I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 406: Inheritance of Araki

"Every evil monk said that I just went to retreat and practiced, not a monk..."

Araki Sosuke's index finger and middle finger were put together on his temple, and he casually waved at Mochizuki's back.

"It's you, next time you come to trouble, remember to wear your wig jail, lest others think it is a monk."

Hearing his words, Mochizuki's hand that stretched out to the door of the car suddenly shook, and quickly got into the car and left.

"This guy Che, it is said that he has been performing secret missions abroad, why was he suddenly transferred back..."

Seeing the back of the disaster prevention mobile team embarrassed, Iwata sighed lightly, and kindly reminded: "Araki-kun, I know that you are very skilled, and now you have awakened inspiration. But that guy is not ordinary and difficult. , Be careful..."

"Cut, who is afraid of whom? The guy who complains about trouble is often the one who causes others trouble, right, Araki..."

Yamada Kengo pouted his lips in dissatisfaction.


When the two talked, Sosuke Araki squatted in the middle of the parking lot at some point.

"This is……"

On the ground in front of him, the flesh and blood of the unknown ghost was slowly dissipating into resentment.

A scarlet energy thread, like an earthworm, wriggled out of the pile of flesh and blood.

"……What the hell?!"

Araki Zongsuke gently picked it up with his fingertips, that inconspicuous energy immediately extinguished the light, turned into ashes and dissipated.


"Uuuuu, my darlings, haven't seen you in a month, are you okay?"

Half an hour later, in the interior of apartment 102 in front of Tibet, Sosuke Araki wiped a lot of indescribable things on the shelf with a blush on the front and tears in his eyes, and neatly arranged a row of colorful thermos cups.

Magazines with popular covers, CDs of learning materials, scenery figures, comic books, gunpla, embroidery special suits...

"Oh, the study materials and the thermos are dusty, and this special attack uniform has to be washed again. It's so pitiful..."

"Oops, these discs have been overdue for more than a month. The late fee is very expensive, so it's not enough. Anyway, I used the Longma membership card..."

"After staying in that kind of country temple for so long, I can't study seriously, my hands are about to rust. It's decided, I'll flip your sign tonight..."

Tori Mayumi, Yamada Kengo, and Tokimoto Ichiro were sitting around his low table, looking at him with contempt.

Poor-quality hot tea is still brewed in the disposable paper cup on the table.

Even these things were taken from the guard room at the door.

In a bachelor’s home, don’t expect to have any tea, cups and other things to entertain guests.

"Ahem, so, this pile of things are the ‘personal items’ that Araki-kun’s heart is thinking of?"

Shimoto Ichiro took a sip of the hot tea in his hand and frowned.

Because of an agreement with Sosuke Araki, the things in this room, the ninth lesson did not open the door for inspection, but kept it as it was.

As far as he learned later, on the night of the Bon Festival, Sosuke Araki, who was ignorant and completely unclear about what happened, rushed back all the way to protect his apartment that was about to be demolished and certain "personal belongings."

If it weren't for this, Araki Zongsuke would not appear in the apartment in front of Tibet at the last moment, to solve the weird ghost and god, and create an opportunity for Mochizuki Lingnai to close the gate of hell.

In a sense, the mess in front of you might have saved the entire city of Tokyo to a certain extent?

"Ahem... Kengo..."

Turning around, Sosuke Araki clenched his fist to cover his mouth and coughed lightly, with his expression as if he was holding a loneliness and handed a black trash bag from under the table to Kengo Yamada.

"It was originally my most precious collection, but unfortunately I am no longer who I used to be, and I can't go back anymore..."

"Since you are my most optimistic junior and you helped me guard this apartment, I will pass it on to you in tears!"

"Inheritance? This...this is..."

Opening the trash bag quietly and flipping the contents a bit, the expression on Kengo Yamada's face suddenly lost control.

"I...I've...obviously done such an excessive thing to senior..."

He looked at the contents of the trash bag dearly, and reached out his hand to wipe the tears that flowed down like a waterfall, his tone also choked up.

"The predecessor not only didn't care at all, but... actually reluctantly gave up his love and passed on to me some of his most cherished collections of Kato Junko's out-of-print collection...

"Wait, how is it possible... This is not a limited reissue of Da Chao X (MK9527BD) that has been sold to 50,000 yen on the dark Internet..."

"Uuuuu...senior...I will definitely not let down your kindness, I will always review and never slack off, and pass on the classics from generation to generation..."

"Enough, you worthless evildoer!"

Shimoto Ichiro raised his foot and kicked Yamada Kengo, who was crying into tears, and said in embarrassment, "Ahem, Araki-kun, you don't have to put things back after finishing your things. Anyway, you will move out together tomorrow... "

"Move away? So, you still succumb to the lust of those guys, and want a poor tenant with a lease for one year and seven months to give up the only one who belongs to him after entering the society. The shelter..."

When I heard Torimoto Ichiro's words, Araki Sosuke's face suddenly sank, showing the expression that riches cannot be licentious, mighty cannot be succumbed, and the poor cannot be moved.

"As compensation, the Metropolitan Police Department has arranged for you a ten-year rent-free building. You only need to equip yourself with furniture, household appliances, and pay the property tax on water and electricity. The garage and the front and rear courtyards are only more than ten minutes away from here, close to the subway station, and convenient transportation..."

"Ten, ten years rent-free?"

Shimoto Ichiro continued to drink the hot tea in his hand, without raising his eyelids, the old god said to the ground.

"One, one-household construction?"

"However, since Araki-kun has such a firm attitude, I will help you refuse..."

The air in the room had solidified at some point, and only the words of Yuu Tokimoto Ichiro echoed.

"As a good citizen who is willing to fight cults and act bravely for justice, it is my duty to share worries for the government! Well, can I move tonight?"

"Don't be so hurry..."

Sosuke Araki, who was sitting opposite him, had already found a few large cardboard boxes at some point, and was stacking the things on the shelves like garbage in them...

"Hey, old man, the ‘retreat practice’ I agreed with you has been completed..."

Five minutes later, Sosuke Araki sat on the tatami seriously, looking at Ichiro Tokimoto with piercing eyes.

Behind him is a row of packed paper neatly stacked against the wall.

"You promised me that you should tell the truth about Mochizuki's situation, right?"

Hearing his questioning, Tori Mayumi and Yamada Kengo also pricked their ears.

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