I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 419 Everyone From Below

Amidst the flickering light of the cigarette on the ground and the lingering white smoke, the three men sat side by side quietly, vomiting clouds and mists as if they were taking a leisurely trip.

"This is a touch, even if it is, expelling the spirit?"

"Well, there are also various poses..."

Although I heard from the guy Zongsuke Araki on the phone before, he suddenly awakened with some incredible "spiritual despiration talent" and was going to retreat for a month and adapt to...

But this is the first time that Ryoma has seen the other party "expelling spirits" with his own eyes.

"Really, the name is Shen Zheze?"

"What, you said you are a spirit remover?"

Taking advantage of the last days, Araki Sosuke seemed to be still talking with the man.

"I accepted the commission and helped with the psychic investigation, but I was entangled by those guys. I couldn't hide it no matter where I was hiding. After I was scared to death, I was restrained here?"

"In your business, the risk factor is greater than that of the'Haunted House Trial Sleep'..."

"Sorry, I didn't go into the garage when I came here, or maybe I could let Shen Zhe-jun you sooner..."

However, from the perspective of Erqian Ryoma who hadn't heard any voice, Sosuke Araki was just talking to himself.

"Wait, Ryoma..."

As if reacting to something, Araki Sosuke turned his head abruptly, and looked back at Niqian Ryoma who was sitting next to him.

"You guy, when did you start to see these things?!"

Most ordinary people are only able to "see" when they are locked in by the wraith spirit and show up on their own initiative.

But just now, it was clear that Ryoma was before the second, and he took the initiative to discover this earthbound spirit in the first place!

"After the night of Obon, I always felt that my eyes were covered with something. Later, during the month you went to retreat to practice, you could slowly see some..."

Before the second, Ryoma raised his head and vomited a ring of smoke, a complicated look appeared on his face.

"In the beginning, it was just a vague figure, which made me think that there was a problem with my eyes, and I wasted the National Health Insurance to go for a physical examination, but the ophthalmology nurse was really in shape..."

"It wasn't until later that the outlines and details of those things became clearer and clearer, that I realized something was wrong..."

Unknown to be due to the gates of hell, grievances or ghosts, a very small number of people gradually awakened to inspiration after the Obon Festival.

"However, there are many people who have heard of similar situations with me. After signing the "Public Confidentiality Regulations", receiving psychological counseling, and understanding some common sense and coping methods, they can return to their original lives."

Perhaps this is due to the strong environmental adaptability of human beings...

Or, it's the instinct that was originally engraved in the human gene, but it was degraded because of "waste for many years."

"I haven't seen any horrible crime scenes in the police for these years. It's been more than half a month, but I'm used to it."

"Maybe, I can have a lingering encounter with some gorgeous spirit lady"

However, most people who are awakened can only faintly feel or see vague shadows from the periphery. People like Ryoma before the second who can see the "details and outlines" can be said to be unique.

This should be related to the fact that he was once possessed by the "dead man" and was rescued by the "Emperor Meiji" in time.

"Is there any result about the suspension investigation? What did you plan to do afterwards?"

As if thinking of something, Sosuke Araki asked curiously.

"The results of the investigation have come out, but the punishment will not be too serious. However, repeated actions without authorization and indiscriminate reporting have left a bad impression on it. It seems that I am not prepared to ask me for the search, although it was originally a secondment. What...what else? I can find another police station or department to go around."

Suddenly asked about this topic, Ryoma's eyes flickered for some reason before the second.

After smoking the cigarette in his mouth, he slapped Araki Sosuke's shoulder vigorously: "However, the most unexpected thing is that you, a dull guy full of brains and muscles, actually have the talent to be a spirit remover! "

"...Why did I feel the insult?"

After being trained by the Metropolitan Police Department and the Spirit Slayers Association for "special groups", Ryoma also knew before the second that he was only an inspiration, and it was completely different from Araki Sosuke's spiritual power that can produce evil spirits. It's like "Seeing" and "touching" are generally very different.

"Ms. Araki! Sorry, I'm late..."

A crimson bicycle hurriedly stopped in front of the garage door.

"Blame Dad, I heard that you moved the villa, and I asked me to bring a koi from the fortress, saying it was a housewarming gift for you and a good omen..."

A young girl with a slender figure and full of vitality in her gestures jumped off the bicycle.

This girl in a high school uniform, with her long hair tied into a beautiful ponytail with a green knot, is the long-overdue maiden of Akagi Shrine, Mayumi Kotori.

At this moment, she was struggling to remove a huge transparent plastic bag from the back seat of the bicycle.

In the transparent plastic bag filled with water, a red and white koi with long whiskers about half a meter long, red and white, swimming slowly can be clearly seen.

Japanese koi is a kind of precious and large ornamental fish with a lifespan of 60-70 years and an adult body length of up to 1-1.5 meters. In the old days, it was usually kept in the ponds of temples and shrines, implying auspiciousness and prosperity.

Presumably, Yutaro Kotori sent this "small" koi with the meaning of helping Sosuke Araki "transit".

"Ahahahaha, Mr. Birdyou is so polite. Such a fat koi must be very expensive. Although my villa is big, I don't have a pond for the time being..."

Araki Sosuke touched the back of his head in distress, and reached out with a smile to take the plastic bag in the opponent's hand.

"It's okay, I'll just mention it by myself...ah!"

Fingers touched Araki Sosuke through the plastic bag, and the girl shyly shyly shrank back like an electric shock.

"Hey, it's really heavy...should I be able to grow fatter?"

Picking up the plastic bag in his hand, and the big eye to small eye of the koi carp in the bag, Sosuke Araki gave a nasty smile.

"Early in the morning, are you extinguishing spirits? As expected of Mr. Araki..."

Then, the blushing little bird Yu Mayumi noticed that behind the corner of the wall, the spirit body with faint white light and hands clasped together.

Startled for a moment, there was an admiration in her eyes.

"My practice is really too slack."

At the same time, the man named "Shen Tetsuze" silently said something to Sousuke Araki.

"Wait, what did you say?!"

Araki Sosuke, who was so frightened that he turned his head back suddenly, there were only spots of light in the sky before his eyes.

"Don't go now, what do you mean, everyone under the house is also squatting very hard?!"


After half an hour.

In the backyard of the villa, a cave appeared for some reason.

According to the fresh dig marks at the entrance of the hole, the damp soil and the shovel beside it, it can be judged that it was just excavated.

Below the cave is an open door of a rotten cellar, behind which is connected a deep and narrow staircase, leading directly to the dark basement.

"Ahahahaha... everyone who has finished inquiring, please line up and go to the stairs, please..."

Amidst the sorrowful laughter of the man in the basement, a spirit body glowing with white light, clasped hands together, slowly moved upward along the stairs.

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