I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 452 The Power of Science

"This is the'all-round contactless spirit removal service' specially developed by myself in response to this situation, based on scientific principles, with great concentration and research!"

Amidst the flickering flames at the corners of his mouth, Sosuke Araki had a strange light on his face, and he answered Niya's question earnestly.

"That is, 59% of nitrogen, 20% of hydrogen, 9% of carbon dioxide, 7% of methane, 4% of oxygen, and 1% of hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and other substances are burned..."

"...Named, the power of science!"

"Of course, it can also be clenched in a fist and bloom at the right time..."

According to the current test data of Mai Hanyu, Sosuke Araki's body fluids also contain a strange magnetic field of the same frequency, and within a short period of time, he can achieve the same "contact and enlightenment" effect as the physical body.

The "gas" with a lower concentration can completely dissolve the hidden energy field, but it cannot purify the soul.

This important discovery, for Sosuke Araki, who was a little disgusted with the "deep physical contact" with the resentful spirit, represents the possibility of developing an "elegant" way of exterminating spirits.

"Scientific principles? The power of science?"

Muttering these words, Niya's eyes were a little confused and distracted.

Growing up in the Holy See, she not only received orthodox theological education at the Vatican’s only Pontifical Missionary University, and obtained the title of Doctor of Canon Law, but also obtained the title of Master of Human Biology because of her personal interests.

She was not surprised by the biological common sense that a certain gas can ignite brilliant flames.

During surgical operations, there were even doctors who accidentally ignited this gas in the patient's body, causing severe burns.

But to say that this thing can be used to remove spirits...

No matter she wants to break her head, the scene just now is completely "unscientific" no matter if it is explained from theological or scientific point of view!

"If you want to challenge me, beat him first!"

In the building of the Soul Eliminators Association, Fujiwara Takumi's imposing finger, for some reason, came to her mind.

Could it be that Fujiwara Takumi, the "favored one who has met once in four thousand years", is not perfunctory, but serious...

This guy really inherited some kind of formidable spirit removal skills and has the potential to challenge Fujiwara Takumi? !

"Huh, Ryoma is right, it is not troublesome if you are prepared...Fortunately, I anticipated this situation during the retreat and developed this trick with great concentration..."

Under the dissipated "coke", several "naked men" who had not had time to be digested and whose breath still existed were exposed, as well as a Mediterranean Sea that was still dazzling in the moonlight.

"I want me to dedicate this pure body to please this disgusting thing in order to get rid of the spirit. There is no door! By the way, you have recorded the heroic appearance of me just now, right?!"

Araki Sosuke turned around and winked at some "invigilator" behind him.

"Zongsuke, be careful!"

What responded to him was Ryoma's horrified expression before the second.


Behind him, without the support of those flesh and blood, the tall and dilapidated support tower collapsed towards the ground...

"Oops, those people are still under the tower..."

Waiting for Niya to react, Araki Sosuke standing next to her disappeared for some time.

I saw an afterimage rushing into the dust, before the support tower smashed down, dragging several naked men in the covered area towards the safe area at full speed...

"Ok... so fast!"

One of the middle-aged men caught his feet, the smooth Mediterranean Sea was sunken in the mud, rolling out a round and desolate gully.

"Good risk, good risk, then there should be no one down here..."

"Hey, isn't this the vice president Tsugada who had a tough interview... the pulse is still very strong..."

"Tsk tsk, is it less than five centimeters in the shrunken state? It pales in comparison with the church members of the Galaxy Alliance next to me... In order not to damage the majesty, I should put it apart a little..."

In the dust of the sky, one can still hear someone exclaiming from time to time.


In the boundless darkness, countless green eyes stared at the man quietly.

I... where am I...


Fragile and ear-piercing whispers sounded in the ears from time to time.

What followed was an uncontrollable headache and a terrible will to erode the brain...

Get out of my brain, you goddamn evil! ! !

I...Takata Hiroshi...Vice President of the Association of Spirit Slayers...The powerful Spirit Slayer who once made the resentful spirit into a Buddha (1 time)...Never be a slave!

Awaken, I have forgotten the power of Buddhahood for many years! ! !

"Teckley... Lee!"

As the soul-tearing consciousness entered the brain, the originally indescribable roar gradually turned into a partially understandable obscure consciousness.

The desire for flesh and blood, the hatred of life, the joy of self-reproduction, the call to the disappearing old master...

The consciousness of the mountain torrent and tsunami directly flooded Hiroshi Tsugada, who had not been able to awaken anything, and his final roar in the darkness.

"Puff... crackling..."

Next to his ears, a piercing long, intermittent exhaust sound suddenly sounded, reuniting his consciousness that was about to dissipate.

Immediately, there was a pungent stench and turbulent scorching heat, intertwined and turned into a nauseating burnt smell...

Is this a punishment from the fire of hell?

Why, the stench of hell is actually mixed with a strong instant curry...


After a retching, Hiroshi Tsukita, who was tormented by the foul smell, moved his eyelids and woke up.

"Vice President Chang Tian..."

What you see is the dazzling snow white roof of the ambulance.

"Great!!! You finally woke up..."

"I just lost my breath. I thought you would definitely not be able to do it this time. You have to notify the Spirit Garden and cancel the location you just reserved..."

And, the staff named Ishigami screamed choked and unhappy.

"I...what's wrong with me?"

After struggling to get up, Chang Tian Hiroshi found himself lying in an ambulance, wearing a striped hospital gown with a thin chest exposed.

Two medical staff wearing masks, holding huge clickers in their hands, seem to be preparing for a "final rescue."

"Vice President Chang Tian, ​​don't move, let the doctor examine you first."

Next to him, Ishigami-kun gently supported his back.

"No, I'm fine. By the way, the support tower...the ghosts...report to me the current situation immediately!"

After struggling to piece together the messed up memories, Hiroshi Tsugada finally calmed down.

"Just after the practical test started, the people from the'Galactic Alliance Teaching' raided the various groups with weapons..."

Hearing his order, Ishigami-kun seriously reported.

"What, the Galactic Alliance teaches? That's the way it is, it turns out that those lunatics controlled by that ghost..."

The naked and naked figures in the headgear, tentacles and tentacles appeared in the mind of Hiroshi Tsugada.

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