After the van started slowly, Mai Hanyu seemed to think of something again. She stuck her head out and added to someone who was running wildly on the side of the van, "That's right, because someone still owes me a lot of bail and lawyers. It is estimated that Fei will have to serve as my personal research assistant (su) for a long time. Remember to keep communication smooth and be available on call..."

"What... I almost forgot, that huge debt..."

"By the way, unlike your messy exemptions, the "Chiling Exemption" is one of the qualifications recognized by the foundation. If you can get it, you may be able to help you get a job in the business department... The supplementary explanation is over, let’s do that for today, see you later. "

"Chaos... messy forgiveness? My ones are..."

"The player Mai Hanyu launched "Premeditated", "Shadow Walk", "Ambush", "Backstab", "Eviscerate" against you..."

"You are dead"

Suffering a series of repairs, Araki Sosuke only felt strange empty ears ringing in his ears, only felt that the sky was spinning, unable to support his body, no longer able to chase the van, and slowly knelt down on the side of the road.

Until the white van disappeared mercilessly into the dazzling traffic, Sosuke Araki remained petrified.


"Late to look for Di Pei Lao Lai, to search for Di Pei Lao Lai, to search for the night to cry and tired, hey, to look for Hong Ha to sit inside and be so crisp and beautiful..."

"Ms. Araki?! You have to be strong..."

Tori Mayumi walked around to the front, but was startled by Sosuke Araki, who was chanting strange songs with two lines of clear tears.

Fate is heartless, ****.

Finally ended the "retreat practice", and gradually adapted to the changes in the world, Mochizuki Ayano's injury also saw some hope of recovery, the government also compensated him for a ten-year rent-free "one-family building"...

However, he was motivated, but was overwhelmed by the two mountains of "layoffs + debts" that came suddenly.

"Senior Araki, cheer up, not yet desperate..."

Yamada Kengo's scorching big hand full of philosophical aura lightly rested on Araki Sosuke's shoulder.

"Kengo, only you..."

Under the backlight, Yamada Kengo was covered in the shadows, only the top of the bald head seemed to condense the light called hope.

"Senior don’t worry, even I can be exempted after failing three times. With your ability, you just need to go up and'resonate' casually. Those examiners are afraid that they will cry and kneel and take off their pants. I beg you to accept it. Free!"

"Furthermore, your seniors, not to mention the 300,000 yen monthly basic subsidy of the Spirit Eliminators Association, I am afraid that you will get softer just for the task bonus..."

It seems that after hearing a certain keyword, Araki Sosuke's eyes suddenly shined with a light called "Fortune".

"Wait, three or three hundred thousand... is it just a basic subsidy?! It's almost as good as one month's income from food delivery..."

"Is there any bonus for that mission, can you tell me in detail?!"

"Wait a minute, I will open the Soul Eliminators Association app first, the rules inside say so..."

Following the detailed explanation by Yamada Kengo, the flame named hope rekindled in the eyes of Sosuke Araki.

Even the simple interface of the Soul Slayers Association app is now shining with the light of money.

"Ahem, I just haven't been relieved from the sudden loss of unemployment. Since you can even Kengo, as a man with multiple exemptions, I have never been worried..."

Reaching out and making a fist to cover his mouth and coughing lightly, he showed an extremely firm expression.

"Did you say you failed three times? It's decided, what exemption, I want to easily take the test once and show it to you!"

"Then, Sister Hanyu will ask me to reinstate my job at the price of such and such things. With my super-spiritual physique, I can fill up the picture scroll, rescue Mochizuki girl, and earn a lot of bonuses by the way. ..."

Speaking of the later, it seemed that he thought of some pleasant scene, so Araki Sosuke couldn't help but laugh.

"At that time, I will be the one who lives in a villa, drives a sports car, and spends time in Ginza every day...Wow, are you three to accompany you today? Hahahahaha!"

"Ms. Araki, go to test the spirit of exemption, really, is it okay?"

Looking at Sosuke Araki who laughed wildly under the street lamp and put on the "speeding up" BUFF for the passersby, Yu Mayumi Torii seemed to want to say something, pursed his mouth, and swallowed back.


In the van, Mai Hanyu frowned distressedly while looking at the man in the rearview mirror who was kneeling on the ground and unable to get up again.

"Uncle Shiben, is it really okay to induce this chaotic guy to test the spirit of exemption by himself instead of directly distributing it?"

"Sister, don’t worry, Araki-kun is not a man who surrenders easily. Even if he can’t afford a paid book, he will try to buy cheap distribution editions on the dark web or go to Internet cafes to search for extortion objects... Don’t fight, I mean unemployment. That's it, he should be tomorrow, no, maybe he will be refreshed in five minutes."

The thick sea and land, who was driving, gently adjusted his hat, and his face showed a look called "本友のtrust".

"I'm worried. The "Black Claw" guys are also likely to notice that it will affect the layout of the "World Devil's ***" plan..."

"Hey, when do we have this plan?"

"The situation we are currently facing is like the muddy sea after the tsunami. Those cults, IBM700, and even some of our internal existence, are like predators lurking under the sea, waiting for opportunities..."

Shimoto Ichiro, who fell back on his business seat, seemed to be thinking about something.

"If you want to know what is going on under the sea surface that stirs the undercurrents and comes out to breathe, you must take out enough bait to make them jump out of the sea..."

Hearing the dialogue between Mai Hanyu and Hou Hailu Dou, he rubbed his brows tiredly, and then spoke with afterthought.

As for what happened a month ago and on the night of Obon, the more he investigated it, the more frightening the results he got.

It seems that there are countless complicated hidden forces, intertwined behind the disaster at the same time, and turned into the final result, making it difficult for people to see the truth.

"Besides, who is the decoy and who is the predator? It's not necessarily true."

With a faint smile, he looked at Mai Hanyu seriously, and muttered as if asking a question or talking to himself.

"Girl Wu, what do you think we expect from Araki-kun?"

"Always protect him, hide him like it did during "retreat practice," and use it unexpectedly at critical moments? No, with Araki-kun's potential, my expectations of him are much more than that..."

"I learned a word when I was in the Dragon Kingdom. How can the glow of fireflies compete with Haoyue... Mr. Araki, who can defeat even the gate of hell, doesn't need our protection, but..."

Waiting for Mai Hanyu to answer, he seemed to be asking and answering himself and gave the answer.

"Although according to the meaning of the propaganda, the one who has entered the world has his own destined path of experience and should not be interfered by anyone, but I still can't help giving a possible direction..."

"I hope that he can experience and understand from his own point of view, and use his own way to change the profession of a spirit remover..."

"Although I am old, I may not be able to see that day..."

"However, when the world really needs him, I hope he has become the bright moon that can stand alone and support people through the endless night..."

"Kukai, the first to discover Araki-kun's uniqueness, but keep Kobe silent, should think so too."

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