I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 433 Desolate Killing Wave Fist

Following the instructions of Hiroshi Tsukita, the staff next to him immediately took out a pair of spiritual detective goggles and put them on, indicating that Sosuke Araki could start "showing."

Although the staff of the association have basic inspirations, in order to assess the accuracy, they deliberately borrowed a pair of precious spirit detective goggles as an aid in the ninth lesson.

"Demonstration... Spiritual power? Surgery? What?"

Hearing this strange request, Araki Sect's face was dumbfounded, and the original fine sweat on his forehead instantly turned into a waterfall.

Xiaoniao Youshi has not mentioned that, the interview must also show these imaginary things.

"Damn it, this salty and wet Mediterranean, it must be because of things on the tram, it is deliberately making things difficult for me"

"Why, shouldn't you, you don't even have spiritual power and spiritual removal techniques, you want to apply for spiritual removal, right?"

Hiroshi Tsukita's eyes tucked slightly, and he looked at Sosuke Araki suspiciously.

With that stern expression, it seemed that as soon as Araki Sosuke admitted, he would be kicked out immediately.

"Don't you think that, just like the old man's ‘de-spirit from behind’, you can use your violent elbow blow to solve the unknown spirit? ! 』

"Yes, that's right... I've been researching a trick of'Spirit Elimination' recently..."

In a hurry, Araki Zongsuke's inspiration flashed, as if he was thinking of something.

"It's just that the trick is simple and unpretentious in appearance, and it is not suitable for demonstration in a confined space. It can barely be regarded as an actual combat technique..."

"Hmph, do you know how many people who have no spiritual power who want to fool through the interview in the last two months, have you used this reason for me?!"

With an expression of "I already knew", Hiroshi Tsugada curled his lips impatiently.

"It is precisely because you guys always use this kind of excuse, so the practice test for spirit removal has started from the moment you enter the door! And you, until now, haven't noticed the abnormality in the room... "

"Regarding the abnormal situation, can you let me concentrate on brewing it? That technique will be ready soon..."

It seemed that he had made a certain determination, Araki Sosuke put his hands behind his back, and his face seemed to be crumpled because of the embarrassment between the courts.

"Huh, are you still arguing and procrastinating? Even if you can't sense spiritual power at all, you can't even notice this basic anomaly..."

Hirozhi Changtian snorted coldly, and stretched out his hand to the man in the corner: "Not far from you, I have been sitting with a spirit body. I can’t tell it for so long. If I went out alone to perform the task, I should have gone. There is no answer...just this point, the previous ones have done a lot better than you."

"Spirit, spiritual body?"

After being reminded by the other party, Araki Sosuke, with a flushed face, opened his blindfold and glanced at the man in the corner who had bowed his head and said nothing.

Looking at him from his left eye, the spirit body, who was sitting there motionless with his head down, did not have any grievances or abnormal scars or blood stains on his body. Except for his body was slightly transparent, it looked like ordinary people.

Presumably, this is a special spirit body deliberately selected by the Spirit Eliminators Association to test the inspiration sensitivity and insight ability of the spiritualists.

"Hmph, guys like you who have spent most of their life awake inspired by luck, think of themselves as the son of luck, thinking that they can step into the world of spirit eliminators..."

"This is not fair to those who have tried to consecrate the Buddha's body with beads, golden needles piercing the acupuncture points, ox tears invading the eyes, and swallowing the'roots' of various creatures, but still unable to awaken the inspiration!" 』

As if recalling some sad past, Tsukita Hiroshi said as if he was talking to himself: "Even so, you don't know that between the true spirit remover and the inspired person, there is a life that is insurmountable. Divide!"

Without saying a word, letting the other party "windy", Sosuke Araki still sat on the spot with his hands behind his back, his whole body trembling slightly, his expression on his face was as uncomfortable as constipation.

Seeing that the bad boy was said to be "dumb" by himself, Hiroshi Tsugada became more passionate, and stood up with his hands on the table. The broken glasses reflected the light of "dedication" under the light: "Here is the spirit remover. The three words are not as noble, mysterious, and golden as you think, but instead are a profession that is always suffering in poverty and burning one's life to protect the world, but never understood by others, like walking on thin ice!"

"Oh, the feeling is finally here..."

Before he could finish his words, he saw Sosuke Araki suddenly stand up, his left hand in front and his right hand in the back, kicking and twisting his waist, hitting Hiroshi Tsukita with a heavy punch...

"Vice-chairman Chang Tian, ​​please appreciate my original de-spiritual technique..."

Looking at the infinitely enlarged fist in the field of vision due to the rapid approach, a breath of death enveloped Tokuta Hiroshi, making him immobile like an ant under his leg.

The keen inspiration for many years of fighting against the wraiths, amidst the inexplicable and terrifying killing intent, wailing frantically at him...

If you get this punch, you will definitely die!

Bad, bad, because thinking about Funamura-kun’s things, he was so cool to preach, and angered the criminal in front of me, and couldn’t wait to kill me in the middle of the interview...

Hiroshi Tsuneta's whole body tensed, but he was so frightened that he couldn't even close his eyes.

"...Secret Skill, Wild Kill and Hadowken! (Ara-KorosuHadoken)"

Araki Sosuke's punch that burst the ground that day, evacuating the airflow from the entire room, steadily stopped ten centimeters in front of Hiroshi Tokuta's nose, spreading his fist softly and turning his fist into a palm.


The violent fist wind converged into an air current, like a large industrial fan in the summer, violently pounding on the smooth forehead of Hiroshi Tokuta...

"Just... this is it?"

After a while, he opened his eyes and saw the other person's fist stopped in front of him. Hiroshi Tsugada breathed a sigh of relief, only to find that the back of his suit had been soaked with cold sweat.


As soon as his calf weakened, he sat back on the seat.

"You guy... does this punch with no spiritual fluctuation mean to threaten the interviewer with violence?"

After he recovered, he suddenly became a little angry, and hit the table with a fist.

Actually, I was almost scared to pee when this violent lunatic slammed a punch casually? !

"Wait...what does this smell...good, so smelly..."

As soon as the voice fell, a strong aura mixed with fishy and rotting eggs, accompanied by the still surging fist wind, quietly shattered the olfactory organs of Hiroshi Changtian and the two men around him.

"Oh...you...what did you do..."

"Could it be that you intend to use some new type of biochemical weapon to poison the interviewer? Nah...wow..."

"Puff puff......this guy just now, did he apply stool on his hand?!"

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