I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 450: X Fighter, Don't Be Defeated By The Same Move

Thirty seconds later, the barrier formed by the "Shield of Achilles" shattered to the ground under the impact of dozens of "resurrected" meat pieces.

Layers of ripples bloomed toward the surroundings, turning all the weird pieces of meat they touched into ground meat.

This is the last gift from "the world in the eyes of the gods."

"Zongsuke, what are you waiting for..."

On the edge of the forest, Erqian Longma, who had originally "holding his head and squatting on the ground," turned his head secretly and seemed to have discovered something.

Following his horrified gaze, several tentacles on the edge of the barren zone covered by minced meat and mucous membranes are struggling to stretch toward the body of a middle-aged man lying there, unable to move, and silently push him. The decent suit is swallowed, and the last remaining Zhengliang Mediterranean will be overwhelmed...

Before the second, Ryoma got up and pointed to a reflective object at the foot of Araki Zongsuke and at the edge of the flesh and blood zone, and let out a bleak roar: "If you don't do anything, the vice president of the Spirit Eliminator Association will be in front of you. Guy's excrement!"

"Rather than worry about others, you should worry about yourself. When these things are reorganized, we will be finished!"

Niya frowned, and in quirky Japanese, she yelled at the figure that had been on the edge of the grass for more than ten seconds and didn’t know what was waiting in the distance, and roared: "You bastard, why are you still stunned? Are you men all such fools who have a weak waist at a critical moment?!!!"

"Don't rush, right away...it'll be done right away, I already feel it..."

Araki Sosuke, standing with his hands behind his brows and frowning, didn't have the time to hear the roar of the two.

As if something was brewing, he walked slowly towards the "giant squid" in front of him.

"Uh, it's disgusting, sticky..."

As his footsteps stepped on, strands of resentment pulled away from the mucous membranes, minced meat, and unidentified liquid that covered the ground, and poured into his body.

The originally barren, dark red, bloody scab ground suddenly shrank inward like withered, exposing a dry and broken ground that was barely growing.

Even the flesh and blood that had already submerged the entire Hiroshi Tokuta, as he approached, began to shrink inward, dry up, and turn into ashes.

The huge tower turned into flesh and blood, with thousands of green compound eyes on the surface, as if sensing a huge threat, staring at the blond man behind him.


It seemed that he was very angry at the "occupation" of the territory, and the monster evolved into several huge mouths and roared frantically.

It's a pity that this dense "glitter" that can make all creatures go crazy in an instant is thrown to a man who doesn't know how to appreciate.

At the same time, several naked men who were "preying" in the outer forest also emerged from the dense vegetation and surrounded him.

"Hey, is this kind of disgusting guy again?"

Seeing the men with their heads wriggling their tentacles, approaching him joyfully and twistedly, the corners of Araki's mouth twitched.

"Do you still want to buy me "Fatty Octopus Sashimi"... Sorry, sex fighter, I won't be defeated twice by the same trick!"


Facing the several men coming in front of him, his eyes condensed slightly, his toes point to the ground, his waist is lowered, his hips are twisted, his left hand is upper and his right hand is lowered to his waist, and he is moving in front of him vigorously. Several men from swiftly pushed away, turning their fists into palms.

The gust of wind fluttered with his fists, and a group of indescribable domineering that seemed to kill everything, leaked from the side of the palm of Sosuke Araki's gradually spreading out.

Secret skills, the ultimate · wild killing · wave fist (UtralAra-KorosuHadoken).


"The head hurts... Coach, did I win the diving competition?" 』

In the chaotic thoughts and terrible whispers, Hiroshi Tsukida was struggling to open his eyes again under the blurred moonlight, because the tentacles covering the body surface and the consciousness of that rough penetration faded.

"No, I don't know how to dive...Calm down, Tsukida...Bah...I was caught by that ghost..."

Not far away, a blond-haired man wearing a wrinkled Brazilian suit and BAPE trendy pants, with some familiar eyes, was facing him with his back, standing proudly in the night breeze with his hands behind him.

Even though he desperately squeezed his throat, he couldn't even utter the words "Broken Throat".

"You are……"

Not far in front of that person, there were several men with meat wrapped in their heads, shaking their crotches, and rushing towards them.

"careful. 』

Facing these hideous ghosts, I saw the man sinking his waist and sideways from a long distance away, holding his hands together at his waist, and posing a somewhat familiar power-up posture by Hiroshi Tsugada.

Immediately, the man's folded hands suddenly waved out, hitting with a violent air current...


"What is he doing... is he struggling meaninglessly?" 』

Looking at the few ghosts approaching unscathed and at high speed, Hiroshi Tsukita, who was unable to move, showed a look of despair.

Even he couldn't resist the terrible erosion of consciousness by these ghosts, and this person should have become delirious and at a loss because of this.

In the air, a slightly colored, condensed mass of air pushed out from between the person's hands and moved forward slowly.


Sprinting to the front and hitting the air mass pushed by the blond man, the "men" suddenly stopped and fell forward feebly...


A handful of black flames silently rose from the flesh covering their heads. Those feet, mouthparts and eyeballs burned to ashes in twitching, revealing the men's sleeping faces with joy in pain.

Looking closely, in the black flame, there was a dark red like blood.

At this moment, they were still half a meter away from the unfathomable blond man standing with his hands behind him.

What kind of sharp despiritual secret technique is this...

Who is this man?

Seeing this understatement and pulling out the terrible ghost in the air, and smelling the familiar smell in his nose, Tsukida Hiroshi's vague consciousness seemed to faintly grasped something.

"That trick is simple and unpretentious in appearance, not suitable for demonstration in a confined space, it can barely be regarded as a practical technique..."

Yesterday, in the interview room, a man's unconvincing introduction, and the biochemical behavior that caused the entire room to be blocked and abandoned, gradually overlapped with this scene.

What am I thinking about, if it is that bug, I am afraid there will be no fight back against such a powerful ghost...

I just hope that guy runs far away and doesn't become one of those fruit men wearing tentacle headgear.

Just when Hiroshi Tsukita threw his lunatic thoughts out of his mind, the blond man not far away turned towards him.

"Araki... Sosuke? ! 』

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