I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 478: Boundless Push Hips


In the truck cab, the speed limit alarm rang frantically, interrupting Sosuke Araki's cranky thoughts.

"Oh, it's no wonder it sounds, it's just speeding, so I thought it was broken, haha..."

He looked down, and on the dashboard in front of him, the speed pointer had broken through 100 yards.

"Wake up, this is not something to be happy about! Bastard, do these two mothers-in-law want to launch me to the moon!"

For large trucks like this kind of operation, because the safe speed limit is 80 yards, most transportation companies have installed electronic speed limiters to lock the upper limit of speed at 100 yards.

This extra 20 yards of space is used for avoiding or overtaking in emergency situations.


At this time, the "extraordinary performance" of Araki Sosuke's big truck was naturally due to the two mothers-in-laws who rushed and pushed their hips wildly on the left and right sides of the truck.

The original sturdy heat-insulating truck compartment has many uneven scars on the outside, and even a trace of cold air is drifting towards the outside world, looking like it may fall apart at any time.

"I knew there was more than one'high-speed mother-in-law'. The bottle of'Hallelujah' just now should be saved a bit, but now a drop of stock can't be squeezed out...ha, hahaha..."

On the mad truck, Sousuke Araki, who was beyond reach and helpless at the two mothers-in-law outside the car, gave out a nervous dry smile.

"I got a lot of speeding tickets this way, right?"

"The company should have also received a speeding signal and deducted Uncle Watanabe's KPI to the end, right?"

"The'A5 grade 28-day Kobe Wagyu', which is worth hundreds of millions of yen, has also lost a lot of freshness due to the loss of temperature and excess, right?"

"If you can't go back on time, not only will you not get the exemption, the subsidy, and the fixed capital tax, but you will also waste the lunch of Xiaoniao Yushi..."

"If she doesn't say anything, her face is probably ugly. 』

"The cost of repairing the car, the insurance company won't be the last to count me?"

Emptyly stepping on the brakes that are still malfunctioning, watching the soaring speed, thinking of the huge compensation and a series of consequences...

His face became paler and his eyes lost their expression.

"Snowflakes flutter..."

"Uh ah ah ah ah!"


Loosening the steering wheel, Araki Sosuke slapped his cheeks with both hands, smashing the empty ears that hadn't come to the end.

"Damn it, now is not the time to be depressed, Sosuke Araki, a virgin (23 years old), calm down... With your IQ, there must be so many ways you can't think of."

Leaning over and holding the steering wheel, Sosuke Araki's whole body trembled like Mount Fuji about to erupt.

"Laozi...just want to do a casual job...to fill the gap in purchasing learning materials...to pay the solid capital tax..."

Lifting his head, like the raging anger reignited in the embers, suddenly erupted in his eyes.

"You old and disrespectful mothers-in-laws, since you don't want to let me go... 咚咚咚咚...then I won't be a human being!"

He reached for the bottle of mineral water belonging to Uncle Watanabe in the driver's cab, and after drinking it with his head up, he wrapped it in his mouth a few times, and then vomited it all back into the bottle with a "wow".

"...I like running so much, just go to hell and run enough!!!"

Then, he reached out to face both sides of the car window, and suddenly sprinkled a jet of water on each side.


Being poured by the water column, the "Bai Li Granny" on the left who maintained a constant speed, had a black flame all over her body, stopped instantly, fell to her knees, and slowly turned into ashes...

"Whether it is Uncle Watanabe or this car..."

Although it is just a mouthwash, the concentration of saliva contained in it is not enough to become a Buddha, but it should also be able to dissolve the "hidden energy field" that is used as a motive force.

"And the expensive Wagyu beef worth 100 million yen that I can't make in my entire life in the carriage..."

On the right, the "sprinting mother-in-law" just slowed down and escaped the deadly water column.

"And my habitually broken capital chain, and the "meeting" that I "made an appointment" with Yuuji Xiaoniao..."

After the water column hit the ground, she dashed forward and stuck to the window of the car. She looked at Sosuke Araki like a demonstration with big scarlet eyes, and opened her black toothless mouth excitedly: "... ."

"...I, Sosuke Araki, will guard to the end today, and I won't let it go one step!"


A tangled, tattooed arm blasted through the car window like an evil spirit came out of the cage, and pinched the throat of the mother-in-law who was stuck outside the car window.

As all the grievances on her body poured into the arm, the sprinting mother-in-law burst into a holy light from all over her body.

Before she closed her hands in front of her, she had shattered into bright white light under the strong force, and it sprinkled toward the road that was retreating rapidly...

For the "weird mother-in-law" in his hand, Sosuke Araki had no mercy for ordinary resentful spirits in his heart.

On the highway, for ordinary drivers, they who "crash without blinking" and start killing under the pretext of violation are indeed incomprehensible and deadly existences that must be removed.

Retracting his arm and shaking off the fine glass slag, Araki Sosuke's expression loosened: "Huh...Finally, it's done. Next, I have to find a way to stop this violent guy and return to Tokyo on time..."


Before the words fell, there was another violent crash from the rear right of the car.

The power at this moment is far from comparable to those of the three previous mothers-in-law. Had it not been for the truck's current full load, it would have almost overturned the entire body and the carriage onto the guardrail.

"F*ck...who provoked someone in my car ass today?!"

Araki Sosuke frantically turned the steering wheel, letting the truck barely pass the guardrail, and finally stabilized the direction.


Before he could react, it was another violent high-speed impact, attacking from the left.

"...There is more to be done!"

Seeing the figure suddenly appearing from the rear of the car, and feeling the familiar "butt push", Sosuke Araki, who was running out of mineral water and running out of ammunition and food, his eyes were full of despair and unwillingness.


"Report, the track of the target has been lost...The truck with two'high-speed mothers-in-laws' drove towards Shizuoka..."

"Received, we are coming from the back. You clear the road, activate the second plan, block the Tomei Expressway from Shizuoka to Tokyo in the name of fog, and then try to set up a buffer zone near Numazu to stop him! "

"Report, it's just that the joint agent's neck can't be twisted back... Hey, why is it suddenly healed?!"

On the highway, Harumoto Kairen focused his eyes on Demon Z, galloping at a speed of nearly 200 yards per hour.

"...Our current speed is almost twice that of that big truck. We should be able to catch up with each other in ten minutes. Please be prepared...Vice President Chang Tian?"

"No... no problem... ugh..."

To the side, Hiroshi Tokuta, being pushed too hard on his back, pressed tightly on the seat, with a sullen expression on his face.

He had only vomited a lot before, and at this moment, under the strong sense of acceleration, he felt a surge in his stomach.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

At the same time, behind Demon Z, there was a loud and harsh locomotive exhaust sound.

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