I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 436 Qualified Alternative

"Team leader, these people from the Spirit Eliminator Association, no matter how they look like..."

Leaning on the car door, Ryoma raised his eyebrows slightly as he watched the religious scent, strange costumes and even foreign "exam candidates" who had stepped down from the bus.

"You want to say'the old, the weak, the sick,' don't you..."

It's not surprising that these spirit removers look like each other, and I explain them with great patience.

"Except for most of the members of the Association of Spiritualists, they were originally from the religious industry. In addition to their physical fitness that is not suitable for high-intensity combat, there are also various taboos and behavior styles. This is also before you face the resentful spirits. The priority is to understand and adapt."

Having said this, he suddenly looked down and said in a deep voice: "However, you must remember that countless tragic experiences have proved that in the face of a'supernatural' existence that cannot be judged by common sense, these'weakness' exclusions Spirits are the main force of the battle!

"And our ninth lesson joint team must perform other tasks such as information collection, security, investigation, etc., to complement their shortcomings in other areas. Any rash action may lead to serious consequences. ..."

"So that's it, I remembered it! However, there are people who seem to be completely indifferent to "Weak"..."

When the two were talking, the last examinee had already got off the bus.

He was a tall, blond blindfold man in a wrinkled Brazilian suit who squatted to the side of the road and lighted a cigarette as if getting out of the car, as if he was lack of oxygen.

In his hand, he also carried a black plastic bag with the words "M’S Store" and "Adult No World" printed on it.

"Hey, bring the study materials to get rid of the spirits, and only this guy can do it."

Seeing the terrifying man squatting on the side of the road with his legs stretched out to the limit, and his face was written "Yelu is bitter" and "Noisy and classy", Ryoma couldn't help showing a weird smile before the second.


Next to the bus, the candidates who participated in the practice test for the exemption of spirits were arranged crookedly in a row, listening to the explanation by the staff of the Association of Spirits.

A total of eight people passed the written test and interview and entered this final test.

Two monks from Sensoji Temple, one maiden and one priest each from Tsuruoka Hachimangu Shrine, and the nun from the Holy See of Vatican were all in sight.

The qualification of these people was something that Hiroshi Changtian expected.

After all, Sensoji Temple and Tsuruoka Hachimangu Shrine are well-known shrines and temples in Japan. Those who can be sent for exemption are the young leaders among them.

The Vatican Holy See nun, Niya, is said to have obtained a similar "devil hunting permit" in Europe and performed many missions to remove spirits, so her strength is naturally different.

"Well, the working meal provided by the Spirit Slayers Association is actually an instant curry bento for 999 yen at a convenience store. It's really stingy..."

Surprisingly, because the interview was critically hit and the written test was unsure, he thought that he was destined to be unable to participate in the practical test and was downstairs "retaliatingly purchasing learning materials and TENGA". He was actually notified. .

"...I blame the Mediterranean for making my head burn, and all the money has been contributed to the ‘Hall of Knowledge’."

At this moment, he was picking his nostrils and complaining about the evening work meal.

And the Japanese-Indian ascetic Master Acarya who used the "fraudulent human levitation technique" and sold the "Evil Spirit Retreat Water", and the gypsy psychic mother-in-law who walked tremblingly and holding a newly-changed crystal ball, unexpectedly Here too.

All in all, these three "alternative" qualifications are extremely rare when they are placed in the previous Expulsion Exemption Examination.

"Ahem, congratulations, everyone. Being able to be here means that you are only the last step away from becoming an official spirit remover."

Hiroshi Tsuneta covered his mouth and coughed lightly, and began to explain to the examinees in front of him one by one.

"Although you passed the written test and interview, it is inevitable that luck will get mixed in..."

Behind him, the well-equipped Class Nine agents headed by Ichiko Satoru lined up neatly and solemnly.

"As a spirit remover, the main task is to remove spirits, so the performance of the practice test will determine whether you have the key to obtaining the exemption and independent qualifications. If it is a person who performs poorly on the practice test, interview and The written test results will also be invalidated..."

Speaking of this, Hiroshi Tsuneta glanced uncomfortably at someone standing on the edge of the test taker's team, squatting on the side of the road with his legs separated to the limit.

Hmph, this "Slavic squat" kid, cherish the only "spiritual removal experience" in your life!

"Slav Squat" (Slav Squat) is a squat with the heels on the ground, the knees open, and the body folds and fits naturally. It is also known as "Squat Squat" in Japan. It originated from the traditional Russian Cossack dance in the Middle Ages. "Freedom to the lower body" is popular among bohemian young people.

At the same time, this is also the stereotyped and decent Hiroshi Changtian, who hates to see the posture at subway stations and convenience stores on the way to and from get off work every day!

Because it always reminded him that in elementary school, junior high school, and high school days, there would be a bunch of wicked people who squatted in various places such as toilets, school gates, stations, convenience stores, etc. in this posture, and greeted themselves in a cloudless manner. : "Guangzhi, do you bring your pocket money today... If you don't bring it, you can only pay for it."

The terrible memories of being entangled by these men, such and such terrible memories, shrouded Changtian Hiroshi's lush years from elementary school to university.

"Next, the relevant personnel of the Spirit Eliminators Association and the Metropolitan Police Department will not interfere with any of your actions, and will only maintain order from a distance and objectively record your performance."

"All you need to do is to divide yourself into a group of two, and after getting to know the situation from the client and this Xiaoyue host, try to get rid of the spirit. Xiaoyue host, then I will trouble you to explain the situation..."

After the explanation, Changtian Hiroshi took a few members of the association back to the side, and gave the place to an old monk behind him, as well as a pair of fashionable young men and women.

"Good evening everyone, next is the host of Dajing Temple not far from here, Xiao Yue Xiao. And these two are the clients tonight..."

The old monk named Xiaoyuexiao stepped forward to the test takers for eleven and began to tell the story of the matter.

"You must have heard of this place behind you more or less..."

Following Xiao Yuexiao's fingers, everyone looked at the place at the back that resembled the gate of the park.

There, a long slender vertical monument with small eaves reads "Tokyo Metropolitan Historic Site-Tokyo Suzumori Execution Grounds".

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