at this moment.

"...I won't get up again, those figures and XX discs of yours are going to be thrown away by me!"

Following Mochizuki Ayano's words, the white flames in Araki Sosuke's eyes lit up, burning the runes around his eyes into sparks.

"Do not……"

His body also reacted accordingly.

However, this situation lasted less than a second.

After the white flame in that eye went out, Sosuke Araki returned to the state of "stone statue".

On the way, Mochizuki Ayano tried various words and actions in an attempt to stimulate this guy to recover.

It seems that only when he speaks the words that this guy cares about, or makes actions that can stimulate him, white flames will rise in his eyes and briefly break through the shackles of this rune on the body surface.

In addition to the words that threaten "figures", "study materials", "motorcycles" and other things like this guy's beloved, mentions "Yuhei Higashino", "Reiko", "Ryoma before Nikkei", and "Toriyuki Mayumi" "Waiting for the names of people he is familiar with will also make this guy react, temporarily breaking through that "seal".

What makes Mochizuki Ayano feel complicated is that even mentioning her own name can have the same effect.

However, as the resentment in the sky entered the body, the creeping speed and density of those runes also showed an upward trend, instantly extinguishing the white flames.

"Ah ah ah ah, you desperate fellow, do you plan to stay in this place and become a Jizo statue forever?"

The attempt failed again, and Mochizuki Ayano, who had recovered his strength, could only carry this guy on his back again and continue to walk in a certain direction in this endless sea of ​​flowers.

She is not advancing aimlessly.

With the powerful vision of the "Hundred Eyes True Eyes", you can vaguely see a towering tree that stretches out like a big umbrella at the edge of the sea of ​​flowers.

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