"You and everyone in Lesson Nine, as a group, you should follow the test takers far away and record."

After finishing the arrangement of the staff, Changtian Hiroshi helped his glasses and looked coldly at a certain blond man who was still squatting on the side of the road and smoking, and the nun who was walking towards the ruins of the execution ground. A damp smile appeared: "The group of problem children, let me follow up personally."

Then, he turned his head and asked Erqian Ryoma behind him: "Since I am a newcomer who is optimistic about him, if I don't dislike it, how about teaming up with me tonight?"

Having said that, he looked back at the Erqian Ryoma behind him: "Since I am a newcomer that a gentleman focuses on training, if you don't dislike it, let me go with you tonight."

"You kid, you're lucky, Vice President Chang Tian taught himself, but not everyone has a chance to meet."

Hearing Hiroshi Tsukita's words, Ichichi nodded gratefully and patted Ryoma's shoulder hard before.

After the grouping, the test takers started their own actions.

The two groups of spirit destroyers at Sensoji Temple and Tsuruoka Hachimangu Shrine did not rush into the Suzumori execution grounds, but went forward and continued to ask the client and the chairman of Ogoshi for more details.

"Huh, it is indeed a wise choice after being famous! The first step in removing spirits is to detect spirits. If you can't find even the unpredictable spirit body, how can you get rid of it!"

Seeing this scene, Hiroshi Tsugada quietly explained to Ryoma before the second: "The client's introduction was actually very rough and omitted a lot of details. The key to resolving incidents and even survival is often hidden in the local history and past. Among the details of events that have occurred, objects that have been touched, and strange behaviors."

"Furthermore, I deliberately brought the client who was targeted by the resentful spirit. It was not as simple as introducing the situation. If you make good use of it, you can quickly resolve it..."

"It turns out that, on this point, it's very similar to our investigation... Thinking about it carefully, although the three people were abnormal after they came here, it doesn't mean that the resentful spirit is hidden in the ruins of the execution ground."

Before the second, Ryoma thoughtfully touched his chin, and glanced at Hiroshi Kunimura, who was pale and was being questioned by the spirit remover, with a curious look: "Also, if the client is regarded as a victim of the case, for the sake of safeguarding For their own interests or privacy, often what they say may not be all the truth."

"Good independent thinking mode, I admire you more and more, before the second monarch."

Hearing the words of the newcomer in Lesson Nine, Tsukita gave him a surprised and approving look, and pointed his finger at another group of people: "So, in view of this situation, there is another one in the world of the spirit remover. A more direct solution..."

At this moment, the old Gypsy woman, together with the female client, closed her eyes and rubbed the round and full crystal ball in her hand, whispering something in her mouth.

"For a spirit remover, if divination is effective, it is the fastest way to locate the wraith spirit and learn the truth of the matter."

"So, what kind of solution do the group we want to follow?"

As Ryoma's eyes moved before the second two, one could see a man and a woman, who had left their important "clients" behind, and walked straight towards the gate of the Suzumori execution grounds with big eyes and small eyes.

"Hmph, you guys, it happens to be in a group. Let's take this test as an opportunity to make it longer and shorter!"

In front of the gate of the Suzumori execution grounds, Niya looked up at Sosuke Araki who was digging his nostrils in front of him, revealing a high-spirited look in his eyes.

"I will trample on your beautiful body and pull the sleeping guy Fujiwara Takumi from the bed of Japan's No. 1 Spirit Eliminator."

"Hey, I'm not interested in comparing with a woman in terms of strengths or weaknesses. My uncle now desperately needs to become a Buddha and a resentful spirit to restore my bleak assessment results."

Sousuke Araki, smoking a cigarette and carrying a plastic bag, scanned the gate of the dark execution ground.

Looking inward from the front entrance, the inside of the execution ground is pitch black, and you can't see your fingers. Only by the moonlight, you can vaguely see the towers of support and the monuments of consolation.

At the entrance, there stands an unknown simple stone Buddha statue with a golden cap, golden cloak, red coat, and a stone bowl at its feet. It seems to be used to worship the dead.

The Buddha statue with no facial features on his face and a decaying bouquet under his feet seemed extraordinarily infiltrating in this pitch-black environment.

"To become a Buddha? That is to say "return to the Lord"? Hahaha..."

As if hearing something funny, Niya couldn't help laughing wildly.

"It's really not ashamed. Even in the Vatican, the conversion is at the level of Cardinal and above. It is possible to do something..."

The way of self-perception and dissipation of the pure spirit body is called "conversion to the Lord" in the mouth of Christianity.

"Furthermore, in the view of our heretical trial, the conversion to the Lord is the same as the so-called'nine shallows and one deep'. It is just a waste of time, showing off skills, and flashy stuff!"

While talking, Niya quickly took out a silver water bottle from the base of her thigh, unscrewed the lid and sprinkled it in the air.

"...No matter what method is used, whether it is to expel the wraith spirit, burn it, or smash it, it will eventually return to the Lord's embrace!"

At the same time, she folded her hands on her chest and prayed with her eyes closed.

It seems that only at this time, she who is quiet and no longer has any obscene stalks coming out of her mouth, is she like a holy nun from the Holy See.

"Virgin Mary, it rains on those who wear umbrellas, and it rains on those who don't wear umbrellas."

With the subtle prayers of the nuns, misty drizzle began to fall over the execution grounds of Senling.

Holy Prayer, [The Rain of Our Lady].

In this dense, faintly golden rain curtain, the originally gloomy and terrifying Senling Execution Ground has become even more bitterly cold.

"Damn it, it's raining? The study materials I purchased heavily can't get wet..."

Facing the sudden drizzle, Sosuke Araki hurriedly tied up the plastic pockets and stuffed them inside the suit.

"Oh? Do you need to arrange so many people in the ruins? Is the Spirit Slayers Association taking care of the babies... Hey, I feel the huge evil as obvious as BOKI's little X chicken, just in that direction!"

Under the rain curtain, the flow of all energy reflected in Niya's heart like a mirror.

"While you rookies are busy rubbing around the door and doing useless foreplay, I have already rushed to Huanglong, hit the cervix, and won the final peak, hahahaha!"

No longer paying attention to Araki Sosuke behind him, Niya has plunged headlong into the rain curtain and disappeared in the Mori Bell Execution Ground, which is full of memorial monuments, support towers and towering trees, like a primitive jungle.

"Hey, what a mess of adjectives, and when did I promise to compete with you..."

"Listen carefully to what people say and don't leave. If you get rid of the precious resentful spirit first, what should I do with my assessment results?"

As if thinking of something, Araki Sosuke also hurriedly followed behind her and walked towards the inside of the execution ground.

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