
"I, Hiroshi Tsukita, even if I abandon this innocent body, I will never allow you to move your client..."

"...One! Root! Cold! Hair!"

With an aura like a kamikaze squad rushing towards an aircraft carrier, "Hiroshi right behind" launched a "suicide attack" towards the lower body of Sosuke Araki, who was facing away from him.


As if there were eyes on his hips, Sosuke Araki, who had stretched out his hand to grasp Kunimura Hiroshi, suddenly let go, his body bounced to the side like a reflection, and at the same time his fisted left hand was raised to the side...

Hiroshi Tsukuta, who was pushing the stretcher and roaring loudly, passed by Sosuke Araki perfectly.

No, it seems, it's not "so" perfect...

The chin slammed against Araki Sosuke's sturdy arms. Hiroshi Tokuta's thin body was like the tragic male protagonist hit by the big card in the movie. He fell and flew out in the opposite direction...

Only the deformed glasses on his face flew high on the spot.

"Vice...Vice President?!"

Before everyone had time to exclaim, they benefited from the push of the buttocks all the way by Vice-Chairman Tsugada, who declared that he would not let Araki Sosuke "motivate the client's hair"...


The hand-push stretcher that had accumulated terrible kinetic energy instantly turned into a battering ram, and violently dropped out of his hand, accurately and brutally hit the painful face of Hiroshi Kunimura...

Hiroshi Kunimura, who was unable to extricate himself from the burning of pain and fear, fainted with relief.


In front of the gate of the Lingsen Execution Ground, the peace of the past was restored abruptly, leaving only the bleak and hoarse wailing of crows.



"This Mediterranean is even more ruthless than me..."

Looking at Hiroshi Kunimura, whose face was welded to his face by a stretcher, and Hiroshi Tsukida, who rolled his eyes and foamed at the mouth because his jaw was shaken...

Araki Sosuke and Erqian Ryoma on their backs looked at each other and stunned.

The crowd onlookers also looked dull, as if they had not recovered from the series of events that happened in the previous second.

"Come on to rescue...Vice President Changtian...fainted!"

"Wait... the client also lost consciousness here... come here to help, pull out the stretcher first..."

"It's really miserable, my teeth are almost falling out of my mouth..."

It took a few seconds before several staff members rushed to check the situation of the "wounded".


In the chaos, the female "client" who had fainted at first came back to life.


As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw her "missing friend" standing quietly not far in front of her.

"I'm sorry... I blamed all this, he controlled it with drugs and gambling..."

Under the control of immense guilt and fear, the woman instantly knelt to the ground, crying and kowtow to the spirit body in front of her.

"That guy said if he doesn't ask you over, he will kill me..."

She knocked so hard that the ground gradually became bloody.

"I'm so cowardly. When he brought you into the woods when he fainted, he could only shiver outside and didn't even dare to call the police..."

"Don't worry, I will tell the police everything, whether it's life imprisonment or death sentence, I accept it, please don't find me..."

Hearing the woman's cry, the two staff members who were checking the situation of Kunmura Bo suddenly stopped giving him first aid, and their eyes were full of anger.

"Now, more than one person's testimony... OK, the case is closed."

Hearing her words, Ryoma raised an eyebrow against Araki Sosuke before the second.


The two agents directly took out the handcuffs, handcuffed the unconscious Hiroshi Kunimura, and placed them on the stretcher that had just attacked his face.

The female "accomplice" who was still kneeling and begging for mercy was also handcuffed by agents.

"Ms. Manda, I am an enlightenment from Special Operations Section 9 of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. I don't know if my words can be conveyed completely..."

At the same time, an enlightenment walked up to the spirit body standing still.

"Although criminal cases are not within our scope of responsibility, we hereby assure you that these two people will be punished as they deserve!"

"Your body will definitely be found in the first time and properly placed..."

Saluting solemnly at the other party, Yiu Wu looked at the ground in his eyes, filled with silent anger and endless guilt.

"Sorry, we couldn't prevent the crime from happening when you were being persecuted... this is the only thing we... can do for you..."

The work of Lesson 9 can be said to be filled with despair and sadness from the very beginning.

Unlike other departments of the Metropolitan Police Department, as the ninth class agents, they are almost always faced with grievances that cannot communicate, are full of obsessions, and choose people.

It can also be said that they are dealing with cases after death.

In the bottom of the hearts of all the agents, it was clear that the resentful spirit they faced was the same as their own, a living person with joy, sorrow, joy, sorrow and reunion.

It's just that the agents who linger in the boundless fear are incompetent and powerless to explore why these resentful spirits became the dead.

Gradually, they also chose not to understand whether there was a tragic story behind these resentful spirits.

Because, even if you know, the life that has passed away cannot be reversed.

"Ms. Wan Tian, ​​this way, it should be fine..."

Sosuke Araki sighed softly at Miwa Manda who was facing away from him.

"At least at the moment of leaving, please believe that there is some justice in this world."

As if he understood what the two said, Manda Miwa's spirit body put his hands together and bowed slowly towards the head of Wu.

At some point, all the grievances that lingered on her body had already drifted into Sousuke Araki's body.

After that, she maintained this position, turned to look at Sosuke Araki, muttered something silently, and her body glowed with a faint glow.

"This...I obviously haven't..."

Seeing Manda Miwa gradually turning into a light spot in front of him, Sosuke Araki was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously looked at his palm.

"Look at it... is this..."

"Cheng, become a Buddha?!"

The inspired people around couldn't help but stop the movements in their hands, staring at the poignant scene with stunned eyes.

"Please... go all the way."


"May you find peace in the arms of the Lord forever."

Whether it was the class ninth agent, the staff of the association, or the few spirit removers who came from behind, they all looked solemnly at the fading light spot, folded their hands together and bowed deeply.

It's like taking part in the farewell ceremony of the remains in the mourning hall.

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