I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 432: The 251st Interview

"Introduce yourself, no problem, my name is..."

Before sitting down, Araki Sosuke smiled and started to introduce himself with an extremely fluent speaking speed and voice.

"That's right, it's time to show, copy the "Job Seeker's Self-cultivation", the gorgeous self-introduction that has been tempered and tempered! 』

Interview Secret Skill No. 2: Carefully prepared self-introduction, showing mature and elegant conversation, and enriching life experience.

"Ahem, no need..."

An interviewer sitting in the middle coughed softly and interrupted Sosuke Araki with a somewhat familiar voice for some reason.

"If I introduce myself, I've done it on the subway before... Right, the former Shibujing Grand Swordsman General, Sosuke Araki."


Seeing the face of the interviewer whose hair volume was almost zero in the middle, Sosuke Araki's movements instantly petrified.

This is a middle-aged Mediterranean man who looks slightly familiar...

At this moment, the broken glasses with OK stretch on the bridge of his nose were barely pieced together with transparent glue. In the high and swollen lips, there was a front tooth missing for some reason, and he was rushing into the air frantically with a grinning smile.

The Mediterranean interviewer sitting at the very center was the idiot uncle who was brutally hit by Sosuke Araki's "gentleman's axe and elbow" on the subway more than three hours ago.

"By the way, I forgot to introduce myself... I am the vice president of the Spirit Eliminators Association, the exemption grade [II], code-named "Buddha Office Worker", Hiroshi Tsugada..."

"Of course, in private, some people like to call me "Hirozhi in the back""

At this moment, he was gritting his teeth and looking at the opposite young man with a smile: "...Today, I will take the interview with your Excellency very seriously. Then let us start eagerly, and why are you still stunned? , Please sit down, Araki-kun?"

"Well, that, I didn't expect to be the vice president who is famous far and near and has always been regarded as a role model in the industry. He actually interviewed me personally. I was a little flattered for a while, ahhahahaha..."

Smiling palely, Araki Zongsuke sat down tremblingly.

He could imagine that his face now must be even more ugly than the monk who had just left.

"Sousuke Araki, 23 years old, major in ethics in the Department of Sociology, Shibuya University of Economics. He was the head of the Kendo Club and won the 65th All-Japan University Kendo Championship... No wonder, your elbow is so powerful..."

Hiroshi Changtian helped his glasses and read the resume in his hand with interest.

Facing the teasing question from the other party, Araki Sosuke guiltyly smiled: "I didn't dare to be or not, it was a misunderstanding before... Yes, it was because the subway brakes were too sudden and I didn't hold the upper handrail... "

"Having licenses for large-scale special vehicles, large-scale automatic two-wheeled vehicles (with re-examination suspended), and kendo exemption, etc., and have worked as a convenience store store manager, a food delivery person in the front hall, a haunted house trial sleeper, etc. Occupation, Ling felt awake and received a 30-day closed tutoring at the Kawasaki Master Temple... Life experience is quite rich."

Ignoring Sosuke Araki directly, Hiroshi Tsukita continued reading.

"The vice president praised, but I have a wide range of interests and I usually pay attention to self-improvement through social practice at the grassroots level, so I have worked in more industries..."

Listening to the other's harsh tone, Araki Sosuke's face couldn't help but wrinkle bitterly.

"So, do you think you beautified your resume, we don't know it? As early as after your qualification review, we have obtained the relevant files of the examinee from the Metropolitan Police Department..."

The corner of his mouth slanted disdainfully, Changtian Hiroshi pulled out a piece of paper from the document on the other side, and read with a sneer: "I used to train my brother in Nuluoquan in a large-scale Jidao organization, and recorded 106 times in the police station in the past six months. The crowd has participated in a large underground car race, the South Honmoku Wharf hindered official duties and assaulted the police... If you are not mistaken, you should still be on bail now, right?"

"Listen to me. There are various reasons behind those bad records..."

Hearing this large piece of information, fine beads of sweat slowly appeared on the forehead of Sect of Araki...

"...Moreover, your previous resignation from the convenience store seems to be because some dishonest hobby was exposed."

Three photos, from the hands of Hiroshi Changtian, were ruthlessly scattered on the ground...

Sosuke Araki, who wears a convenience store LOGO hat, and a few black men "passionately" hug each other smoothly, and are "friendly communication" with each other with whips...

Sosuke Araki was naked, tied up with red hemp rope in a "Eight-A-Bound" posture, hung in the air, enjoying the boiling wax drops...

Sosuke Araki plays with his body in a flexible posture that ordinary people can't match, holding "props"...

This is surprisingly an unsightly, calcium-rich poster made with synthesis software in the original "Gong Gaolong No." Team with Sosuke Araki as the protagonist!

"Well, didn't these photos have been deleted? Where did you get them... No, the point is not here! These are all made by synthesis software. If you want to prove it, I can show the "parts without moles" for comparison... "

Looking at the photos scattered on the ground, Araki Sosuke's whole person has completely turned gray, lost all fighting spirit, and his voice is getting smaller and smaller.

"It's over early, mine, the 251st interview"

"No need to explain. I have seen a lot of punks like you who like to abuse violence, unruly, and have nasty hobbies. If it were not for your luck, you were fortunate to have received a few days of tutoring training at Kawasaki Master Temple. I'm not qualified to sit here for an interview..."

"Tsk tusk, I deliberately exaggerated it into a 30-day closed counseling with food and housing, thinking that I was the reincarnation of the Buddha. Do I want to support you? 』

With waves of interrogations, the soul gradually pulled away from Araki Sosuke's face, and his eyes began to become numb.

It's like a pupil who started the "perfunctory mode" under the teacher's reprimand.

"Look at your dress and hairstyle, and the tattoo that can't be covered. What did it look like during the interview?"

Ignoring whether the other party is listening to him at all, Hiroshi Tsugada put the information aside, folded his hands on the table, and showed a serious expression: "A formal spirit remover needs to give the person and the people on the spot the first time. Trustworthy impression... From this point of view alone, the previous counterfeit selling exorcism water is better than you!

"Although the ascetic monk is so weak that he has almost no inspiration, he seems to be unclear with his "levitation technique", and he can also make the client drink the "evil spirit relieving water" saliva pressure."

"Finally, follow the process and give you a chance. Show your spiritual strength and skill, and the staff will record it from the side."

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