"Hey, I want to use two scribbled notes, maybe there are carefully fabricated criminal traces, just want to frame me?!"

Quickly chewing and swallowing the paper ball in his mouth, Hiroshi Kunimura provoked Araki Sosuke in a demonstration: "You think that Japanese law is based on an inexplicable resentment, and you are alone from beginning to end. Can the testimony be convicted?!"

"I... I want you today to spit out dinner together with the page of notes I took hard down!"

In the face of this cruel, dehumanizing, and brazen maggot, Sosuke Araki laughed so furiously that he stepped forward as if he wanted to "rectify the law on the spot."

"Zongsuke, don't be impulsive!!!"

I am familiar with his character. Before the second, Ryoma had jumped behind him one step ahead of time, tried to lock him with joint skills, and whispered in his ear: "That trash is deliberately provoking you. Once you do it," Your testimony is useless!"

"Look at his confident look, I'm afraid he is very confident in his finishing work, or is it handed over to our police..."

Article 319 of the Japanese Criminal Procedure Law stipulates that “whether or not the defendant confessed in the public trial court, when the confession is the only evidence against him, the defendant shall not be found guilty”.

In other words, no matter who accuses or even Hiroshi Kunimura admits a crime, there must be sufficient actual evidence as the basis for conviction.

"Leave it to your police?"

As a "professional" with rich experience in handling cases, the starting point that Rongma considered before the second was correct.

"Just like what happened to Xinghei and Reiko back then, are you ‘handling it properly’?"

However, Araki Sosuke's next words made his eyes dark.

"It's nothing more than to let this guy stay in jail for more than ten or twenty years."

Because, what Araki Sosuke said is correct.

The old Longguo saying that "killing pays for life" is not applicable in Japan.

Although Japan still retains the traditional "hanging" in judicial practice, the death penalty cannot be imposed if only one person is killed. Twenty years of imprisonment is a very heavy sentence.

Moreover, even if the "death penalty" is imposed, it is extremely difficult to actually execute it, and it needs to be signed by the Minister of Justice.

Several Ministers of Justice, even because of their beliefs, refused to sign the execution order during their term of office.

For example, Shiraishi Takahiro, who killed and dismembered nine netizens, created "Heisei's most murderous house", calmly pointed to the incubator at home when he was arrested, and told the police "The person you are looking for is here". It took three years to get better. It is easy to be sentenced to death, but the exact date of execution is still unknown.

And the notorious ogre Sagawa Ichimasa, who "eaten" female classmates while studying in the Netherlands, was extradited to Japan, evading legal sanctions on the grounds of mental illness.

Fifteen months later, Sagawa Kazumasa walked out of the mental hospital on the grounds of "cure" and began a free life of publishing books, participating in shows, speaking, making movies, and traveling the world. He became the only one in the world who was found to be at large. Cannibals.

Even if it was Kazuo Amato, even if he bowed his head and pleaded guilty, he would have lived a rich and happy life in prison for more than a decade because of his "commissioned murder", and he might even be released early because of his "good performance."

It is precisely because of this that Higashino Kohei will choose to take risks and slash his enemies.

Reality is often more cruel than movies.

"Ryoma, let me go! Today is to put my fist into his throat, and I also want to pull out the ‘evidence’ before it is digested..."

"Idiot, you didn't see him chew it up, are we going to squat on the ground to play ‘puzzles’?" 』

Before the second, Ryoma was hung on the back of Sosuke Araki like a schoolbag, but he could only watch him step forward and grab Kunimura Hiroshi's collar.

"Hey, hey hey hey, what are you going to do, in front of so many spirit eliminators, to drive the wraith spirit to kill me?"

"...Or, in front of the police, punch me, an innocent citizen, to death?"

Locked by Sosuke Araki's murderous eyes, Hiroshi Kunimura was forced out of desperation, and continued to provoke with a voice that only two of them could hear.

"...Come if there is a species, and see who is the murderer!"

As long as the man in front of him does something to himself, any testimony about Manda Miwa will become invalid because of the suspicion of "private grievance".

And his own identity will change from "suspect" to "victim".

"Hey, do you think I dare..."

Frozen by the other party's words, the anger in Araki Sosuke's heart turned into a hot white flame in his eyes.

At the moment that everyone in the room, even Sosuke Araki himself, did not notice, the dark red like lava fire flashed between the unidentified runes on his arm, and rushed into Hiroshi Kunimura's chest along the collar.

"Wait, how can you, you guys..."

In midair, Hiroshi Kunimura's eyes crossed Araki Sosuke, suddenly becoming extremely frightened.

Because, not far behind Araki Sosuke, staring at him quietly, in addition to the gray and mutilated Manda Kazumi, there are dozens of bloody, dismembered stray cats and dogs in various terrible forms.

"You guys should be dead already! Don't come here..."

These are all "works" accumulated over the years by Kunimura Bo, who grew up in single-parent domestic abuse.

At this moment, with indifferent eyes, these "works" slowly stepped up towards him.

"Uh...it hurts...what is this..."

In the depths of the soul, a burning pain surged through the body like bone gangrene.

Hiroshi Kunimura's pupils gradually diminished due to fear and pain.

"The red lotus naruka is different from this. After this time, the color becomes red and red, and the skin splits, or ten or more. Therefore, the naruka is called the red lotus."

The red lotus karma fire, the seventh of the eight cold hells, is led by the evil karma of the human body, burning people's hearts without liberation.

Those who burn their bodies with karma are destined to spend their lives in the hell on earth ignited by their own "karma".

"What's wrong with this guy, another one who was frightened by the spirit body? ! 』

"It's not like it, but I wasn't afraid at all before...Could it be that what Araki-kun said is true, he intends to take the opportunity to pretend to be mentally ridden? 』

"Even if it is true, the spirit's words cannot be used as legal evidence. The Spirit Slayers Association is only an industry self-regulatory organization, not a judicial institution that can sanction the people..."

"Rumble rumbling..."

Just as everyone looked at Kunimura Bo "stunned" with inexplicable faces, the harsh and noisy pulley sound rang out from the crowd.

"Give it all to me, get out of the way!!!"

As several association staff and spirit removers dodge in horror, Hiroshi Tokuta, who was covered with cuts, bruised muscles, and deformed glasses, burned his life and pushed the "special ambulance stretcher" in his hand, and killed him from the separate flow of people... …

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