I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 449-A Good Companion to Horse Monkey Shochu

"Uh... ah ah ah ah..."

After the gunshot, Hiroshi Tsugada, unable to move or make a sound, could only scream wildly in his heart and was thrown in a very small arc by the man under him...

It happened to fall on the edge of the huge meatball "territory", at the junction of green grass and desolation.

Then, he could only watch the surging flesh and blood, wrapped around his toes like a quilt, slowly spreading towards his whole body...

As soon as he recalled the taste of being wrapped around his body by those touching feet and flesh and blood, filling every acupuncture point, Hiroshi Tsugada's body protection mechanism directly made him roll his eyes and fainted.


At the same time, being alarmed by the gunshots, around the huge tower of flesh and blood, the countless creatures that were hunting and shrouded their heads by that "piece of meat" all focused their attention on the direction of the gunshot...

"Sir, next, it's up to you."

At the position where the gunfire sounded, Ryoma didn't dare to look at the strange existence before the second, and turned his back directly.

The terrible memory that had been corroded by the tiny whispers and pervasive consciousness before was still vivid, and he didn't intend to repeat the same mistakes.

"give it to me!"

Niya, embarrassed, appeared in the original position of Ryoma before the second.

Seeing dozens of deformed figures approaching at high speed, Niya's skirt fluttered, and she found a simple keychain from her "absolute realm"...

On the keychain, there was a wooden shield the size of a coin, like a pot lid, which seemed to be a peripheral product of a certain game.

"Give you your real name... Shield of Achilles!"

As the Holy Light moved, the shield on the keychain instantly turned into a small round shield with a diamond pattern and exquisite relief.

"Feel it, the world in the eyes of the gods..."

With Niya's hands raised above the top, the shield shattered into pieces of light.

A magnificent barrier bloomed from the fragments of the shield, covering a range of 20 meters between the two of them.

From the colorful light of the barrier, one can hear the sound of the waves of the sea, smell the fragrance of the soil, and feel the joys, sorrows and sorrows of various creatures, as if it contains an entire independent and peaceful world.

At the same time, several birds with meat wrapped in their heads have already taken the lead to hit the barrier.

Under the collision, the light of various colors of the barrier surged, and the flesh of the bird's head was broken to the ground.

Several "men" who came to the front of the barrier immediately after him met the same fate before they had time to do something, and fell to the ground directly because of the "octopus hood" cracking.

It's like, that gorgeous barrier that seems to contain a whole small world will be counteracted by the impact and the erosion of the mind.

"'The World of the Gods' can last for about thirty seconds, and the power of counterattack is enough to make these guys immobile for a while..."

Standing in this powerful barrier, Niya did not gain a sense of security.

With a serious face, she asked Erqian Ryoma, who was holding her head and squatting behind her, and asked softly: "The police officer before Erqian used the action of'attracting attention from the front and letting the guy in from the back solve' this kind of action without strategy. Do you really know the risks you have to take?"

Because the piece of meat that shattered to the ground was wriggling at a desperately high speed, trying to regroup and restore its original state.

This scene was the same as she had encountered countless times before.

"you mean……"

"If that guy fails to solve the huge cock on the tower, or escapes, after the failure of the'World of the Gods', maybe I can manage to escape alone, but you..."

"But, with a strong body and a Yushu facing the wind, I can only turn into a plaything and blood food for these guys in this hell of endless tentacles. What you want to say is this, right."

To her surprise, Ryoma's tone before the second did not have any worries.

"Hey, I can't guarantee anything else..."

On the contrary, a joke appeared at the corner of his mouth, as if waiting for a good show.

"Speaking of fighting, since childhood, this guy has never escaped..."

"...Moreover, I haven't lost."

"Roar, acquaintance? It's really an enviable bond between men."

Faced with this unexpected answer, Niya looked back and seriously looked at the man squatting in the grass, as if doing something indescribable: "Let’s get acquainted with the Vatican Holy See, the Sister of the Heresy Tribunal, Niya Saint. Catherine."

"The ninth class trainee of the Metropolitan Police Department. Before the second year, Ryoma. By the way, the Vatican, Zongsuke and I happened to know a sturdy black priest, but unfortunately I heard that I was injured and I don’t know where to cultivate..."

"Oh, stout black priest?"

Hearing the other party's words, Niya's pupils shrank like a cat in the night, and she stretched out her small tongue and licked her dry lips.

"It seems that if we can retreat from this trip, we have to have a chat."

Just when the two of them were talking, a sneaky figure had quietly appeared in the opposite direction from them, approaching the huge tower of flesh and blood.


"This...this giant octopus tower, which special crew was shooting on the spot?"

Looking at the deserted ground not far away, the huge support tower like the ghost base in the strategy game "Starcraft Dad", and the "super-large mutant octopus" constantly twisting on the tower, Arakizong standing on the edge of the grass Jie couldn't help being stunned.

"Wait, forgot to take the blindfold..."

With a strong sense of violation, he took off the blindfold.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

What appeared in front of my eyes were constantly squirming tentacles, internal organs with countless biological organs, countless green eyeballs, flesh and blood spreading towards the surrounding...


He swallowed hard.

"Wh, this tentacle thing, how can it look like a'good companion for horse monkey shochu'..."

After telling a cold joke, the feeling of nausea did not go away from Sosuke Araki, but instead awakened him who was previously covered in blood by those "mini version" ghosts and accidentally got slippery mucus in his mouth. Terrible memories of tentacles.

"...Although in theory it can be the same frequency with a touch, but who knows if this bunch of tentacles will do something indescribable to me during this period?!"

When he thought of having to "close contact" with this disgusting ghost that made his back numb not far away, Araki Sosuke felt that the goose bumps all over his body began to fall, and his face also showed a look of disgust.

"Or, retreat first and let someone else deal with this disgusting thing?"

No, no, Sosuke Araki, think about your poor written test and interview performance!

Can't give up, if you don't get a city back in the practice test...

Even if you fall into the pile of fat intestines for this, just treat it as cleaning the toilet that has been filled by dozens of people but has not flushed it, and bear with it...

Or, imagine what happened with the horse monkey shochu in the police, what is the current difficulty...

Constantly doing useless "heart building" for himself, Sosuke Araki eventually lost the battle.

No, this is no longer a matter of patience. I am afraid it will leave a life-long psychological trauma that cannot be cured.

After a retching, Araki Sosuke stood with his hands on his back and laughed violently: "Hahaha...It seems that if you want to show your skills, you must perform ‘that trick’..."

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