"You want to leave..."

After thinking for a while, the girl in kimono pointed at Sosuke Araki, who was motionless like a stone statue.

Without the slightest concealment, she opened the door and gave the answer Mochizuki Ayano wanted: "Just open the door of hell as it did when you came."

"Open the door of hell...that's it?"

Mochizuki Ayano looked around her head, but did not see the horrible dark red giant door in her memory.

The tone of the other person's words was like describing standing in front of the automatic door of a convenience store and waiting for it to open automatically.

God knows what I have gone through in order to close that door of hell.

"This is hell, the gate of hell, naturally everywhere, as long as he wants, he can open the door and leave at any time..."

The words of the girl in the kimono reminded Mochizuki Ayano, the guy Sosuke Araki forcibly tore open the gates of hell with his bare hands, and squeezed into the gates of hell like some kind of beast giving birth.

"But, this guy now looks like he is sealed, he can't even move a finger, how could he expect him to open the door."

Mochizuki Ayano squatted beside Sosuke Araki, picked up a long and thick stone block, and prodded the opponent in disgust.

"Otherwise, you can help see, what's wrong with this guy?"

She took the foot of Araki Sosuke, dragged it hard toward the river, and cast a look at the girl in kimono for help.

"It's fine if you are there..."

Seeing Araki Sosuke getting closer, a trace of panic flashed in the blood pupil of the kimono girl, and the wooden boat under her feet simultaneously retreated to the other bank of the Santu River, keeping a distance similar to before.

"Greed, hatred, sleepy, mischievous, suspicious..."

"Affliction Demon, Enchant Demon, Death Demon, Emperor Demon..."

"The troubles, the knowledge, the sexual..."

"All the karma in the world..."

The slender girl in the kimono pointed at the surging rune on Sosuke Araki's body, and murmured countless words that made Mochizuki Ayano's heart beating.

"and also……"

Then, her finger stopped on the lifelike black Bodhisattva tattoo, and then she pursed her mouth and kept her eyes full of blood and no emotions. Tears flickered faintly.

"The five hindrances, the four demons, the three obstacles, and the karma plus the body, to be able to see all the dharmas are all illusions. If they don't arise or die, they won't invade outside."

"...This is both a seal and a guardian."

Looking up at the constant resentment in the sky, the kimono girl sighed.

"However, in this hell that does not look like a human world, this seal has become too strong, destroying the original balance in his body."

"Such an endless loop may continue for tens of thousands of years, until the resentment of hell is exhausted and the balance is restored..."

The calm face of the girl in kimono showed a slightly "distressed" look for the first time, as if she was worried about the future of hell.

"By then, the real He wakes up, maybe everything will disappear."

"Then what should I do, can I just watch this guy be trapped here?"

Hearing what the other party said, Mochizuki Ayano lightly kicked the "Petrochemical" Araki Sosuke's buttocks with a little discouragement.

When the gates of hell were closed, she had already prepared herself to face death.

However, at least we have to figure out a way to send back this idiot who followed in and will only cause trouble.

To this day, she finally knows why Kukai and Kobo Masters value Sosuke Araki so much.

During the Heiankyo era where Rashomon opened and Hyakki’s night walks for hundreds of years, such as Abe Keimei, Gen Raimitsu, Gen Hiroya, Ashiya Michiman, Ono Huang, Yaku Xiaojiao etc. In that darkest age, the sky full of stars illuminates the human race.

However, Araki Sosuke, an idiot, may be destined to be the Haoyue who appeared in the night sky ahead of time in the twilight era, but fell into hell with himself before shining brightly.

Maybe his thoughts were too divergent, or he couldn't control his body because of exhaustion, Mochizuki Ayano's foot, so desperately, "missed" the innocent "Xiao Zongsuke" between someone's legs.


This crit, even if it is a stone statue, can't bear it.

The white flame in Araki Sosuke's eyes burned blazingly, enveloping the entire eye socket, and smashed the runes on his face into a large piece, making a sound mixed with shame, pleasure and pain.

Immediately, the turbulent white flames extinguished as the pain subsided, and those black runes made a comeback again, turning him into a "stone statue".

"Huh? Is the Bai Yan in his eyes the other end of "balance"?"

Seeing that this trick worked, Mochizuki Ayano didn't care about anything else, her slender toes instantly turned into afterimages, and she bombarded Araki Sosuke's legs at high speed with the frequency of the fascia gun...


Her "Shadow Queen Stepping" seems to have the effect of "clockwork repair". The Araki Sosuke on the ground is like the material repeatedly played back in the ghost video, with the frequency of being trampled, intermittently resumed action, and the mouth exudes Indescribable moaning.

"You one-second man, don't just yell, hurry up and move by myself, find a way to find the door, and go directly in just like you did before..."

Keeping her action like a princess Mononoke stepping on a bellows, Mochizuki Ayano continued to reprimand her.


Araki Sosuke, who moved intermittently and couldn't last more than a second, was blushing and happy, but his eyes were still blank.

"It's useless, his "Tianyan Ming" is only temporarily breaking through the restrictions under strong emotional mobilization, but it is not enough to see the real world for a long time and restore the original balance..."

As if she couldn't bear to look at the shameful and tragic PLAY scene before her, the kimono girl spoke quietly.

"...Unless he is strong enough to look directly at the world without hindering his heart, he may break through the shackles."

"The flame in Zongsuke Araki's eyes, is the sight of heaven?"

Listening to what the kimono girl said, Mochizuki Ayano kept the queen's stepping motion, and his brain started to run wildly.

Before joining the ninth lesson, in order to broaden her knowledge, she also borrowed Buddhist scriptures at the Kawasaki Daishi Temple.

Heavenly Eyes, Heavenly Ears, His Heart, Destiny, Divine Realm, and Omission. These six faculties of Buddhism can be practiced by all sages.

For example, the Kawasaki Daishi Temple retains the "true biography" of the heavenly vision, which can be practiced by talented people.

But above the six links, there are still three Mings, which the non-saints can't get.

The Arahant obtains the Sanming, the ignorance is full of light, the darkness is full of light, and the fate is bright, the sky is bright, and the omission is full of bright.

Tianyan Ming, it is said that in addition to being able to penetrate all the forms and colors of the world, it can also know the life and death of one's own body in the future.

"In other words, as long as you think of a way to make this guy a little ‘lasting’, it’s possible to break through that level of limitation?"

Looking at someone who was "poppin" as he stepped on under him, Mochizuki Ayano sighed and withdrew his sour little feet.

"Although I can't help... But some guy in my body seems to have a way..."

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