I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 384: The Galaxy of Saiheyuan

Just when the two girls stared at Sosuke Araki in a daze, the boy who was knocked down by his parents' obsession with the stone pile happened to be beside him and stretched his hand to one of the bullets and landed on the hip. Of stones.

"Obviously it has become like this..."

The kimono girl sighed softly, as if she had anticipated what was about to happen.

"The only thing that I don't want to see children suffer is that it will never change."

The moment he picked up the stone, the boy's whole body was bursting with crystal white light.


Looking down at his body in surprise, he closed his eyes with a sweet smile, clasped his hands awkwardly, and bowed obediently to Sosuke Araki.

Immediately, the boy turned into a white spot of light flying all over the sky, drifting to the other bank across the Santu River with the wind.

"This, touch, touch, just... super, super, become a Buddha?!"

Looking at this bleak and warm scene, Mochizuki Ayano couldn't help covering her mouth and exclaiming, she couldn't even straighten her tongue.

Although she knows that Zongsuke Araki, as a reincarnated person, must have a profound background and many Buddhist methods, this is the first time she has seen the other party "expelling spirits" with her own eyes.

This guy, who has been turned into a stone statue by this black chain, is hard to protect himself, so he still has enough energy to transform the dead into a Buddha? !


On Sai Heyuan, the children who had bowed their heads and placed the stones in front of them stopped one by one, raised their heads and looked at the companion who disappeared with the wind, showing a happy expression for each other.

They are trapped on the source of Saihe River, tirelessly, forgetting the time and barriers of time. This support tower is waiting for this moment to re-enter the cycle of reincarnation?

Then, the tens of thousands of gray-faced children ignored the pile of rocks in front of them that could never be formed, just like queuing up balloons in a children’s playground, orderly puckering their faces on the ground, keeping "ostriches" Araki Sosuke gathered.

The holy fluorescence shone on the scorched earth of Saiheyuan, blurring the water of Santuchuan.

Whenever a small fleshy hand pats Araki Sosuke's upturned buttocks, it means that the soul of a child turns into a spot of light, and he "becomes a Buddha and ascends to heaven" amidst the silver bell-like laughter.

A child's spirit body shining with white light is densely surrounded by Araki Sosuke, who is covered with black runes and has his hips upside down. Like the most devout believer, he put his hands together, bowed slowly to thank him, and then turned away. Leave.

In the eyes of Mochizuki Ayano, who was dumbfounded, this scene was as strange and beautiful as some kind of large Cthulhu Totem pilgrimage.

White spots of light reflected on her amber-like crystal eyes, blurred like a starry sky.


A few hours later, Mochizuki Ayano, who was sitting next to the rock pile by the river, stretched out her sleepy body.

"...Finally it's almost over."

Sai Heyuan, which was originally filled with countless children's spirit bodies, has now become empty, and only the small piles of rocks are left, telling stories that have happened here.

Not far away, Sosuke Araki still maintained his face-to-earth "ostrich style", allowing the last few children to reach out and pat on his straight buttocks before turning into white light and ascending to heaven.

In the dark red sky, the black ropes of resentment continued to pour into his body.

Such a weird scene, I don't know how long it lasted.

After a long time, Mochizuki Ayano now sees the scene of those children getting together to form a Buddha, and there will be no more waves in her heart.

"Araki Zongsuke, who is the reincarnation of a high monk in history, was able to transcend such a large amount of spiritual body into a Buddha with only physical contact..."

With her chin supported, she became more and more curious about the identity of Araki Sosuke.

Looking at the looming black Bodhisattva behind Araki Zongsuke's back with the cloth strip, an amazing thought flashed in her mind.

This guy, can it be...

Tore open the closed doors of hell with bare hands, and unconsciously can make the resentful spirits become Buddhas. Even the "external demon" who is full of eyeballs and singing songs that the gods can't resist is not his opponent...

These astonishing deeds have long gone beyond the category of "spiritual removers" and even "high monks" in her cognition.

"He is not Jizo."

It seemed that she heard the voice from the bottom of her heart, the voice of the girl in kimono, suddenly appeared in her ears, reminding her of a "person" in the middle of the river not far away.

In the past few hours, this kimono girl just kneeled on the boat in the middle of the river without saying a word, and looked at the stone statue-like Sosuke Araki from a distance with her silently, providing for the children in line " Free to become a Buddha" business.

Because it was so quiet, even Mochizuki Ayano had forgotten the other party's existence.

"The Jizo...has been...dead..."

With a complex eyes full of sadness, incomprehension, nostalgia, and awe, the girl quietly stared at Sosuke Araki's back, sighing with a voice that only she could hear.

"Huh, let me just say, how could such a bad guy be... Wait, you just said Jizo, what is it?"

"Unquestionable, unheardable, untrustworthy, unthinkable, unrememberable. Even with your eyes, there are things you cannot look directly at."

Looking at the expressionless girl in kimono who seemed unwilling to continue this topic with herself, Mochizuki Ayano bowed to the other side vigilantly: "It's been a long time, and I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Ayano Mochizuki. That head-down fool is called Huang..."

"……I know."

The girl in kimono glanced at the towering tree behind Sai Heyuan, and replied nonchalantly.

you know?

what do you know?

Mochizuki Ayano didn't care when she was interrupted by the other party. Instead, she raised her brow slightly and became more curious.

"It's been so long, I haven't asked your Excellency yet?"

Anyway, she just wanted to learn more about her current situation through this girl, as long as the other party was willing to speak.

"I am... the extraditioner of Santuchuan, and a practitioner of the will of hell."

The girl stood still on the boat and introduced herself coldly.

"So, you appear here, are you planning to extradite us to hell?"

Hearing the other party's words, Mochizuki Ayano subconsciously moved two steps, hiding between Araki Sosuke and the girl.

"After crossing the Three Ways River, you will officially enter the realm of'death', and there will never be a road back... Therefore, I do not intend to let you move on."

The girl in kimono blinked her big red eyes and gave the completely opposite answer.

"If you let you go, the whole hell will be troubled."

"Troubled? So, if you don't intend to let us pass, do you want us to stay on the rocks by the river?"

Facing the other party's vague answer, Mochizuki Ayano, who had prepared a number of plans for lobbying, threats, shamelessness, lure, self-sacrifice, and resignation, suddenly couldn't react.

"When this situation that shouldn't have happened now, it's all to blame on the savage fellow "Tian Ting", but it has already ran out of the chaos..."

Without denying Mochizuki Lingnai's words, the girl frowned, and the Qi Liuhai on her forehead had no wind, and her face was expressionless, but she did not know why she was pitiful, sad, and aggrieved.

"...It's up to me to face this mess."

It seems that even she herself didn't think about how to properly deal with the situation in front of her.

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