Like a one-eyed little monk who is carrying a "stone Buddha" on his back and practicing arduously, Mochizuki Ayano doesn't know how long he has stopped and walked in this sea of ​​flowers with Araki Sosuke on his back.

Fortunately, she finally came under the towering tree.

A thick tree surrounded by several people, the intertwined paper strips propped up the luxuriant branches and leaves like the eaves.

With the giant tree as the boundary, the scorched and bare land was exposed, and there were no more flowers and plants.

Here is the edge of the sea of ​​flowers.

Not far behind the giant tree, a gloomy river was faintly visible.

Looking back at the sea of ​​flowers when I came, I saw a path made up of bright white flowers, dividing the vast and endless sea of ​​blood in two, and under the dark red sky, it actually showed an endless poignant beauty.


In this situation, you can only see the whole picture by staying outside.

Mochizuki Ayano looked a little dazed for a while.

"That is, Manju Shahua, also known as the other side."

A cold female voice sounded abruptly and calmly in her ears.


Shaking a sharp spirit, Mochizuki Ayano put the Araki Sosuke on his back on the ground and looked around vigilantly.

"There are two flowers on the other side, the mandala is bright red like fire, and it is the flower that is attracted by the underworld. The mandala is as white as snow, and only exists in the realm of heaven and man..."

In the distance, a young girl in a kimono with bangs and bright red eyes like flowers on the other shore is holding the oar in one hand, standing pretty in a flat boat on the gray river in the distance.

The coquettish patterns on her plain kimono are no different from the flowers blooming in the sea of ​​flowers.

Ignoring Mochizuki Ayano's question, the girl just stared behind them with the calm blood pupils.

On that snow-white road, blossoming white flowers are entangled with blood-red flowers on the side.

"...Here, before today, the mandala has never been in full bloom."

Obviously far away, her voice was clearly whispering in Mochizuki Ayano's ear.

"Biganhua...So, is this hell really..."

She keenly noticed the words in the other party's words, although she had to anticipate something, she still took a deep breath.

The legend of the other shore flower, Mochizuki Lingnai naturally has related memories in his mind.

Legend has it that the flowers on the other shore bloom for a thousand years, and when they fall for a thousand years, the flowers and leaves will never meet.

It is said that the blood-colored sea of ​​flowers is the only scenery on the way to Huangquan.

Love is not causal, edge destined to death.

The blood-colored mandala, who was born in the underworld, fell in love with the white mandala, which bloomed in the heavens, but was destined to be invisible for the rest of his life.

Resting his thoughts, Mochizuki Ayano frowned slightly, and looked at the girl in the distance warily.

Because the true pupil of Hundred Eyes, who claims to be able to see through the origin of everything, can't see through this young girl who appeared suddenly.

The opponent didn't have any power in his body, nor could he see any difference, just like an ordinary Kyoto girl.

However, it is not common for such "ordinary people" to appear in places like hell.

"No matter, it's better than no one can ask for directions."

Mochizuki Ayano simply picked up Araki Sosuke and walked towards the river.

Regardless of whether this girl came for good or evil, it is the only existence that can communicate here.

Seeing the two walking towards him, the girl on the boat remained unmoved, still standing quietly on the small boat in the middle of the river.

It seems that she has been waiting there for thousands of years.

The two of them crossed the hill behind the giant tree all the way, and their vision suddenly opened up.

Behind the hill, along the side of the gray river that does not know where it flows, is a stretch of river beach.

On the wide river beach, there are scattered countless piles of tall rocks made of stones, which look like small pagodas from a distance.

The children who are squatting or sitting next to the pile of stones are picking up stones from the ground and carefully stacking them on the pile of stones in front of them.

Because they were piled up with stones so quietly and intently, Mochizuki Ayano hadn't noticed their existence before.

Looking at the end of the river beach, thousands of children were quietly blocking dense stones, even if it was the well-informed Mochizuki Ayano, he only felt so strange that his back was cold.

She can naturally see that these children are all spirit bodies.

"Here, Sai Heyuan, the child who died young will build rocks here."

The girl's emotionless commentary rang in Mochizuki Ayano's ear again.

"What about you... what are you doing here?"

Mochizuki Ayano asked softly, as if she was afraid that the voice would be too loud to disturb the spirits of these children.

"I'm waiting, the people on the boat..."

As soon as the girl's voice fell, Mochizuki Ayano was next to a six-year-old boy who had already put the last stone on the "spire" with his fleshy hands.

"...The children who have built the'Survival Tower' are qualified to cross the Three Ways River and go to the other side."

The sharp pile of rocks shook tremblingly a few times, and finally stabilized.

The boy's face had just shown a joyful smile, and a stream of water suddenly poured into the air from the gloomy river, turned into a fuzzy human form, and rushed towards the pile of rocks.

"Don't think about it!"

Mochizuki Ayano didn't hesitate to throw someone on her back to the ground, and subconsciously stepped forward, blocking the pile of rocks...

As her eyes flowed, the place where the human-shaped water flow passed by instantly showed a solidified and twisted state.

One hundred eyes pupil technique · imprisonment.

At this moment, she, who is a master of "Hundred Eyes True Eyes", is no longer a weak existence who could only control one kind of pupil technique.

However, the figure that the stream of water turned into was not restricted by her pupil technique that solidified the void, and still passed through her body unhurriedly, rushed onto the pile of rocks, and turned into a pool of stagnant water.

Being hit by the current, the balance of the rock pile that had been completed collapsed instantly and scattered into rubble.

The smile on the boy's face disappeared instantly.

But he didn't show any feelings of upset or anger, but unyieldingly picked up the stones on the ground again, and quietly started piling up again.

It seems that he has encountered the same scene countless times, and it is expertly distressing.

"This is, what a ghost..."

Looking at this scene, Mochizuki Ayano couldn't help being a little surprised.

"In Santuchuan, there can be no ghosts...that is, from the obsession of Yang Shi's parents, they don't want their children to cross Santuhe and truly enter the realm of ‘death’."

The girl in the middle of the river still explained in her calm tone.

"But I don't know that my own child is therefore trapped in Saiheyuan. He is charged with the crime of'not filial piety' and is holding the'Survival Tower' that can never be completed."

Staring at the endless river beach, the distressing piles of rocks, and the human-shaped water that gushes from the river and destroys the piles of rocks, Mochizuki Ayano's eyes are shining.

"Could it be that you just waited and watched, these children are trapped here?"

She questioned the girl on the boat angrily.

"When their parents disappear or forget their obsession, they will naturally be able to board the ship. However, today is different..."

Faced with the accusation, the girl in the kimono remained expressionless, just slightly stretched out her finger and pointed behind Mochizuki Ayano.

"...Because he is here."

Mochizuki Ayano turned her head and found that the other person was pointing to the ground by her "face-to-the-ground" posture, Araki Sosuke, with her hips pouted and stiff, maintaining a "sage" expression.

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