I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 456 Death Whisperer

"Able to talk to the spirit body...Is this guy a "Dead Whisperer"?"

Looking at Sosuke Araki and the spirit body not far away, Niya's face was also full of surprise.

People who can ignore the influence of grievances and communicate with the spirit body that is impaired and supported only by obsessions are unparalleled among the spirit removers.

Because of this behavior, it essentially bridges the soul of the spirit body and reads the memory of the other party.

Such people are called "dead whispers" in the Holy See.

"No... I didn't hear anything..."

"Have you heard that, did anyone hear what she was saying...Who can prove that she is Manda Miwa?"

Taking a look at the "Resent Spirit" who opened his mouth slightly but made no sound, Kunimura Hiroshi showed a hideous and crazy smile.

"I only saw a resentful soul who didn't know where it came from or what it was talking about appeared in the ruins of the execution ground..."

"Hey, hey... I see, you blonde bastard, you must have formed a private grievance with me when you want to use this resentful spirit to frame me!"

"...By the way, looking at your fierce criminal appearance, maybe Manda Miwa, you killed it, so her resentful spirits will follow you! Right, all the spirit-eliminators present?"

However, I don’t know if I was deterred by the fierce eyes of Araki Sosuke, or faintly aware of something. The people around did not agree with Kunimura Hiroshi’s increasingly excited and confused words. They just quietly stood aside and looked in front of him with complicated eyes. This scene.


"Vice President Chang Tian, ​​Vice President Chang Tian..."

The nasal cavity was filled with the smell of blood that made it hard to breathe and the sensation of foreign body coagulation of blood crust.

Hiroshi Changtian opened his eyes with difficulty for the Nth time in 24 hours.

"Guangzhi, what happened?"

"Shi, Shiben President?!"

The old voice in his ears instantly made him feel excited, and he jumped up from the ambulance stretcher like a dead body in a horror movie.

"I'm not good at doing things, I'm tired of your old man who came here in person!"

Struggling to climb out of the ambulance, Hiroshi Tokuta bowed deeply to the old man in front of him.

"It's okay, it's just that I heard that something is happening here, so I came here to take a look."

The reason for the panic is that the old man with silver hair standing under the ambulance and reaching out to support him is the person Hiroshi Tokuta respects most in his life...

The president and founder of the Association of Elimination of Souls, and a rank under the line of Maoshan in the Long Kingdom [3] Eliminator, Ichiro Tokimoto.

"Wait... Araki Zongsuke, the violent madman, dare to treat me like this... Others, did he abscond with fear of crime after violent violence?!"

Suddenly remembering something, Chang Tian Hiroshi turned his head and asked the staff nearby.

"Araki-kun... is he still confronting the client over there."

Hearing the interrogation of Hiroshi Changtian, the staff member showed a complicated expression, and pointed his finger at a place surrounded by people not far away.

"...The specific situation is a bit complicated, you should go and see for yourself!"

After all, it is extremely rare to communicate with spirits freely, even in the Association of Spirit Eliminators, and only those who specialize in psychic spirits can do it.

Not to mention, the sensitive matter of helping the resentful spirits accuse the murderer is in the gap between law and religion.

"Could it be that after violating me, I will continue to harm my clients and treat them in public..."

Through the seams, I vaguely saw Hiroshi Kunimura, who was stepped on by Sosuke Araki, and the blue veins bursting on the bald forehead of Hiroshi Tokuta, it seemed that the brain had made up for something incredible.

"Oh? What happened?"

Looking in the direction the staff pointed, Shimoto Ichiro raised his eyebrows.

"President, you don't have to worry about it, just leave the matters over there to me..."


Hiroshi Tokuta's thin body exploded with great power, dragged the stretcher he had just laid on from the ambulance, and smashed it to the ground...

"Wait...Vice President, are you trying to..."

"... Needless to say. I, Hiroshi Tokuta (43 years old), as the vice-chairman of the Spirit Eliminators Association, will never allow the Spirit Eliminators to go beyond the law to violently abuse their clients and destroy the reputation of the Association for many years. Things happened in front of us!!"

With an aura like the fire brigade rushing into the fire and the hero is gone, Tsugada Hiroshi pushed the ambulance stretcher in front of him and sprinted towards the crowd...


"I said, what are you waiting for... isn't it a self-proclaimed righteous spirit remover?"

"If you don't get rid of the spirit, do you want to watch this resentful spirit harm people here?"

In the center of the crowd, watching the "resentful spirits" walking towards him step by step, Hiroshi Kunimura questioned the people around him hoarsely.

"Or, like this guy, you plan to help the resentful spirit and murder me as a living person?"

"Araki-kun, it is better to control this spirit body together with the client, and investigate and collect the evidence before..."

Facing the thorny situation before him, Ichizo finally couldn't help but open his mouth and offered a more compromised suggestion.

Since most spirit bodies are difficult to communicate normally, it is still in a blank area of ​​the law as to whether the spirit body is qualified to accuse the facts of the crime and whether the testimony is valid.

If you want the scumbag in front of you, you must try to obtain further evidence.

"Justice spirit remover? Sorry, I don't have such a thing as ‘justice’ that puts gold on my face..."

"...I did this only because of Ms. Wan Tian's last wish, and just want to testify against him personally."

Moreover, I don't want Ms. Wan Tian to continue to suffer in the world because of this scum and her hands stained with blood, turning into a resentful spirit. "

Slightly shook his head, Araki Sosuke did not accept a suggestion of Enlightenment: "Ms. Manda has already told me all the details of the case, so there is no need to let her continue to suffer in this world."

"From the details of the case recorded in this notebook, whether the body was buried, the time of the crime, and the tools, your police should be able to find useful evidence..."

He threw the notebook in his hand towards Satoru, and then stared at Hiroshi Kunimura with sharp eyes.

"Rotten guy, there is no difference between humans and ghosts. This is my consistent position of Sousuke Araki!"

"Hey...you brat, you want to slander me, there is no door!"

Just as Wu raised his hand to catch the notebook in midair, Hiroshi Kunimura, who was sitting between the two, suddenly jumped to the rescue like Wakabayashi Yuansan possessed, and grabbed the notebook in midair in his hands.


In the roar of Araki Sosuke, Hiroshi Kunimura, who fell to the ground, tore off the last two pages of the notebook with great speed, and swallowed it directly into his mouth!

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