I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 453: Guangzhi's Guilt

"Fortunately, the people in Lesson 9 responded in a timely manner, and the test-takers were also very united. Except for the leader of Lesson 9 and Master Shimizu from Sensoji Temple, no one was injured."

In the ambulance, when he heard that the damage was better than he expected, Hiroshi Tsugada's face recovered a trace of blood: "Where are the ghosts in the Suzumori Execution Grounds? Repair the formation immediately, and be sure not to let those difficult ghosts escape. out!"

That kind of "meat" that keeps splitting and can control creatures through consciousness, even if it just escapes one, and allows it to develop, it will cause endless troubles, and it is not impossible to even turn an entire city into a ghost. .

"Report to the vice president. After the ninth lesson gathered everyone at the door, and found that you and the test taker Niya were still inside, they immediately formed two teams with the test taker for search and rescue."

"Yiichi Wujun is really a good man who values ​​love and righteousness. It's not in vain that I have been treating him all the time..."

Hearing this, Kidong's tears welled up to Hiroshi Tsukuta's eyes.

According to the relevant guidelines of the joint operation, in the event of unexpected ghosts and cults, and the situation is unknown, an enlightenment has the right to stay in place and wait for support.

Taking the initiative in search and rescue is not within the scope of his duties.

"After one of the search teams met with Sister Niya, they immediately went to the center of the execution grounds. After completely retreating the giant fleshy ghost above the support tower, they rescued you who were on the edge of the support tower..."

Having said this, the corners of the staff's mouth twitched slightly, as if trying to endure something.

What he didn't dare to mention was that when Hiroshi Tsukita was discovered, his clothes all over his body disappeared for some reason. He was naked, except for the shining Mediterranean Sea, and looked nothing like several other cults who were also naked and unconscious. The difference, even smaller...

"What? Has been completely retired?!

"Are you sure, the vitality of that thing is extremely tenacious, you must not take it lightly..."

Thinking of the terrifying flesh that had "resurrected" in front of him countless times, Hiroshi Tsukita's expression was more serious than ever.

"At the center of the support tower, there is not even a hint of grievance at the moment. Moreover, the association has mobilized its staff to repair the formation of the Daijing Temple, conduct a carpet inspection of the Suzumori execution grounds, and strive to completely remove the ghosts that can divide themselves. ."

"Really, that's the best."

Confirming that the situation has been completely under control, Tsuneda Hiroshi was relieved.

"By the way, where is the search and rescue team that rescued me, please let me personally express my gratitude..."

He struggled to get up and got out of the ambulance with the help of Jun Ishigami.

"The police officer and Sister Niya were all over there before rescuing your second... eh, by the way, what about the other examinee in the same group?"

The staff supported Hiroshi Changtian and walked towards Erqian Ryoma and Sister Niya who were talking about something not far away.

"Sister Niya, the second gentleman, thank you two for risking their lives to rescue the intractable ghost tonight, otherwise I am afraid that there will be endless troubles."

Walking in front of the two of them, Tsukida Hiroshi held his weak body and bowed sincerely.

"Hey, I really want the vice president of the Spirit Eliminators Association to owe me a favor..."

Niya didn’t care about her tattered nun’s dress, with one hand on her hips, showing a hearty smile: “Although at the Pontifical University, I always get zero points in the course of'ethics', but I don’t As for taking credit for others."

"That's right, you got rid of the ghost, rescued the vice president from under the fleshy remains and the collapsed support tower, and someone else."

The Erqian Ryoma on the side also spread his hands and pointed his fingers in the other direction.

"Could it be that the Soul Eliminators Association has sent official Soul Eliminators to support?"

According to Hiroshi Changtian's inference, the only one who has the ability to kill the ghost that seems to be immortal and constantly split and evolve is the nun who is close to the level of strength in front of him.

However, the two people in front of him said in unison that they had taken action to remove the spirit and rescued himself. He could only curiously look at the fingers of the former agent...

Not far away, in the dark shade of a tree, a man with a golden oil head was squatting in the grass with his back to the crowd.

Had it not been for the moonlight to see his solemn profile and the notebook in which he was writing something in his hand, Hiroshi Tsugada would have thought that the man was doing something indescribable.

The one who pulled out that ghost and rescued himself was actually...

"Araki Sosuke?!"

Through the extremely dazzling Slav squatting and recognizing the figure under the big tree, Hiroshi Tsukida stopped his steps in surprise.

"How could it be him... By the way, I remember..."

Between waking up and fainting, the remaining memory fragments gradually poured into my mind.

Below the flesh and blood supply tower, a certain figure placed several men manipulated by ghosts and spewed out a large flame from the lower body to the supply tower in a Slavic squat manner...

Wait, don't you really miss it?

On a certain resume, the words "received a 30-day closed tutoring with food and housing at the Kawasaki Master Temple" seemed so dazzling at this time.

Having said that, so far, except for the disciples who "have achieved success in the Dharma and exempted the spirit from entering the world" in the temple, the Kawasaki Master Temple has never issued a "training certificate" for outsiders.

So, this guy is not lucky at all...

Was it that he was originally sent by the Kawasaki Master Temple, and was another disciple who "entered the world to remove the spirit and rest until the death"? !

Araki Sosuke was naked, standing in the "chanting monks" at the Kawasaki Daishi Temple, closing his eyes and reciting the "violation" of Buddhist scriptures, and he couldn't help but come to his mind.

Although President Shimoto kept silent about the situation under the gates of hell, he also knew that the Kawasaki Master Temple contributed a lot to the Society of Soul Slayers to turn the tide on the Obon Festival.

Thinking of this, a trace of guilt of judging people by their appearances came from the heart of Chang Tian Guangzhi.

"Hello, that, Mediterranean, are you the person in charge here?"

Just as he walked towards Zongsuke Araki, ready to inquire about the situation and clear up his suspicions, a man stopped him behind him.

"I heard Xiaoyue host that the resentful spirit inside has been driven away, won't people escort us home to rest in the middle of the night?"

The person here is the photographer Hiroshi Kunimura, one of the clients.

"Sorry, President, Mr. Kunimura has been clamoring to go home..."

Behind Kunimura Hiro, a staff member and another female "client" followed.

"Out of the principle of 24-hour observation, we still recommend that the client stay in our ‘safe house’ for 24 hours."

"As a result, we were involved in the cult assassination, and we were scared enough. I bought a few bottles of that "evil spirit retreat water", and I felt a little uncomfortable after drinking it..."

After yawning, Hiroshi Kunimura complained impatiently to Hiroshi Tsukata.

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