I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 435: The Second Full Score Ever

"Yeah, Sensoji Temple and Hegang Hachimangu Shrine have also been sending disciples into the world as previously agreed. Although these disciples have only awakened their inspiration and their spiritual power is not very sufficient, they have a good foundation in practice and their follow-up potential is worth looking forward to. "

"Yes, and this one passed smoothly. He didn't disappoint the test paper I prepared specially for her..."

"Oh huh?! Although these two were born on the street and spent a lot of time, they have unexpectedly honed their unique talents. It seems that they have picked up treasures?"

As the information in his hand was flipped, Hiroshi Changtian's mouth showed an unconcealable smile, as if he was looking forward to the few candidates who were shortlisted for the "practical test".

"and many more……"

Then, a nasty face full of crime, appeared in the upper right corner of his resume unpreparedly, and his smile was frozen on his face.

"This bad-spotted bug with vulgar sexual interest is also eligible to participate in the practice test? Ishigami-kun, have you really confirmed it? This person is not the last one in the interview..."

Hiroshi Tsuneta wiped his glasses, confirming to his subordinates with some disbelief.

"Yes, the president, although this Araki-kun’s interview score is the last one..."

The subordinate checked the score calculation table again, nodded to him, and his tone became a little guilty: "But, but, his written test score is a perfect score, which just meets the qualifications for participating in the'practical test'."

The total score of Chu Ling's exemption assessment is 100 points, of which the interview and the written test each account for 30 points, and the final practice test accounts for 40 points.

People who pass the qualification examination and whose combined scores in the written test and interview exceed 60% of the total score of the items already assessed, even if they have 36 points, can be qualified to participate in the practical test.

This candidate named Sosuke Araki, although the "hell interviewer" Vice President Tokita gave a poor six points during the interview, he scored an amazing 30 points in the written test!

This is the second full score in the written test in the history of the Exemption Exemption Examination.

"Written exam, full score?! Impossible!"

Because of his dedication to creating a professional system for professional spirit removers, Hiroshi Changtian has always emphasized that spirit removers must have a wealth of professional knowledge.

Therefore, out of the high value of the written test that Chu Ling had granted, he often complied the question bank late at night.

"Although they are all multiple-choice questions, that kind of guy, from this set of test papers that I carefully compiled and hides various logical traps and blind spots of knowledge, it is good to get a 10 point..."

This month's written test questions were chosen by him personally, and the difficulty was not trivial. It would be nice if the examinee who reviewed carefully could just pass.

"This criminal, violent gangster must have used some unknown means of cheating!"

"However, we have a replay of the live video. Apart from some weird actions before starting to answer the questions, the Araki Sosuke did not do any extra actions from the beginning to the end."

"In contrast, the people around him, front and back, look more like cheating."

The staff named Ishigami explained carefully.

"Huh, what kind of shit luck is this guy? Not only was he fortunate to receive training and counseling from the Kawasaki Master Temple, he also got a perfect score in the written test..."

After thinking for a while, Chang Tian Hiroshi sneered coldly: "Finally, since you want to participate so much, just notify him according to the procedure. I just hope that this guy won't be overwhelmed by the blow and will be scared to cry by the resentful spirit."


At 12 o'clock in the evening, Shinagawa district, Nandai.

At the intersection of the old Tokaido and First Keihin, a bus quietly stopped in a dark and quiet place on the side of the road with dense vegetation that looked like a park parking lot.

The first to get out of the car was a middle-aged Mediterranean man with glasses, a gray suit and an OK stretch on his face.

This is naturally the vice president of the Association of Elimination of Souls, the exemption level of the Elimination of Souls [II], code-named "Buddha Office Worker", Hiroshi Tsukida.

Two black Toyota commercial vehicles have been waiting in the parking lot in advance.

Several seemingly well-trained men are standing in the parking lot waiting.

An agent wearing a black combat uniform, a spirit detective goggles, and a live ammunition came forward and shook hands with Hiroshi Tsugada.

"Vice President Chang Tian, ​​all the personnel who will cooperate with you tonight in Lesson 9 are in place."

"It's just a practical test. It's really reassuring that the leader of a team led the team personally."

The agent headed by him is a senior agent in Lesson 9, the captain of the underground organization "Little Bird Guards", and the leader of a joint operation team.

"Don't you also do it yourself? Taking advantage of the opportunity of the association's reserve spirit removers to assess, I will also bring the newcomers of our group to get familiar with them in advance and accumulate some experience in joint operations."

Unlike the traditional Japanese Metropolitan Police Department, the promotion within the ninth lesson does not require harsh rankings of seniority or open and secret fights.

Because, as long as you can survive the task, whether it is salary or position, there will be no shortage.

On the contrary, a good team member will be more reliable at critical moments, so newcomers are vigorously cultivated and promoted.

"Hello, newcomer, come and say hello to Vice Chairman Chang Tian."

Speaking of this, Ichichi beckoned behind him, and continued to introduce Hiroshi Tsukita: "This kid, the first name is the same as mine at the beginning. It was recommended by the search class, and he has only recently awakened inspiration. A good hand in the Metropolitan Police Department with a pistol technique."

It can be seen that he attaches great importance to the newcomers who joined the team this time.

As soon as the voice fell, an agent who looked strong, capable and upright stepped forward and saluted Tsugada Hirozhi standing upright: "Hello, Vice President Tsugada, the ninth class intern agent, Ryoma before the second, report!"

This righteous man with "I am a policeman" written on his face is actually a scornful man. He was left without pay for investigation for more than two months and survived on certain gray activities to make a living. Longma.

"Mr. before the second, it's a hard work to cooperate with our assessment so late! Ah, thank you, I have quit smoking for ten years..."

After shaking hands with Ryoma before the second and declining the high-end cigarettes respected by the other party, Hiroshi Tsugada looked enviously to an enlightenment: "The quality of the newcomers in your class is good. No matter the figure, appearance, temperament and ability, they are better than ours. Some people on the edge..."

"The most rare thing is that he is a well-trained police officer, but he has awakened his inspiration. No wonder Ichiko pays so much attention to it."

He seemed to think of some silly guy, Tsugada Hirozhi frowned slightly, and glanced at the bus not far behind him.

"It's not too late, let's start, and get off work on time tonight."

With that said, Hiroshi Changtian turned back and nodded to the staff beside the bus, motioning him to greet the people on the bus to get off.

The agents next to the two commercial vehicles also came to the trunk and began to check and count the equipment on their bodies.

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