I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 411: Sorry, You Are A Good Person

By the time several people bid farewell to Mochizuki Koji and walked out of the "Supernatural Institute", it was already close to twelve o'clock.

"Ah, Sleeper, from the top life science research institute in Japan, do you feel that your life has been sublimated?"

"Sister Yu, Hanyu, why are you here?"

Mai Hanyu, who is tall and bumpy, is wearing a white coat, waiting at the entrance of the institute without any sense of disobedience.

If someone who doesn't know passes by, just looking at this white coat, I'm afraid she will think she is the researcher who just finished overtime inside.

In the parking lot not far away, there was the white van that had been separated from Sosuke Araki not long ago, and a certain short fat man wearing a baseball cap was faintly visible.

The two sisters and brothers came here late at night, so naturally it was too late to see the time, so they made a special trip to pick up Tokimoto Ichiro.

Due to the late time and different directions, Chiyoda District is located in the center of Tokyo, and it is very close to each district, so Sosuke Araki, Kengo Yamada and Mayumi Kotori did not plan to take a ride.


Tokimoto Ichiro entered the back seat of the van, rolled down the window, and looked at Sosuke Araki who was standing beside him with complex expressions.

"President Shiben, don't worry!"

Passing the picture scroll in his hand to Mai Hanyu, Mongsuke Araki enthusiastically comforted the old man in front of him.

"Starting from tomorrow, I will definitely give full play to my'eight frequencies and eight speeds', strong and penetrating'resonant same frequency' physique, so that those resentful spirits will be influenced by the ultimate pleasure, and they will be satisfied with them. White light spots..."

"Ahem, Araki-kun... I mean, you don't need to worry about this picture scroll for now."

Tokimoto Ichiro touched his beard and looked away awkwardly.


Hearing Torimoto Ichiro's words, Araki Sosuke, who was originally full of energy, instantly petrified his whole body and blinked innocently.

"The bamboo drawing scroll is a matter of Mochizuki's request from the Spirit Eliminator Association, and it involves dealing with various resentful spirits, so it is not convenient to leave it to a layman..."

"Outsiders, laymen? But, the girl of the Mochizuki clan, it is more or less because of me that I made it like this, you want me to leave it alone..."

"Hey, if you want to help so much, it's not impossible."

"Oh? I must trouble you..."

Seeing Araki Sosuke's sharp eyes, Shimoto Ichiro's mouth curled slightly like an old fox.


Yamada Kengo in the back swallowed a big mouthful of saliva when he saw this expression that was too familiar.

"Senior Araki...finished...it's over...the teacher must be planning something..."

Because, at the beginning, Tomotoichiro induced him in the police station to "plead guilty first, and then find a way to clear the relationship", and when all the charges entered his personal file...

When he was asked to go to Karuizawa Forest and said he would teach the "Secrets of Maoshan not to be passed on", but when he was forced to study under the waterfall and suffered thousands of slaps...

Let him with the permission level [zero] participate in the joint action alone to "do some easy tasks to get familiar with", and almost lost himself under the "sewage burster"...

This old man, who seemed to be polite and immortal, showed this slight expression.

"Although your physique is very special, the spirit eliminator is an industry that has been passed down for thousands of years, and there are many different rules. It is not the "vibration" or "massage" that you think will cause white light spots. It's that simple..."

Tokimoto Ichiro twisted his beard lightly, so it was difficult to teach him.

"If Chu Ling is refreshed for a while and the details are not standardized, even the simplest grievances will cause endless troubles. Moreover, communication and contact with clients are also very particular..."

"It's better... what should I do if you directly?"

So dizzy by all these unclear rules, Mongsuke Araki waved his hands again and again.

"At least, you should first learn the relevant knowledge, get the "exemption for spirit removal", and become a qualified spirit remover. "

"Become a spirit remover? However, I still have work to be busy on my side..."

Hearing what the other party said, Sousuke Araki was taken aback.

Although during the period of "retreat and practice", apart from teaching him the Buddhist scriptures, the monk also popularized a lot of common sense about "eliminating spirits"...

He has always believed that he can return to his previous life after he has been counseled by "retreat practice" and adapted to the changes in his body.

From beginning to end, no one had suggested or asked him whether he wanted to be a spirit remover.

"Oh, isn't it, Lu Dou, haven't you talked to Araki-kun about that matter?"

Put the picture scroll into the black storage box and put it in the trunk. Mai Hanyu asked with a probe from the rear of the car.

"No, when Araki-kun got off the car in the afternoon, I... I had a sudden urgency, and I didn't have time..."

A drop of cold sweat slid off the forehead of the thick sea and land.

When he sent Araki Sosuke back in the evening, the row of unidentified men with live ammunition reminded him of the fear of being besieged by the dead self-defense team on Showa Avenue.

Frightened that he was too late to run away, there was no mood to continue to communicate with Araki Sosuke.

"In that case, let me, the ‘former president’, tell you in person..."


Walking up to the front of Araki Sosuke with great momentum, Mai Hanyu stared at him with big soft eyes without evasiveness, lightly lifted her vermilion lips, and used a charming tone, as if she refused a confession from a schoolboy, every word. Speaking of the cruel facts that made Araki Sosuke been struck by lightning: "Sorry, Araki-kun, you are a good person. However, you have been expelled."

"Huh?! Wait, did you speak just now?"

Unable to accept this cruel fact, Araki Sosuke pulled out his ears hard, and put his palms to his ears like an eighty-year-old man: "I have heard too much Buddhist scriptures recently, and my hearing is severely damaged. Will produce auditory hallucinations..."

"You heard that right. During your'retreat and practice', the "Beware! Haunted House Appraisal" Co., Ltd. has been acquired by the'Taitung District Reconstruction Fund', the largest shareholder of the Tomimen Consortium. At present, we have changed its name to the "Beware! Haunted House Appraisal" Network Business Department under the foundation. As one of the shareholders of the foundation, the Spirit Slayers Association is also our main service target. "

The “Taitung District Reconstruction Fund” is apparently responsible for financial assistance for the reconstruction of Taito District, which has been turned into rubble, and in essence, it also undertakes the function of providing funds, personnel, materials and other all-round funding to the Spiritual Rehabilitation Association to clear the station with maximum efficiency. The grievances and ghosts remaining in the Eastern Zone.

As Mai Hanyu spoke, a long leg had already stepped into the car, as if she was about to leave.

"Because the equity acquisition is within the scope of the exemption clause, the labor agreement between you and us also ends here."

"You have to understand, this is nothing you can do. Although I have helped you fight for it, the foundation has strict requirements on the education, skills and qualifications of its employees. Various professional skills certificates..."

"Wait, don't go, you let me stroke it..."Careful! Haunted house appraisal", has it been taken over or bought? And, also, is not responsible for the placement of employees? ! "

Listening to Mai Hanyu's chattering explanation, Araki Sosuke, who realized afterwards, was struck by lightning, and his whole body instantly turned pale.

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