It wasn't until Wan Tian Meihe's spirit body scattered into a spot of light, completely dissipated in the dark night, and the people who had recovered from their spirits began to talk and start busy.

The dead are gone, the living are like this.

"Presumably because the murderer pleaded guilty and was arrested, the spirit body's last wish was fulfilled and relieved? 』

"It's great to be able to awaken inspiration. This is the first time I have seen Buddhahood!" 』

Although I have heard of the legendary word "becoming a Buddha" from time to time, most of the people present witnessed the spiritual body becoming a Buddha for the first time.

"Is it really because of the reason that the prisoner was arrested, the obsession dissipated and he returned to the Lord..."

Only nun Niya remained, still staring at Sosuke Araki in a daze.

"Or is there any mystery in that guy's method of purifying grievances?"

She found that she couldn't see through this little gangster-like man more and more.

"By the way, you should almost get off my back."

In the middle of the crowd, Araki Sosuke turned his head and looked uncomfortably at Erqian Ryoma who was still lying on his back.

"Hahaha, I almost forgot...what does it matter? You guy is so strong, I'm afraid that you won't breathe after running ten kilometers with me."

When Ryoma stepped down from someone's back with an embarrassed look before the second, a pair of Wu escorted the female client with godless eyes and passed by them.

"Pick me..."

Seeing Sosuke Araki groping in his lower body, but found nothing, he handed out a cigarette to him.

"The high-end goods, thank you."

"Can you tell me, what did Ms. Wan Tian... say before she left?"

Lig a cigarette for Araki Sosuke, Yiwu asked curiously.

"Well, she said..."

Sousuke Araki spit out the smoky smoke, looking at the starless night sky, his eyes gradually lost focus: "If you leave, you will know this world, flowers are also flowers, and people are also people."

"Really, it seems to be really letting go... so good."

Ichichi also followed his gaze, looking towards the night above his head.


Listening to the conversation between the two, the woman who was originally sluggish and held by a corpse like a walking dead suddenly burst into tears.


At three o'clock in the morning, Shinagawa district was still silent in a quiet night.

In a remote parking lot, a dilapidated and old bus was lit with warm lights.

The inside of the bus, which has a historical appearance and makes people wonder whether it can be started, is unexpectedly clean and bright.

The original fixed seat has been dismantled and put on a simple but pyrotechnic table and stool.

The areas on both sides of the rear of the cab have been transformed into small kitchens and bar counters.


"Boss, let's have another bowl of char siu soy sauce ramen, plus two extra jade!"


Sosuke Araki, wearing a wrinkled Brazilian suit, was sitting at the bar right now, putting down the ramen bowl that was eaten up and leaving no drop of soup in his hand, and added another ramen to the boss behind the bar.

"Please, although I said it was my treat, but you have eaten the third bowl... and, this is still from the Erlang family!"

Sitting next to him, only ordered a glass of sake and a plate of skewered skewer, Erqian Ryoma, who seemed to have no appetite, looked at his friend with horror.

"Is it really okay to eat so many carbohydrates in the middle of the night..."

"Chuling avoids messing up the assessment. Of course, I have to turn my grief and anger into appetite and have a good meal! The salary in Lesson 9 is so high, a few bowls are a small case for you..."

"You go home, put down my skewers first! 』

"Zongjie, come, and I especially gave you half of the'Replacement Jade'!"

At the same time, a bowl full of char siu, bean sprouts and lettuce, shaped like Mount Fuji, piled up into small pointed soy sauce ramen, which was put in front of Araki Sosuke by the boss.

"Wow, thank you boss! I'm going! Hululululu..."

Holding the chopsticks together, Sosuke Araki threw his head in the sea bowl and raised his face.

This "ramen shop", which was transformed by a bus that was about to be scrapped and randomly appeared in a few remote parking lots in Shinagawa district, is a "late-night cafeteria" that only people like Sosuke Araki can find on a long-term night shift.

Compared with the style of those chain ramen shops, this bus ramen shop, which is more inclined to the Jiro series, has only two characteristics...

Super cheap and super large.

The Jiro-style ramen has a rough appearance and a wild style. It doesn't stick to the value of the face, but only pursues the weight and deliciousness. Even the noodles are harder and rougher than ordinary ramen shops.

The rich soup is made with pork and miso soy sauce, and is served with thickly sliced ​​large pieces of barbecued pork. When it is served, a lot of bean sprouts and cabbage are piled on the noodles to relieve the oiliness of the barbecued pork and broth.

People with a small appetite, such as Ryoma before the second, are likely to be full before they have "climbed" the two "mountains" of bean sprouts and cabbage.

But for Sosuke Araki, the "big stomach king", a bowl of ramen is just enough to stuff your teeth...

"Hey, there is no other way. Who told you to elbow the vice president of the Spirit Slayers Association three times in a row within 24 hours..."

Looking at Sosuke Araki, who had a frowning face and "really sucking" on the ramen, Ryoma turned on the broken thoughts mode before the second: "In other words, the miserable appearance of Vice President Tsugada when he was carried away by the ambulance is really amazing. People are impressed, the bridge of the nose should not be broken, right?"

"From the recent action movies, it seems that the current plastic surgery technique has improved again, and it should be fine if it breaks. 』

"Okay, don't say anything! Right now, only the hot ramen and the fat char siu can comfort my wounded soul... Hulululu..."

Araki Sosuke, who lifted his head from the mountain to take a breath, directly interrupted his long-winded gesture, putting his hands together and making a "forgive me" gesture.

"It's obviously someone else's bridge of nose that was injured... don't just eat, what are you going to do next?"

"What else can I do? I have already said in public that I will not do it... Why, I will steal the broken thing, and then I will forcibly squeeze the juice and rescue Mochizuki before returning it!"

"Although I don’t have the tempting subsidy for the eliminator, I’m a person who lives in a villa and doesn’t have to pay rent, so I can slowly find a job... Hulululu..."

Speaking of sadness, Araki Sosuke's expression became more sad: "Boss, add another ramen..."

"Hey! Overeating should also be stopped in moderation!"

"Boss, I also want a bowl of soy sauce ramen and an extra serving of tempura! It will be added to their account..."


At this moment, on the other side beside Ryoma before the second, there was also a young girl with a foreign accent and full of vitality in Japanese.

"And you, why did you come and eat ramen together!"

"It doesn't matter if it's recorded in our account, but it's actually added so much? ! 』

Sitting next to the two of them, who had been eating noodles without speaking, was indeed Niya, a wicked nun from the Holy See in the Vatican who was also a "practical test" candidate.

"What are you talking about? If you have the opportunity to give me something to eat below, but your supreme honor..."

"Although your side is a little shorter, harder, and a little saltier than the Italian side... Hulululu..."

Niya drank the soup in the bowl in one gulp, and licked her little pink tongue lightly at the corner of her mouth, showing a meaningful smile.

"And, didn't I say, we can have a chat."

"What are you talking about? Insane words, as Japanese, we can only bow down in front of you and bow our heads!"

"Didn't you mention that you know a sturdy black priest from the Holy See?"

Niya opened the phone, clicked on a photo, and stunned in front of the two of them.

"Look, this one is strong enough..."

In the photo in the phone, under the blue sky, white clouds, sunshine, and beach, a black man with a strong upper body is standing in the center of five bikini beauties, arms around the slender waist on both sides, showing a mouthful of dazzling white teeth. .

It looks like a "winner in life" and a "beach gun king" posture...

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