Under the moonlight, through the gate, it can be seen that the interior of this site without a trace of light is filled with dense green plants and densely packed tombstones of varying heights. It looks as dead and peaceful as a cemetery.

The Suzumori Execution Ground was moved from the Shiba Execution Ground in Tokyo in 1651. It was named after the Suzumori Shrine that was once located nearby.

From the Edo period to its abandonment in 1871, it is said that 200,000 people were beheaded or sentenced here every ten years.

Perhaps it was because there were too many dead people gathered, or most of them were people who died unjustly, this place once became a famous fierce place.

It is said that during the Edo period, you can see all kinds of grieving spirits who were tied to the burning table and burned alive, beheaded, and were tortured with incomplete limbs, wandering in the Suzumori Execution Grounds.

Even a very vicious group of wraiths has been produced, and all the more than a dozen people at the Suzumori Shrine that are ordered to guard this place have been wiped out.

After the collapse of the shrine, grievances became more and more fierce here, resulting in no one daring to live in the surrounding area.

After the end of the shogunate rule, the imperial family immediately shut down the execution grounds, and at the same time invited high-ranking monks to build Dajing Temple nearby, infiltrate the execution grounds with 999 monuments to comfort the spirits, and formed an array to suppress grievances. See you It was only when rumors about the headless ghost, the woman in white clothes, the samurai with limbs, etc., gradually reduced.

After the 20th century, this place has become a historical site that is open to the public and free to visit. For many years, it has been peaceful and there has not been any weird incident. Until last week...

"My name is Hiroshi Kunimura, my main job is a photographer, and I recently started to work as a video tubing owner as a part-time job..."

After Xiao Yuexiao finished introducing the situation here, a stylishly dressed and somewhat scornful male "client" beside him also told the story with a pale face.

"Well, do you know the popular "outdoor finder" on video sites in recent years? It's like the "GhostFacer" that suddenly exploded a month ago, except that by chance, the holographic projection gate was photographed next to the holographic projection gate. The huge figure formed by the surging, a video has tens of millions of views, it is very profitable..."

Because I was jealous of other bloggers’ outdoor spying videos, Hiroshi Kunimura, the photographer, also found two female model friends. They came here a week ago with "beautiful wet body spying on spirits" as a selling point. This is a famous spiritual location for "spiritual shooting".

That night, the interior of the ruins was quiet at night, and the entire process of exploration and shooting went smoothly. The three of them did not encounter any strange things.

Under the horror atmosphere deliberately created by various props, with the long white legs of the two women and the unfathomable gully as the "highlights", the three went home to rest.

However, when they met to discuss the content of the video the next day, the two found out that they had lost contact with another female companion named Miwa Manda.

Since the other party lives and works alone in Tokyo, the family members in Shizuoka do not know what happened, and the two can only choose to report to the police after 24 hours.

After the police transferred the property monitoring, it was found that after the separation that night, Wan Tian Meihe did not go home, but has since lost his whereabouts.

After a week, the police still failed to find the woman, as if she had evaporated from the world.

After that, when Hiroshi Kunimura was editing the movie that night, they would occasionally see strange and vague figures in the photographic screens, but they disappeared when they played them back carefully.

Just when the two people thought it was just a problem with the video source, they received calls with no number at night for several days.

On the other end of the phone, there was a hoarse voice, muttering in a deep voice that he couldn't understand.

"...So, since you people are what the police call'professionals', you must do your best to get rid of all the dirty things that disturb the people."

After repeating the weird experience, Kunimura Hiroshi's expression became a little irritable, as if he would be entangled in strange things, it was the relationship of these spirit removers who did not try their best.

"Sorry, we haven't been able to sleep normally for many days, so please forgive him for his rudeness."

Behind him, another pale female client bowed apologetically and explained to everyone.

"The general situation is like this. Please divide yourselves into two groups and act according to the wishes of yourself and your companions. While pulling out the grieving spirit, try to find clues about the missing woman."

Hiroshi Changtian clapped his hands and motioned to the staff on the side that he was ready to start.

"The staff of the association will observe from the side and will not interfere with your actions..."

"Of course, if you are in danger of life, you can ask them for help, but depending on the situation, your score in this test will be lowered."

For the safety of these test-takers, Hiroshi Changtian is actually not too worried.

After the Suzumori Execution Ground was abandoned, it was actually much "cleaner" than many places in the Tokyo metropolitan area after the suppression of the formation at Daijingji and the regular inspections of the Spirit Slayers Association over the years.

In this incident, although a weak grievance reaction was indeed detected on the client's phone and computer...

However, considering that the client was only entangled and was not immediately taken for his life, the wraith level should not be high, so it was chosen as the subject of this practice test.

At the same time, the police's task force searched for the missing woman for a week without results. He actually didn't expect this half-hearted examinee to find any clues.

After all, the practice test assesses the process of the test takers' actions, not the result of "despiration".

In the eyes of the Soul Eliminators Association, a reckless and powerful soul remover is far better than a cautious and growth potential soul remover.

In the face of these weird existences that are difficult to infer with common sense, the most important thing is to be able to solve the problem to the greatest extent, retreat from the whole body, and accumulate experience.

In other words, it has nothing to do with spiritual power and the intensity of the technique. The spirit remover who has been active for the longest time in the front line is the strongest spirit remover.

"President, they are already divided into groups, look at our groups..."

Just in the time when Hiroshi Tokuta was thinking about everything, the test takers in the field were quickly divided into groups.

Two monks from Sensoji Temple, Kiyomizu and Qingshin, are a group.

The Yamaguchi priest from Tsuruoka Hachimangu Shrine and Enkawa maiden are a group.

These two groups of people come from the same shrine or temple, and they are very familiar with each other and cooperate with each other. They originally participated in the exemption assessment at the same time because of the intention of participating in the practice test together, so they naturally became a group.

And the Gypsy mother-in-law and the white-robed ascetic monk, perhaps because of the suffering master who was damaged by a certain man, also became a group tacitly.

So, according to the rules, the remaining blonde gangster and the red-haired wicked nun were automatically "grouped up" with big eyes and small eyes and a face full of reluctance.

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