I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 460: Alliance

"Damn it, it's enviable..."

Seeing the strong black man with a "gold chain, sunglasses, and cigar suit" in the photo, Sosuke Araki and Ryoma Nizen looked at each other suddenly.

"Well, it looks familiar, but you know, I have always been blind to black people..."

"Ahem, although I haven't seen him topless, judging from the shape somewhere in the middle of the beach pants, this face should be '20 centimeters per second' and he is correct!"

"It seems that you not only know Father Siena, you have also had close friendship with him!"

Observing the reaction of the two carefully, Niyalu's big blue eyes were slightly narrowed, and they shone sharply under the dim light.

"'20 centimeters per second', is his nickname in Japan? Can you tell me in detail, what you know, his experience in Japan..."

"That's the case, so seconds...Father Siena, his current situation, shouldn't he be optimistic?"

Before the second, Ryoma's eyes turned slightly, and he did not immediately answer the other party's question.

"As expected from the Metropolitan Police Department, it is really meticulous. Talking between smart people is not so laborious to go back and forth, in and out of temptation. Let's go directly to the subject."

Niya gently swiped the phone, switched a photo, and handed it to the two of them.

"...If he was twenty before, he should be less than five now."

"Siena... how could..."

Seeing Siena with life-sustaining equipment inserted all over the photo, the skinny and unremarkable Siena, Araki Sosuke and Jizen couldn't help taking a breath.

"According to the public information provided by the Japanese government and our current investigation results, in a shooting case, he was forced to use a precious objection from the Holy See because of the fatal injury, and the effect of that objection allowed him to learn from Get out of the arms of the god of death once."

"At the same time, the side effect of that grievance is that any damage suffered within 24 hours after use will be mapped to the soul."

When Niya finished speaking word by word, both Ryoma and Araki Sosuke fell silent before the second.


Their thoughts floated to the rainy and extremely dark night.

"When I rescued him on the second floor of the warehouse, I was able to stand up by myself..."

"So, after that night, he was injured again because of certain events, which caused his soul to be damaged, and he became the way he is now..."

The two looked at each other and whispered to the fact that Niya hadn't finished speaking.

"Although the Japanese police refused to disclose specific case information on the grounds of "top secret", in exchange, I have the right to conduct independent investigations on behalf of the Holy See."

Speaking of this, there were tears in the eyes of the heartless nun.

"Hey, the Japanese government, I really thought that the Holy See would believe that the ace thugs of the heretical court, the'Holy Light Arsenal' that had been bathed in a rain of bullets in the Middle East for ten years, almost died in the underworld shooting in Japan?! Siena? Father, to me, he exists like a family member, and I can’t watch him lying there inexplicably!"

"Miss nun, when it comes to this issue, you have found the right person... The one in front of you is also the second party in the case..."

"What, party?!"

Hearing what Ryoma said before the second, the expression on Niya's face instantly became extremely exciting.

Coming to Japan for almost a month, she contacted several departments of the Japanese government, including the Metropolitan Police Department, as an open diplomatic staff member.

She originally thought that since the two people are Siena acquaintances in Japan, they should be able to provide some side information, but she did not expect to encounter a "suspected person".

Before the second, Ryoma lowered his throat and whispered in a voice that only three of them could hear: "The shooting at the South Honmoku Pier, case number ES7116..."

"Obviously, it was caused by the gang vendetta between Nuluo Quan and the Sankou Group, but I heard that there was a cult sacrificial activity behind the case. The more than one hundred men who had evaporated from the world and could not even find their bodies are still there today. There is no clear result."

"This dossier was originally stored in the Yokohama Police Station's'Guard around the Violent Group', but then mysteriously disappeared. During the'Interdiction Investigation', I asked several acquaintances of the Yokohama Police Station to investigate, but failed to find the file to be transferred. It was a waste of time. I have spent so many times the funds for the Thai Bath Supreme Emperor Package..."

"It is said that because of the involvement of cults and extraordinary powers, they were transferred to Lesson 9 for follow-up investigation."

Listening to Ryoma's analysis before the second, Araki Sosuke turned black for some reason.

"I said, Ryoma...you guy who is greedy for life and fear of death, suddenly went to the ninth lesson with the highest mortality rate. Isn't it to investigate this matter?"

"So, I know that Xingping and Lizi's affairs may be related to those cults, but they have been hiding it from me before?!"

"Boss, give this guy another oden!"

Seeing the unhappy face of his friend behind him, Ryoma only found out that he had missed his words two years ago, and he hurriedly added a meal for him.

"Well, didn't you go to'retreat and practice' before? I am also busy training... I want to investigate this case, but it can only be regarded as part of the reason. Anyway, I don't have a department willing to ask it. The ninth lesson happened to be so. High salary, there is no reason to refuse."

After the shooting at the South Honmoku Pier, even during the suspension investigation, Ryoma was not idle before the second, but used the "Thai Bath Supreme Emperor Package" to open the way and secretly follow the progress of the case through the network of the Metropolitan Police Department.

However, because the confidentiality mechanism of Class 9 is too strict, and there is not much contact with other departments of the Metropolitan Police Department on weekdays, his progress is also limited.

"These messy cults, if Xingping's things are really related to them, I won't let them go!"


As if remembering the painful memories, the chopsticks in Sosuke Araki's hand broke into two sadly.

"Yes, just like you taught that scumbag today, although Ms. Wan Tian won't be able to come back anyway, we have to find out the matter clearly, and we can't let some people just leave like that! "

Maybe it was a dry mouth. Ryoma raised his head and drank the glass of sake before the second.

"Those messy cults have found their faces tonight. I don't have the habit of being a tortoise..."

Thinking of the masked Galactic Alliance churches in the Mori Ling Ruins, Araki Zongsuke's lips showed a grim smile: "It used to be muddled, but now as long as I catch the tail, they must be clear!"

"Very ambitious, two! In that case, let's form an alliance..."

I don't know when, Niya stood up, stood behind them grinning, clenched a fist with one hand and stretched out.

"Share case information, use my official identity, and with the help of what you showed today, the'waist breaking the pubic bone', to reveal the truth under the thick curly hair!"

"Wait, although the alliance is okay, but your metaphor has problems in all aspects..."

"Yes, I don't have the skills that are'destined to be single for ten thousand years'!"

In protest in a low voice, the men's big fists punching bags and the nun's white and tender fists lightly touched each other.

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