I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 390: The Returning Ghost

The rooftop of the Tibetan apartment.


With the sour sound of cracking, the shaky black iron door finally couldn't withstand the impact. The whole metal door panel broke away from the door frame in a desolate manner and fell crashing towards the ground...

Looking at the back of the door panel, the unfathomable resentment in the door frame, covering the sky, everyone on the rooftop showed a look of despair.

Even if you paid such a tragic price last night, is it still impossible to prevent the opening of the gates of hell?

Before everyone could react, a figure kept kicking sideways, violently stepped on the door panel that had not yet landed, jumped out of the resentment in the door frame, and landed on the rooftop.


Seeing the person who kicked the door clearly, Tori Yu Mayumi's throat moved slightly, but he couldn't say a complete vocabulary.

The longbow in her hand fell weakly to the ground, tears in her eyes bursting into her eyes.

It was a man of blond hair with knotted muscles and black runes on his naked upper body.

At this moment, his whole body was covered with blood, black runes were burning with dark red fire, and wisps of black air still transpiring into his body were lingering around him. The whole person looked like an evil spirit returning from hell.

"Hurry up...Save her..."

And in his arms, there was a delicate girl who was also bathed in blood, who knew nothing about life or death.

"Please, don't let me...gumble..."

After such a whisper, the blond man kept the posture of holding the girl tightly in his arms, and fell to the ground slumped, unconscious.

Behind him, the scenery inside the door frame suddenly changed and returned to the original corridor.

On the rooftop, there was no sound for a while, and everyone's movements were as stiff as if the pause button had been pressed.

Only Kengo Yamada, who was on all fours free from the restraint of the reins, got close to the blonde man’s messy blonde hair and sniffed it curiously, and then silently raised one leg...


Sumida District, Shengchijing Hospital.


Moon Shadow Qiancao opened his eyes weakly, and the severe pain from his head blocked his voice in his throat.

What pours into the nasal cavity is the pungent smell of disinfectant...

And, a sweet shampoo scent.

Right above the line of sight, in addition to the pale ceiling, there are a few bottles of drips hanging.

This is the hospital?

"It hurts, what happened..."

Moon Shadow Qiancao licked her dry mouth, trying hard to squeeze out the memory of pre-coma from the messy brain.

Aren’t you on the Skytree, enjoying the joy of the first row of "audience seats" that makes the world feel painful?

A full moon that turned into an eyeball suddenly appeared in his mind.

By the way, I and the full moon that suddenly opened my eyes glanced at each other...

Then, I don't know anything.

Reaching out to confirm that the ornament on his chest was still there, his sight moved all the way down to his hand with the dripper...

Wait, this is?

A girl with long hair was lying on the side of his bed and fell asleep at a very close distance, with a "shared wheelchair" behind him.

That sweet shampoo aroma comes from this.

Perhaps it was feeling something, the girl raised her head in a dazed manner, staring at Moon Shadow Qiancao with her big bright eyes.

"...Moon...Moon Ying, good morning...No, you finally woke up!"

Wiping off the saliva from the corner of her mouth, the girl exclaimed in a daze.

"Gu... Miss Guyuan?! Why am I in the hospital..."

Looking at this pretty face that was very close, Yueying Qiancao's face flushed, and she quickly moved away from her with question marks.

"No, I mean, why are you here?"

"You were found on the Skytree by the search and rescue team, and then you were taken to the hospital."

While talking, Gu Lisha got up and flipped over something on the head of the bed.

"Because of the few numbers on your phone, only mine can be reached, so they tried to call me..."

"On my phone, only your number can get through?"

Hearing this unexpected and reasonable answer, Yueying Qiancao was startled, and laughed somewhat self-deprecatingly.

"By the way, my computer..."

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something important, his face turned pale in an instant, his eyes began to search around constantly, and even his heartbeat missed a beat.

"If you are looking for a schoolbag, over there..."

Gu Lisha pointed to a black backpack hanging at the foot of the bed, and immediately set up the bed board for eating for him, and brought him a lunch box.

"... Let’s eat something first. The doctor said that you may have inhaled the'sarin-induced hallucinogenic gas' put by the cult by accident, so you fell into a coma. You shouldn’t have a big problem when you wake up and observe. It seems that you were caught last night for the same reason. A lot of people have brought it here."

"Ah, thank you, you..."

Looking at the delicious beef rice bento in front of him, Moon Shadow Chikusa felt that her saliva began to secrete crazily.

He couldn't help but picked up the spoon and stuffed a big mouthful into his mouth, feeling the deliciousness of his tongue blooming, and his face showed the joy of rebirth.

"...Aren't you curious, why did I faint there?"

"I know..."

"What, do you actually know?! Hehehehe..."

Hearing the abrupt answer from Gu Yuansha, Yueying Qiancao's face instantly paled, almost choked with the rice in her mouth, and her eyes became full of pain and struggle.

Do you want to mute the mouth... Do you want to mute the mouth... Do you want to mute the mouth... Do you want to mute the mouth...

"The Moon Shadow King Mingming reminded me last time not to go out yesterday, but he went deep into such a dangerous area to fight against the resentful spirits... I woke up and saw Taitung District turned into ruins. I really can't imagine what you have experienced... …"


Without noticing Yueying Qiancao's guilty conscience expression at all, Gu Yuansha said with teary eyes flashing.

"Although I don't know the specific course of the matter, Moon Shadow Monarch must be fully open, desperately using ghosts, and inheriting the will of the spirit remover, and fought with those resentful spirits to the last moment... Where the resentment persists, the spirit is also Endless life!"

I don't know what kind of exciting battle scene I can imagine, the girl has already stood up excitedly.

"If that's the case, my small body should have already evaporated!!!"

So, is that why you rented a wheelchair for me in advance? Thank you so much...

Glancing at the huge wheelchair behind the girl and confirming that "you don't need to kill your mouth", Moon Shadow Qiancao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"It is precisely because of the efforts of you and Mayumi-chan, the dementors, that the door will eventually be closed..."

Moon Shadow Qiancao, who was devouring his lunch, was almost choked to death by rice grains for the second time.

"Wait, you said that the door has been closed?! Cough cough cough...impossible, this is less than 24 hours!!"

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