A series of questions about everything that happened behind that door, the changes in his left eye, and so on, had been plagued by Sosuke Araki for a whole month.

And Mochizuki Ayano, the only one who knows the truth, is still a mystery.

In the morning after the Meng Lan Bon Festival, Sosuke Araki kicked through a certain iron gate and returned from a world no one knew behind the gate.

After waking up in the hospital, Mochizuki Ayano, who was originally in his arms, has long since disappeared.

After that, no matter how Sosuke Araki asked, the old man who oppressed him as "Chairman of Toriyu Mayumi Association", "Uncle of Mai Hanyu", "Master of Yamada Kengo" and many other identities, the old man Toshimoto did not respond positively. Pass him.

The other party just agreed with Sosuke Araki that he should go to the Kawasaki Master Temple first, and after completing the one-month "retreat", then explain the situation to him.

"Hey, instead of telling you, it's better to take you directly to see her now, which is more convincing, right?"

"What, go and see her?"

"Who? Mochizuki?"

"When? Now?"

Hearing what he said, the three people in front of them suddenly became excited.

Shimoto Ichiro put the tea in his hand back on the table and smiled at the bewildered three.

"Yes, go now."


Chiyoda District, Tokyo.

Led by a nurse, Araki Sosuke walked in the dim and pale corridor.

Walking side by side with him is naturally Yu Mayumi Kotori, Kengo Yamada, and Ichiro Tokimoto.

White walls, white floors, white furniture, and the smell of disinfectant...

At this time, the "research institute" in the mouth of the chairman of the association gave Sosuke Araki the feeling that it was more like a hospital.

Although he didn't like the indifference that this place exudes, but when he stepped into this place, his mood was relieved.

When the president of Shiben suddenly said, "I will take you to see her now," he actually had a hint of palpitations and anxiety.

After all, when he regained consciousness, kicked through the iron door and returned to the apartment in front of Tibet, Mochizuki Ayano, who was covered with blood and looked sad and desperate, often appeared in his dreams of the last month.

From the current point of view, the old man did not directly take him to the Spirit Garden, at least it means that girl...

After losing Xingping and Lizi, he didn't want to see anyone he knew leave.

After passing the identity verification, passing through several iron gates, and undergoing layer-by-layer disinfection, several people put on disposable protective clothing and entered a closed aseptic ward.

Across a piece of transparent floor-to-ceiling glass, the girl that everyone cares about appeared in front of them so naturally.

In the room behind the glass, Mochizuki Ayano, wearing a hospital gown, was lying quietly on the hospital bed with her eyes closed, holding a conch like a ruby ​​in her hand.

A dense cluster of monitoring and life-sustaining equipment is connected to her petite body.

The original fluffy and cute blonde shoulder-length curly hair seemed to be cut to be as playful as a little boy for the convenience of care.

She is usually aggressive, but now she looks petite and fragile like a porcelain doll.

There was a heavy silence in the room, and only the ticking of instruments could be heard.


Looking at the familiar face behind the glass, Araki Sosuke couldn't help but humming disdainfully, "I don't need you to come to visit".

However, she can only lie motionless now, and can't do anything.

"Ayano sauce!"

As if afraid of breaking the silence in the room, Tori Mayumi firmly covered her mouth, but couldn't stop the big crystals from falling from the eye sockets.

She couldn't get in touch with Mochizuki Ayano, and faintly guessed that the other party must have been seriously injured.

However, when the cruel reality is in front of our eyes, that kind of real impact cannot be replaced by any imagination.

"When she was sent, she was actually losing too much blood due to the loss of one eyeball. Under the most advanced medical conditions in Japan, she has almost recovered..."

The nurse on the side introduced the situation to everyone in a soft voice, and the eyes of Mochizuki Ayano were full of compassion.

"... But, for some reason, her consciousness has never been able to recover."

"Wait! You said you lost your eyes..."

Hearing her words, Araki Sosuke suddenly realized something, his whole body trembled uncontrollably, and his voice suddenly rose.

The bird Yu Mayumi on the side gently pulled his sleeve, reminding him to speak quietly.

"... Lost an eye? Which one?"

Araki Sosuke took a deep breath, tried his best to calm his emotions, and asked in a low voice.

"Ah, yes, it's... the left eye..."

Watched by this golden-black oil-headed man full of criminal aura with such terrible eyes mixed with sadness, the nurse subconsciously picked up the folder in his hand and protected it in front of his chest.

"Left... Left eye? Hey... So that's it..."

Hearing the expected answer, Araki Sosuke turned pale and laughed.

"I said, even if I have European ancestry, it is impossible for my pupils to have genetic mutations in adulthood."

Gently covering his left eye under the blindfold, Sosuke Araki's expression became more complicated.

"Moreover, even the pupil volume seems to be a bit smaller than before..."

What happened in the world behind that dark red giant door...

Mochizuki Ayano unexpectedly chose to give her left eye in a certain way.

Is it to leave that place, or to save yourself?

All these questions, perhaps only when Mochizuki Ayano wakes up, will there be a correct answer.

However, from the moment when various speculations came to life in the bottom of my heart, an inexplicable sense of guilt and guilt began to gnaw at Sosuke Araki's heart like a piranha.

"After a joint diagnosis by the Soul Slayers Association and the Institute, she seems to have forcibly launched some kind of forbidden technique, causing the soul in the body to be torn into two halves."

Tokimoto Ichiro looked at Mochizuki Ayano behind the glass and sighed heavily.

"Soul, tear? So, can't you think of a way to heal her?"

Araki Sosuke turned around and grabbed Torimoto Ichiro's wrist.

Yamada Kengo on the side comforted him softly: "Senior Araki, you want to heal a torn soul. That is something that the legendary gods can do."

From ancient times to the present, the human soul has always been the most mysterious and unexplorable realm.

"Yes, in the past month, whether it is the research institute or the Spirit Eliminators Association, various methods have been tried... But the result is just what you see so far."

Speaking of this, Shimoto Ichiro's increasingly thin face also showed deep self-blame.

After all, that night ten years ago, he promised his friend to take good care of this child.

Now that such a situation has appeared, he is naturally to blame.

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