In the beginning, when Araki Sosuke moved to the apartment in front of Tibet, there weren't many belongings all over his body, only a few cardboard boxes.

But with the accumulation of years and days, the increasing number of "private collections" and the principles of "eliminating waste", "the items in the room are also within the scope of the lease", "don't leave a single X hair to that bald toad"... …

He made his own proposal, and went over the plucking land to move all the things that could be taken away from the apartment in front of Tibet, such as the bookshelves and low tables, as well as the "Housewarming New Home Promotional Set Appliances" that had been missed in the Zhonggu store.

If it wasn't for the range hood, shower, stove, tatami, wallpaper, and ceiling lamp that were difficult to disassemble, he would have almost done it together...

All in all, in order to pull these things, he specially asked Erqian Ryoma who had nothing to do with him, and borrowed (white prostitutes) a mini pickup truck.

"You single dog, it's a waste to live in such a big villa alone. Why don't I move in from the old and cramped police station dormitory to live together..."

While moving the refrigerator from the rear compartment with Sosuke Araki, Ryoma looked around and admired enviously.

"If you live upstairs and downstairs separately, I should call to call, come to the door and blow quickly, etc. It shouldn’t bother you."

"When it’s okay, you can also study together various materials from the police station "Qiang"."

"Ahahaha, that is, it is really unaccustomed to monopolize such a big house for the first time in my life."

Araki Zongjie touched his head triumphantly, laughed wildly, and agreed with Ryoma's exhilarating proposal before the second.

"You can move here, and you can settle the utility bill. By the way, you can also sponsor some furniture. Now there is nothing left to look strange..."

Hou Hailu Dou was right, no matter how dilapidated, no matter how wicked the house, no more, it can't cover up...

This is a fact of a luxurious villa with a living area that Sosuke Araki has never owned in his life!

His stuff that filled the room only occupied a small corner of the living room when he moved over. The other rooms were all terribly empty.

The previous dislikes about this house have long been wiped out because of the spacious, exquisite and atmospheric structure inside the house.

Anyway, he doesn't usually remove the blindfold, so he can't see.

In any case, even if a bunch of evil spirits suddenly pop up to hold the welcome party at night, Laozi will decide the name "Living in the Villa"!

"En? To this way... why don't you leave..."

However, Araki Sosuke didn't notice that Ryoma, who was carrying the refrigerator with him, had a smile on his face for some reason, and he couldn't move his footsteps.

"Um, hahaha...Zongjie, I suddenly felt that the police station dormitory is still quite clean and elegant, so I won't come over and bother you."

"Why, didn't you always complain that the police station dormitory is too narrow, many postures cannot be used, and because of the lack of ventilation, and the long-term call to door service, you have accumulated a lot of strangeness that is difficult to remove? It is rare that you have encountered it When it’s cheaper..."

"No, wait... Why did you say, ‘you’ just now?!"

Following the sudden silence of Erqian Ryoma, with a slightly horrified look in his eyes "crazy hint", Sosuke Araki Niutou looked at the corner of the garage...

In the corner of the dusty garage, a man was facing the two of them, squatting motionless as if in the morning, with a newspaper in his hand.

Facing this weird scene, the air in the garage instantly solidified.

"Hey, you bastard, arbitrarily open up the garage of someone else's house..."

Putting down the refrigerator in his hand, Araki Sosuke strode to the side of the opponent in the horrified eyes of Ryoma before the second, and looked down at the man who dared to "contaminate other people's garage without authorization."

This is a thin and delicate man with a nice face, wearing a suit that is somewhat outdated.

Seeing the other party with his face pressed against the wall and squatting down there pitifully, Sousuke Araki's fierce eyes suddenly startled.

Is it because the house was destroyed by the typhoon, the wife and the pork guy ran away after losing their jobs, and the homeless tramp?

"Um... I am a new resident of this house, may I ask if you are..."

Thinking of this, his tone became milder again.

However, the man didn't seem to be going to answer his questions, he still maintained the same squatting posture, unmoved at all.


Perceiving a familiar sense of disobedience, Sosuke Araki carefully removed the blindfold of his left eye and glanced at the man in front of him from the gap.

Although the right eye can also see the "hidden energy field life forms" transformed by souls, it can't distinguish them from ordinary people, so he can only use his left eye to "contrast and discern" them.

At the same time, the man slowly turned his face around...

In the left eye, this neat and fair young man has a sudden change in style!

The original plain suit became dirty due to blood and stains, and the white face turned into iron cyan...

The originally thin corners of the mouth are showing a huge "O" shape with an arc that exceeds the limit of human beings, and the entire face is distorted as a result.

Combining with the black gas lingering all over his body and flowing into Sousuke Araki's body, it can be judged that this is an "earth bound spirit."

Earth bound spirit, as the name suggests, is a spirit body bound by the earth.

If you have unresolved obsessions or are entangled by negative energy such as resentment, the spiritual body will be bound within a certain range.

Their time often stays in a certain period before death, reciprocating, and they cannot escape, step forward, or detach themselves.

Looking at the man who "opens" in front of him constantly telling him something, as well as the huge "O"-shaped mouth on the other's face that is still expanding infinitely...

"Enough, you don't need to say, I know all about it!"

Araki Sosuke quickly put on his blindfold before his painting style became more uncontrollable and caused more damage to his sleep tonight.

Then, he patted the opponent on the shoulder.

Under the sight of his right eye, which he called the "Heaven Filter", this action was not a burden to him.

"I've been squatting here for many years, and it's quite hard. My legs must also be numb..."

With this shot, the man's whole body suddenly burst into white light, and his hands began to fold slowly on his chest.

"I just moved here, there is nothing to entertain you..."

Araki Zongjie simply leaned against the root of the wall and sat down next to the man, lit a cigarette, and placed it at the other's feet.

"...Before you leave, should you smoke a cigarette anyway?"

Then, he bowed his head and ordered one for himself.

Seeing that the man's image suddenly became "normal", Ryoma had the courage to come up before the second, and he did not see that the outside field grabbed a cigarette from Araki Sosuke's hand and held it in his mouth, using nicotine to alleviate the previous shock.

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