I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 439: Unexpected Gentleman's Roundabout Kick

"Huge evil? Did she find something..."

In the parking lot, after tangledly scanning back and forth between the direction where Niya's back disappeared and Araki Sosuke who had just entered the gate, Hiroshi Tsuki stepped on a bicycle next to him.

"Prince before the second, we will follow them separately, and you are responsible for that kid."

Abandoning this sentence, Tsukida Hirozhi drove in the direction where the nun had left without looking back.

"So, it's all about teaching in person, that's it?"

"Also, why are you only equipped with a bicycle? 』

Erqian Ryoma, with a blank face, moved reluctantly and followed Araki Zongsuke into the execution grounds.

"...By the way, giving me the most unruly and trouble-making guy, is it really a preferential treatment for newcomers?"

Although he doesn't know much about these weird spirit removers and the various postures of removing spirits, he grew up with Sosuke Araki, and he is very clear about this guy's "troublesome" physique.

After nun Niya and a certain bad boy first entered the Suzumori execution grounds, two groups of test takers from Sensoji Temple and Hegang Hachimangu Shrine completed their inquiries about the client and proceeded towards the interior of the site.

"Come on, drink the ‘evil spirit retreat water’ that condenses the essence of my body’s practice, and promise to get rid of the grieving spirits that are entangled with you. I will benefit 500 yen!"

"Wait, why does it sound that weird things are added to it, and I have to pay for it myself?!"

In the empty parking lot, the combination of the weird group of Indian dervishes and old gypsy women did not intend to enter the ruins of the execution ground. Instead, they used the client as the "source of the curse" and began to implement a certain "spiritual ritual"...


Inside the dark Ling Mori execution ground, there are too many monuments and support towers that make people feel "excessively hard", like tombstones, standing among the vegetation.

It is more like a cemetery than a ruin.

Below the dense rain curtain, two flares of light and dark, like ghost fire, moved along the dark path.

"Hello, Zongsuke, is it really okay for us to go this way?"

It was only after getting close that they were two men walking side by side with cigarettes burning in their mouths.

"Well, how do I know, follow my instincts, I don't know the way anyway. By the way, shouldn't you observe and record my sassy and heroic posture, suddenly come in front of you to ask what is going on..."

"Hey, no one can see it here. I have helped you understand the scoring rules. After a while, my brother will use his many years of practice in making reports to help you pack the records..."

These two are the "exam takers" and "invigilators", respectively, Sosuke Araki and Ryoma Nizen.

After Hiroshi Tokota left, because the atmosphere in the ruins was too gloomy, when he entered the door, he was taken aback by the weird Buddha statue. Before the second, Ryoma ran all the way to catch up with Sosuke Araki.

"But then again, why did you suddenly join Lesson 9?"

Araki Sosuke asked curiously, with his hands in his pockets, looking at the surrounding environment like a tourist.

"What do you think, I have caused such a lot of trouble, except for the ninth lesson of'Seeking Talented People', which department of the Metropolitan Police Department would dare to ask me?"

"Furthermore, during the suspension investigation, trivial things such as the use of customs shop invoices to offset the expenses, the collection of collaterals in the Qiang Metropolitan Police Department’s safe deposit, the dubbing of prohibited learning materials, and the use of patrol time to help the brothers bring goods and other trivial things... 』

Hearing the other party's question, Ryoma showed a complicated expression before the second and then smiled cheerfully.

"The ninth lesson is not bad too. The authority is high and the salary is doubled. It happened that my brother was awakened from inspiration and was born with the background of the Metropolitan Police Department. It perfectly meets the standards of the scarce talents they are recruiting."

"Really, it's so good?"

Sosuke Araki, who was walking in the front, glanced back at him weirdly: "After the test is over, you have to ask me to go to the izakaya without shorts for a big meal, and tell me..."

Intuition told him that Ryoma didn't tell him something before the second.

Otherwise, with this guy's character, I am afraid that he was bragging about it during dinner yesterday.

"Wow, look, this is the torture stand used by the shogunate?"

At the same time, a small square stone pit appeared in the vision of the two of them.

"During the execution, the upper pillar was inserted into this hole. The man's thighs were separated and tied to the pillar, while the woman's legs were closed and tied. Then the executioner stabbed the victim with a spear from both sides... Why is this?"

Sosuke Araki took out his mobile phone to illuminate, and curiously read the instructions on the wooden board.

"So that's the case, the next to it is the torture stand, which is tied to it during execution and then set on fire..."

"Asshole, don't read such terrible things at night, do you guys want to use this to attract dirty things?"

"Moreover, your'intuition' has always been taking us along the main path of tourists. Is this really okay? Could it be that "Intuition Sang" just wants to visit like ordinary tourists? ! 』

Before the second, Ryoma quickly prevented him from continuing to read in a faint tone.

"Hey, it would be great if you can call out the'hidden energy field life form' by reading a few guide words, just let me use this trick to'become a buddha swing kick' to save the tragic score..."

Speaking of the depression, Araki Sosuke angrily wiped the tip of his nose with his thumb, and against the tall weeds next to him, he showed a handsome serial kick to Ryoma...

"And the Vice President of Damn it, Chang Tian, ​​actually put on some small shoes during the interview, and then asked me to meet him on the subway. I was like this, giving him an unexpected'gentleman's swing kick'... …Water!!!"


Unbearable his aggressive serial kicks, with the sound of tearing the cloth, Araki Sosuke’s "interview queen trousers" instantly split a big mouth from the'school gate' between his legs, revealing the tight triangle inside. pants.

"Fuck, my only pair of trousers...huh?"

In midair, the remaining touch on his feet told him that he had kicked something.


Before Araki Zongsuke reacted, a dark shadow flew out from the grass in front of him, accompanied by the man's sorrowful scream.

"It sounds like... a person?!"

Before the second, Ryoma took out the tactical flashlight he was carrying, and shot it in the direction where the black shadow flew down.

"Hey, it's terrible, you guys won't kick people to death, right."

Seeing clearly that there is a Taoist figure under the light, Ryoma hurriedly stepped forward to check the situation before the second.

"How... how could it be..."

Hearing his words, Araki Sosuke hurriedly followed up with his crotch: "You want to testify to me, who knows that this guy is a man or a ghost. Why is he squatting sneakily in the grass in the middle of the night? Is he enjoying himself? The joy of urinating in nature."

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