I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 454 Gentleman's Tomahawk and Elbow Strike II

"Go ahead and leave it to me..."

Although it was quite uncomfortable to be called "Mediterranean" by the man in front of him, Hiroshi Tsuneta dismissed the staff and showed a professional smile, and patiently explained to the two clients.

"Please stay calm and watch for 24 hours to ensure your safety. The two don't want to leave any troubles. Moreover, the safe house has all kinds of facilities, and the boarding and lodging environment is comparable to a business hotel. ..."

After all, because of the "Regulations on Public Secrecy", providing clients with safe and satisfactory services and allowing professional and reliable images to subtly penetrate into the hearts of the people has always been regarded by him as the cornerstone of the professional development and future openness of soul-eliminators. .

"Is it all available? Hey, that's all, let's go and stay for a day... Blame those damn resentful spirits!"

Glancing at the woman next to him, Hiroshi Kunimura stretched helplessly and slobbed on the ground, agreeing with Hiroshi Tsugada's arrangement.

"By the way, I will go back to our evaluation questionnaire, and please cooperate with both of you to fill in..."

"Damn resentful spirit? Mr. Country, where are you going..."

A strong and powerful palm that seemed to be wailing with thousands of dead creatures, like a King Kong about to take the heroine to climb the tower, tightly pressed the top of Kunimura Hiroshi’s head and interrupted Tsukida’s " After-sales service".

"It hurts, it hurts, let it go! Which bastard is joking with me, he doesn't want his life..."

Hiroshi Kunimura turned his head back with a sullen face, but was swallowed back by the man behind him who was dangling a cigarette, wearing a one-eyed blindfold, and looking at him with murderous eyes.

Although he usually speaks badly and has an arrogant attitude, and looks like a "traveler on the road", it also needs to be divided.

When facing the true Jidao, he was so docile that he didn't even dare to put a fart.

Years of experience in the "art world" and dealing with Ji Dao told him that the man in front of him is definitely not a joke...

Maybe, pressing the slightly smelly palm of his head has already contaminated countless lives.

"I remember, you are also a spirit remover, right? I or I won't go anywhere, so I feel at ease here to cooperate with your work..."

Hiroshi Kunimura was like an elementary school student being punished by his teacher, standing tremblingly, bowing his head and making a docile appearance.

"Since you are free, your Excellency might as well tell me again, what did you do in this execution ground at three o'clock in the morning a week ago?"

Staring at the opponent with a tangible gaze, Sosuke Araki sprayed a large amount of smoke onto Hiroshi Kunimura's face.

"Didn't I say that, we just went around inside, shot some'spiritual videos', and went back..."

Hiroshi Kunimura only felt that the arm holding his head became more and more vigorous, and he forcibly lifted his drooping face.

"Wait, how did you know that it was around three o'clock... I didn't seem to say the specific time before..."

Suddenly, he seemed to be reacting to something, his face turned pale and his whole body got goose bumps.

"Arakawa, Araki-kun, what are you doing to your client, you can't be so rude..."

To the side, Hiroshi Tsukida quickly sneered and stretched out his hand to hold Araki Sosuke's arm, trying to separate him from his client.

"Mr. Kunimura, I'm sorry. This spirit remover is a newcomer. He seems to be a little rough. In fact, he is using an ancient secret technique from the Kawasaki Master Temple to hit the acupuncture points throughout your body at high speed and purify your grievances..."

However, Hiroshi Tsukita was already short and weak. He hung on the thick arms of Sosuke Araki like a monkey, unable to shake the opponent's movements at all.

"Hey, spying video?"

In the backlight, Araki Sosuke lowered his head and repeated the word disdainfully...

Immediately, he grabbed Hiroshi Kunimura's neck blankly, and slowly lifted him up.

"You made it, it's not a shit spying video at all! I'll give you another chance, remember it, and say it again..."

"You, what are you talking about, I'm obviously shooting..."

Hearing Sosuke Araki’s words, Hiroshi Kunimura covered his throat, struggling constantly, with an innocent look in his eyes, and looked to the side Hiroshi Tsuki for help: "Vice President Tsukita, don’t you just look at the people under him and use violence against the people? Is it? Cough cough cough..."

In mid-air, with breathing difficulties, Hiroshi Kunimura's face began to appear light purple.

The female client who came with him seemed to be frightened by the scene in front of him, but just stood there, embracing her arms trembling.

"Enough, Sosuke Araki!"

To the side, Hiroshi Tsukita, clinging to Sosuke Araki's arm like a koala, kept shaking his body, trying to make him stop.

"As the chief examiner of this field, I order you. Even if there are any personal grievances or special circumstances, I will let the client down first!"

"I told you a long time ago that violence cannot solve the problem. In case of any consequences, even if you are from Kawasaki Daishi Temple..."

"Ah ah ah ah... quit!"


In the face of Sosuke Araki's sudden upward roar, Hiroshi Tsukida was slightly taken aback.

"It's been long-winded, it's so noisy! I said...What kind of spirit destroyer, Laozi quit!"

"Starting on the tram, this uncle has endured for almost 24 hours. You are salty, wet, lustful, bullying, and only knowing to protect the client's Mediterranean..."

Slowly raising his head, Araki Sosuke shook his arm violently as if he had thrown away something dirty...

"Whether it is a resentful spirit... living people are treated equally to me, and I must take responsibility for what I have done!"

His steel elbow, with a violent air current, slammed into the face of Hiroshi Tsugada mercilessly.

"If I were to squander the bloody facts, to please this unworthy of being called a human chore..."

"This spirit remover, Laozi would rather be improper!"

His entire face was hit by a powerful and familiar "gentleman's tomahawk elbow", and Hiroshi Tsugada flew out with his new glasses in the afternoon.

"Earth, Mediterranean? Damn it, just call me that..."

Falling to the ground, Hiroshi Tsukita fumbled on his chest, put his broken eyes back on the bridge of his nose, and stretched out his trembling fingers towards Sosuke Araki.

"You actually used violence against the vice president of the Soul Destroyer Association within 24 hours. I want to..."


Before he finished speaking, the spewing nosebleeds had wetted his clothes.

"Rescue, ambulance... I must have internal bleeding..."

Seeing the blood flowing turbulently on his chest, Hiroshi Tsugada suddenly lay back on the ground with a soft calf, his eyes rolled, and he fainted skillfully.

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