The miniature tie clip microphone on the throat, the bone vibration earphone on the inside of the wig, the button camera on the shirt...

This set of valuable professional-grade cheating equipment, after Sousuke Araki saw the "difficulty of the written test" yesterday, sacrificed several copies of the [BEEP...] Village Dairy Limited Signature Booklet that was snapped up on COMI last year and used it to "take a seat." "Please prepare for this "super hacker", Hou Hailu Dou.

"Okay, this position is okay, let me take a look... The first question, which of the following actions is more likely to cause the spirit body to "resent the spirit"... Looking at the information, it should be A. Help memorize the death process..."

"Oh, ok, I'm very helpful, please also the next question..."

"Second question selection... Zi Zi Zi... Araki-kun, can you hear... Zi Zi Zi..."

Just as Araki Sosuke started to answer the question with a divine help, his expression excited, the voice of Hou Hailu Dou was gradually overwhelmed by the sound of chaotic electric currents.

"Zizizi... crackling... woo... beep..."

"Uh, so noisy, my ears..."

The sudden strong ear-piercing electric current sounded like three brawny men jumping out of the grass shouting, without warning, X Araki Sosuke's hearing.

Pulling off the headset, he raised his head slightly, only to see an invigilator from the Association. I don't know when, at the front of the examination room, he turned on a black device with eight antennas like a router.

"Damn it, did you actually use a signal jammer?"

Having completely disconnected from Houhailudou, Araki Sosuke's whole body was like a beast forced to the edge of the cliff, and his whole body exuded a tragic atmosphere.

"Hehehehe... Do you think that I will stop here?"

Smiling frantically, his eyes narrowed slightly, and as soon as he grasped the pencil in his hand, his veins burst and started to answer the question directly.

"Sorry, but I want to be the strongest man in Japan, how can I not prepare for the worst!"

With the pencil in his hand writing and drawing at high speed, Araki Sosuke's sharp eyes gradually became apathetic, and the expression on his face became more and more indifferent, as if returning to the tragic time of chanting Buddhist scriptures at the Kawasaki Daishi Temple following the propaganda in the retreat...

"Three longs and one short pick the shortest, three shorts and one long pick the longest, two longs and two shorts pick B..."

Like chanting Buddhist scriptures in a low voice and chanting words of inexplicable meaning, he blended into the two test takers who were also mumbling to answer the questions without any sense of contradiction.

"... Choose A for the same length and short, choose D for different lengths, and C is invincible if it is uneven."

PLANE, THEFINAL, Secret Skills·Seven-Character Mantra.


"The time for the written test is up. Please stop answering the questions and hand over the answer sheet to the staff."

"End... It's over..."

An hour later, the staff forcibly took away the crooked answer sheet from the tearful Araki Sosuke.

"Don't be discouraged, Araki Sosuke, the eliminator, has not yet reached despair, there is still another chance..."

In the toilet, Sosuke Araki wiped away the tears from his face and flushed his face with a tap.

"After all, the written test only accounts for 30% of the assessment score. Even if you get 0 points, you have a chance to pass in theory!"

Slowly raising his head, he said seriously to himself in the mirror.

"Presumably, this is also the space that the organizer has deliberately left for me, a spirit remover who has relatively strong practical operations."


Immediately, he patted both sides of his cheeks with both hands vigorously, leaving two red five-fingerprints: "...Next, whether it is interviews or spiritual removal practices, these are my areas of expertise!"

A confident smile gradually returned to his face.

"As long as the interview performance is perfect, the score is enough for me to enter the final stage of the'practical test'! At that time, with my strong physique, hahahaha..."

"The next candidate for the interview, Sosuke Araki, please come to Room 302 for the interview..."

In the speakers in the hallway, there was a voice notifying the interview, which interrupted the laughter of someone who had occupied the bathroom sink and made other test-takers afraid to come forward to wash their hands.

Using water to hold Yan Baba's oil head straight again, and tie his tie tightly around the neckline, Sosuke Araki walked out of the toilet with a strong and indescribable breath, and came to the door of Room 302.

"Unlucky, I actually met Vice President Chang Tian, ​​who is known as the'Devil Interviewer,' which is really embarrassing for the little monk..."

At the same time, a monk was walking out of the interview room with a pale face, his predecessor weakly, and it seemed that he had suffered some kind of mental crit.

"Another one... I heard that Vice President Chang Tian, ​​who is in charge of the daily affairs of the Association, has always been very harsh on interviews. I really hope I won't be sent to that room..."

Looking at the monk's painful expression, the candidates waiting for the interview in the hallway showed sympathy.

"Huh, a group of weak chickens...Interview, but only a game for the strong!"

With a disdainful glance at the young monk passing by, Araki Sosuke pushed in with an irresistible aura as if he was opening the door of hell.

"Next, I will let you know the number of interviews two hundred and fifty times (1 successful), the man who is known as the "Devil of the Great Interview", his true strength!"

In the dimly lit room, three interviewers in suits and leather shoes were sitting across from him with a serious face, flipping through a thick pile of resumes in their hands.

In the corner on the right, there is a man sitting alone, seeming to be alone in charge of interview records.

If you are a novice interviewer, you may have been persuaded by the terrible momentum of the "5P start" on the court at this moment.

However, this scene is exactly the scene that Araki Zongsuke has (lost) experienced (failed) countless times, and is so familiar that it can no longer be familiar.

"Sciperson, I've been waiting for you for a long time..."

With a sunny but decent smile, he pretended to say hello easily.

"The next person, Araki Sosuke, is a man who aspires to become the number one spirit eliminator in Japan..."

Then, in an upright manner, he bowed to the three interviewers in a straightforward manner, and bowed to the three interviewers ninety degrees.

"From now on, please give me your advice!"

Interview Secret Skill NO.1: Take the initiative to say hello, master the initiative, reconcile the momentum, and show strong communication and coordination skills.

"A beautiful opening, Sosuke Araki! 』

The one-eyed blindfold, sharp eyes, and looming suit with the neckline, coupled with this "extremely dedicated bow vigorously" set off, radiate Araki Sosuke's strong "criminal atmosphere" to the fullest.

"Araki-kun, right, please sit down, please introduce yourself first..."

As if shocked by his aura, an interviewer on the left side tremblingly greeted him to sit down.

"Very well, the pace of the interview is already under my control, so just..."

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