Last night, most of the spirit eliminators in the entire Tokyo city gathered in the black mist area of ​​Taito District.

And the spirit removers who stood guard under the apartment in front of Tibet suffered heavy losses one after another because of the terrifying "singing" of the Evil God of Slots and the moon pupils in the night sky.

Even if Master Konghai’s remnant thoughts left behind in the "Yunlong Buddha Bead" protected the minds of everyone in the strange song, and dispelled the chaotic memories mixed in the song...

However, most spirit removers still inevitably suffer from various sequelae such as mental instability and spiritual collapse, and are sent to special hospitals, unable to continue their removal tasks.

Among them, it even includes the "Honored One in Four Thousand Years", Takumi Fujiwara who has been unconscious after performing "Goddess".

On the contrary, Toriyu Mayumi, Abe Temple and Yamada Kengo, who failed to reach the apartment in front of Tibet in the first time, survived the disaster and became the backbone of the subsequent resentful spirits.

From the early morning to now, the Akagi Shrine maiden guarded the apartment rooftop. With the "Three Akagi Artifacts" in her hands, she shot and killed more than a dozen congregating wraiths that appeared in the "Crack", saving countless detectives and destroying them. Spiritual.

Even the well-informed Kobe and Tokimoto Ichiro were a little surprised at her terrifying support ability.

Akagi Shrine, once one of the three Edo shrines, cannot be underestimated.

"Don't worry about President Shiben and the host of Kofa, I have my own discretion."

Tori Mayumi took the bandage from Monk Kofa, gently wrapped up the newly appeared wound on his hand, and glanced around the apartment.

In addition to the scars on her fingers, the weak spiritual power in her body is also silently speaking, and if you want to drive these three "artifacts", you must pay an equal price.

"Moreover, it's not just me, everyone is also here to hold on."

In addition to Abe Temple, several spirit-eliminators dressed in suits, monks' robes, and priests' uniforms are wandering around the apartment in front of Tibet, purifying residual grievances, and assisting the agents to clean up resentful spirits that may appear at any time.

These people are all spirit removers who have finally been transferred from the periphery of Tokyo to support them.

Because of the indispensable characteristics of talent and inheritance, the stability of the "traditional industry" is destined to be extremely poor.

Not only do you have to bear the life-threatening danger of removing spirits, it is also commonplace to cut off the inheritance due to infertility, derailment, traitors, sacrifices to the whole family to practice secret arts, etc., so there is a shortage of people from ancient times to the present.

"I believe that Mr. Araki and Ayano-chan must also be somewhere, insisting like us."

Tori Mayumi raised his head, his peaceful eyes pierced through the resentment remaining in the air, and looked at the place where the gate of hell was once.

"I won't leave until they come back..."

According to the host of Kofa, Mochizuki Aya did not hesitate to get caught in it in order to close the gate of hell.

After Sosuke Araki "resolved" the evil god with eyes and rushed into the night sky with a warrior warrior, a black Buddha figure appeared in the mist, forcibly opened the closed door of hell, and entered...

Tori Yu Mayumi is convinced that it must be Mr. Araki. In order to save Mochizuki Ayano, he summoned an existence in his body and broke into the gate of hell.

After that, grievances in Taitung District dissipated with the sunrise, and electricity gradually returned to normal.

It was also at that time, Yaodao Qiyueyu, never knowing where, returned to her waist.

"The gate of hell reappears in the world, there are records in history, plus last night, but only twice. However, I have never heard of someone who can break through the barriers of life and death and return from hell safely..."

Tokimoto Ichiro, who led Kengo Yamada across the road, looked at Kotori Yu Mayumi, as if he wanted to comfort him, but couldn't bear to continue.

Propaganda also sighed slightly, raised his head and looked into the sky, with his hands folded: "Amitabha, Venerable Araki and Mochizuki benefactor, in order to protect his life, he will not hesitate to go to hell. This is an infinite merit."

Hearing the words of the two, Tori Mayumi bit her lower lip, staring stubbornly at the top of her head, but tears surged in her eyes: "If anyone can come back from that place, I believe it must be..."

"Huh, the sleeper guy, maybe he just drank too much ‘Oolong Tea’, where he fell asleep, he would come back when he woke up!"

"Sister Hanyu..."

Tori Yu Mayumi didn't finish her words, but Mai Hanyu on the side didn't know when to put her camera away and stood beside her.

Her determined words instilled strong faith into the fragile heart of Toriyu Mayumi.

"Yes, if it is Mr. Araki, even if it is hell, he will definitely come back safely!"

No longer anxious, Yu Mayumi used her little finger to wipe the tears from the corner of her eyes, and sat on the rooftop calmly.

"I will stay here until they come back, no matter one year, two years, or..."

Mai Hanyu raised her head madly with one hand, stretched out slowly forward, and said in a sure tone: "Where it takes so long, maybe in the next second, a guy who grows savagely will take Mochizuki lesson. Long, appear in front of us..."

"Amitabha, the poor monk will also chant the sutras day and night for Venerable Araki..."

Seeing the two men's firm look, the propaganda on the side stopped persuading, and sat cross-legged, reciting the Buddhist scriptures silently.


Just when Mai Hanyu's slender arms stretched out her palms straight to a certain place on the roof, a strange impact sounded in that direction, attracting everyone's attention.


The source of the sound was the black iron door that she was facing with her palm.

At this moment, with the dull sound of impact, the indestructible black iron door, which stood firm in the face of industrial explosives, electric welding, and door hammers, appeared to shake and deform visible to the naked eye...

On both sides of the door frame, on the walls that could not even be demolished by the big iron ball, countless dust and wall coverings fell.

There seemed to be some terrible ghost about to escape from the door.

"Be careful, the gate of hell, it's likely to be reopened!"

Tokimoto Ichiro, who was closest to the iron gate, reacted extremely quickly. He directly dropped the rope holding Yamada Kengo in his hand, scattered a few talisman papers between his fingers, and began to arrange the formation on the roof.

Kofa also picked up the rosary in his hand and began to silently recite the Buddhist scriptures.

Tori Mayumi picked up the huge white longbow, facing the iron door, and began to slowly pull the bowstring.

Even Yamada Kengo who suddenly "recovered his freedom" bowed and let out a hostile growl in the direction of the iron gate.

It must be not a simple existence that can bombard such terrible grievances, and everyone has already prepared for a fierce battle.

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