"Here, look."

Gu Yuansha carefully handed over a glass of water, and while patted the back for Yuekage Qiancao, he opened the phone and placed it in front of him.

"Although this video has been deleted from major websites, it continues to go viral in private on social media."

On the phone that Gu Lisha handed over, there was a video of about fifteen seconds.

In the video, over the pitch-black Taitung District, there is a dark red giant door slowly closing.

From the perspective of the photographer, it should be taken from a long distance in the periphery of Taito District with some kind of professional equipment.

"Who is it that can shut down..."

Looking blankly at the door of hell that slowly closed and turned into nothingness in the video, Moon Shadow Qiancao left a drop of cold sweat on her forehead.

Only he knows that the resentment and the power of ghosts and gods thrown into the gates of hell are dozens of times that of the ghosts and gods at the gate!

These soul-eliminators who have passed on for thousands of years are really not that simple.

"...The amazing thing is yet to come."

Following the words of the ancient principle sand, below the giant gate disappeared, a small dot dragging a strong black air quickly rose vertically.

Like fireworks blooming, the dense black mist in the night sky suddenly expanded outward, turning into a huge fuzzy figure.

It was an invisible figure that was similar in size to the gate of hell, but could not be photographed.

It can only be vaguely recognized by the outline of the black mist wrapped in its exterior that it is a giant with three heads and six arms.

I saw the giant wrapped in the black mist, a pair of huge arms in front of him stretched out and pulled fiercely towards the night sky...

"Puff...what, what is this big black guy doing..."

The water in the mouth of Moon Shadow Qiancao that could not be swallowed in the future suddenly sprayed the girl's mobile phone screen.

The gate of hell, which had been closed and disappeared, was actually "pulled" back from the night sky by the black giant.

Then, the giant opened the door violently, disappeared in it, and slammed on the door again...

The shaky dark red door disappeared again.

"He, what does he think of the gates of hell, is it happy to go in and out?!"

With the incredible murmur of Moon Shadow Qiancao, the whole video ends here.

"In private, some people are saying that there is a god who is clearly spiritual and has closed the door of hell. However, there are fierce debates on the Internet about the specific identity of that god, and there are countless sects vying to claim..."

Actually, even a god-level existence can't help but make a move, isn't it dangerous to yourself...

Thinking of this, Yueying Qiancao stretched out his hand tremblingly and took the schoolbag at the foot of the bed.

Only by holding the only laptop that he can rely on in his hands can his heart feel more stable.

"Sorry, can I trouble you to avoid it, I want to check a few information, just a few minutes."

He bowed apologetically to the girl beside him and pleaded.

"Of course you can, the people's secrecy regulations...Mr. Moon Shadow is really a stubborn person, then I will take out the garbage first."

Giving him an "I understand" look, Gu Lisha carried the lunch box and left the ward.

Watching the ancient principle sand leave, Moon Shadow Qiancao opened the laptop and tremblingly clicked on the game to place the map.


Placed on the map, the vortex originally marked with "Hell's Gate" and "Crack-Eyed Cthulhu" has disappeared without a trace.

"...Wait...this is..."

Moon Shadow Qiancao's eyes moved to the left side of the map, where the value of "Energy" was marked, and could no longer move.

"Hehe...ha...hahahahahahaha...The dominator of Damn it, the fig leaf between the legs, was torn off by me after all..."

His expression changed from a daze to a morbid ecstasy.

"It seems that from the bottom of the people's hearts, they have completely ignored the government's rhetoric..."

In the game map, the grievance that was squandered by him has now risen to more than ten times the value accumulated in the past two years.

"This... as long as you try to get some ‘ghost power’ and open the gates of hell a few more times, it’s enough..."

Moreover, that string of numbers, like Cyclonus stocks, is still increasing frantically.

"Wait... what is the extra row of letters?"

In the bottom row of the map, where the original "G meme" was written, a total of twenty-six letters from A-Z were added.

Among them, only the number "5" is displayed behind the letter G, and the number behind all the other letters is zero.

"It's approaching the eventful autumn, and it is estimated that my information has also been registered by the rescue team. Let's hibernate for a while, and then study it carefully."

Looking at this string of letters of unknown meaning, Yueying Qiancao touched his chin, showing a playful expression.


One month after the "Hell's Gate" incident.

Kanagawa Prefecture, Kawasaki City, Heima Temple.

A black plaque with the words "Mount King Kong" is hung above the gate of a primitive temple with a black glazed tile roof.

Kawasaki Daiji Temple, founded in the 3rd year of Oji, is formally known as Kumgangsan Kinjoin Heimaji. It is one of the three mountains in Kanto. It is famous for its "disaster elimination" and is said to be the top three in the number of "Hatsumi" in the New Year in Japan. Temple.

The temple is famous for its Fude Daohe Hall, Medicine Hall, Jingzang Hall, octagonal five-storied pagoda, five cobalt pestle, wooden board book Tripitaka.

It is the long night of the month (September), and the summer heat gradually fades. It is the season of pleasant weather and beautiful scenery in Kawasaki City.

Affected by an event a month ago, even if it was a working day, pilgrims who came to the temple to pray for safety and help transshipment were in an endless stream.

However, when these pilgrims pass through the wide temple gate, they will enter the temple like a thief with a frightened expression, sticking to the edge of the door.

Because, not far from the gate of the temple, a man wearing a monk's robe was sitting carelessly.

However, at eight o’clock in the morning, this man with a beard-faced face and long hair of gold and black hanging messily on his forehead was leaning back on the pillar at the entrance of the temple, holding a large bottle of "14th generation Longquan Chun" with a thin neck. "Mi Da Yin Niang", pouring into his mouth one after another.

From the entrance of the shopping street in front of the temple, you can smell the strong smell of alcohol on his body.

Although since the Meiji Restoration era promulgated the "Removal of the Ban on the Bandage of Meaty Wives", Japanese monks were the same as ordinary people, able to grow hair, marry wives, have children, eat wine and meat, and do not need to be a serious ascetic monk.

Today, in the name of "promoting Buddhism", Japanese monks are wrapped in "Zen" clothes, open bars, software companies, and become entertainers.

However, at the Kawasaki Daishi Temple, which upholds the orthodox Buddhist penance method, the monks still adhere to the precepts of no meat, no alcohol, no killing and no female sex, and they live the penance of morning bells and evening drums, blue lanterns, ancient Buddhas, and random alms. Life.

Therefore, in the early morning when other monks were doing morning classes, this criminal "Monk" blocked the door and drank alcohol. It was indeed a terrible thing for the pilgrims.

Whether it’s the man’s slightly frowning brows, the invisible blue veins, the well-developed pectoral muscles exposed on the neckline, and the dense and inexplicable tattoos on the thick arms in the wide sleeves, it is enough to remind the past pilgrims of a “wanted criminal”. Hidden in the temple, presided over the passionate show of "repaying grievances with virtue and offering physical influence".

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