I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 451 The Slavic Squat Who Smashed the Pubic Bone

Is... Is it him? !

In the moonlight, the criminal face of the blond man made Tsukida's heart beat and "energized" on the ground. Even his thoughts became clearer.

At that moment, put down a few ghosts, full of strong aura, inexplicable trick...

Unexpectedly, is this guy's so-called secret dementia? !

"It's useless……"

However, Hiroshi Tsukida did not breathe a sigh of relief.

He can also repel these ghosts temporarily.

However, countless experiences tonight have proved that only exhausted cows do not plough the bad fields.

After dozens of seconds, the pieces of meat on the ground will come back from the dead and come back again, until the spirit remover runs out of spiritual power...

"Quick...run...take the news...out..."

Just when he desperately squeezed out the faint voice that only he could hear, trying to remind Sosuke Araki...

Not far away, the huge tower of flesh and blood moved.

"Hi...his...Ty, Teckley!"

The densely packed flesh, tentacles, and organs, like seaweed, gathered into a torrent of flesh and blood like twisted twine, extending from the huge tower of flesh and blood, and rushing toward Sosuke Araki like an overwhelming sky.

The "creature" in front of him that can completely obliterate it from the cellular level makes it instinctively feel a strong threat of death.

Therefore, it did not hesitate to split into a huge wave of flesh and blood half of its own volume, in order to kill with one blow!

"Oh oh oh... the closer you get, the more disgusting it looks... if you get entangled in this stuff..."

Looking at the dark red "big wave of flesh and blood" that is six meters high, constantly squirming and splitting organs, eyeballs, tentacles, and internal organs, the thought of myself being wrapped into my body by the giant in front of my body and being abused by my tentacles, I feel a burst of numbness. Electric current climbed from the tail vertebrae of Araki Sosuke all over the body.

He instinctively and skillfully contracted the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, piriformis, upper and lower muscles, obturator internal and external muscles, and quadratus femoris. Ten degrees puckered up buttocks...

"and many more……"

Seeing the huge waves of flesh and blood, and squatting with his back to the huge waves, and taking out the lighter from his trouser pocket, it seemed that it was Sosuke Araki who wanted to "come one", and Hiroshi Tokuta's forehead burst.

"Asshole, now, it's not the time when a slavish slavish squats and smokes! ! ! 』

"This is... what kind of spirit removal posture... That guy, don't you have any strange hobbies..."

In the distance, squinting at the dark red wave with his back facing the oncoming dark red wave, "leaning over to present the chrysanthemum", as if to say "please enjoy" the blond man, even though his face was as thick as Niya, the corners of his eyes couldn't stop twitching...

"Oh, here comes, come closer..."

At the same time, Araki Sosuke, who maintained a Slavic squatting posture, was slightly raising his hips, passing between his legs, carefully observing the dense tentacles approaching at high speed behind him.

"Oh ha ha ha... it feels coming... such a surging power..."

Seeing that the torrent of flesh and blood, which was six meters high and about twenty meters wide, was about to submerge Araki Sosuke's tiny figure, he suddenly pulled the lighter in his hand to the center of his buttocks...

"Who do you look down on when you talk about weak waist at a critical moment, you nasty nun..."


The sparks rubbed by the flint and steel flared in the dark.

"Just use this style, except for spiritual arts·Goemon..."

"Puff...puff puff puff puff...puff puff..."

At the moment when the sparks on the Araki Sosuke lighter were about to go out...

A turbulent, surging, continuous gas rushed out, turning the faint spark into a thick, fierce, unstoppable flame, and violently impacted on the oncoming torrent of flesh and blood!

"...Let you see and see, my Slavic squatting for many years has a fierce waist strength enough to smash the pubic bone!!!"

In the eyes of everyone, it was like a sword of flames, suddenly out of the sheath from Araki Sosuke's buttocks, and chopped up the wave of flesh and blood that covered the sky and the sun.

"His hiss..."

The long strip of flame that lasted for a full second, like a blue sword, instantly rushed to its surface along the terrifying wave of flesh and blood, and turned into a black flame, which burned more and more fiercely towards the flesh and blood. The huge tower spreads away...

Under the flame, the six-meter-high flesh and blood had no time to twitch, and melted instantly like a heated candle, without even leaving a trace of ashes...

"What kind of technique is this..."

Seeing an unprecedented scene in his ten-year life as a spirit removal, Tsukita Hiroshi's gaze was fixed on Sosuke Araki, who was maintaining a "Slavic squat."

Then, a strong, mixed smell of fish and rotting eggs, instantly enveloped Tsukida Hiroshi, who was weak and couldn't even hold his breath.


After a twitch in his stomach, already weak to the limit, he retched in the terrible "smell hell", turned his eyes white, and fainted again.


In the face of the rapidly coming black flames, hundreds of mouthparts full of fine teeth appeared on the surface of the giant support tower at the same time, and it uttered a panic roar...

The huge body descended along the support tower, slowly wriggling in the other direction, seeming to want to escape.

Countless tentacles fell off its body surface automatically, trying to isolate the mother body from the flame that did not know where it came from but could swallow everything.

However, the black flame felt like touching gasoline, spreading mercilessly all over its body at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Thai, Teck..."

The entire supply tower covered in flesh and blood, silently turned into black and ashes in the fiery fire, collapsed little by little, revealing the original ruined walls.

In the center of the Suzumori execution grounds, an unspeakable smell of burnt smell immediately filled.


Araki Sosuke lowered his head and lit a cigarette, with a calm expression looking at the "giant barbecue" that was slowly falling down the tower and scorched and dissipated.

"The flame just now...Goemon...what is it..."

Walking slowly behind him, Niya's face was still full of disbelief, and she couldn't look away from the "coke" on the ground that hadn't dissipated.

"It's just a little spark of fire that can pull out such a terrible and unprecedented ghost, even a resurrection..."

As the spirit remover who fought the most terrifying ghosts in the field, she knew how strong this thing was to survive and adapt.

"However, there is no sign of conversion...before, did I make a mistake?"

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but glance at the hanging man next to her in awe.

Although the opponent's spirit removal technique is weird, its powerful effect is beyond doubt.

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