I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 479 Demon Z, full firepower!

"what's the situation?!"

On the dark and silent highway, listening to the louder exhaust sound from the rear because of the close distance, Chunmoto Kairen only felt cold on his back, and goose bumps spread along his back.

"Don't be kidding me, I am two hundred yards now!!! At this speed, no car should be able to..."

A pair of lava-like dim red car lights, dragging a long light and shadow, appeared in his rearview mirror.


Looking at the horror scene in the rearview mirror, Harumoto Kairen couldn't help but think of the horror of being dominated by the headless horseman and the superb gangster on Haruna Mountain.


The black armor of a samurai envelops the outer shell, and there is a dark red light that flows like magma, flashing and extinguishing...

Track-grade tires burning with unknown runes...

Metal parts such as wheels, front and handles are all covered with biting inverted teeth...

As the distance drew closer, a heavy locomotive with an unparalleled violent aura, as if returning from hell, appeared in the sluggish gaze of Harumoto Kairen.

If the headless horseman was chasing from the back at this moment, perhaps Chunmoto Hairen would not be so shocked.

However, it is creepy that there is no driver above the horrible-looking locomotive.

It seems that there is a resentful spirit who can't even see the spirit detective goggles, who is controlling this locomotive.

"This locomotive... is it a resentful spirit? Or is it weird?"

As the distance narrowed, one could see through the spirit detective goggles that the strong resentment rising to the sky was wrapping up the surface of the locomotive.

"Be careful, if the opponent has similar rules to the headless horseman or high-speed mother-in-law..."

At the critical moment, Hiroshi Changtian also ignored the food that kept surging from his stomach, and his whole body surged out, covering the body of Demon Z.

"Oh...If you are overtaken, terrible things will happen...Oh...pulupupupupu......"

"Please don't vomit while saying such serious lines, it's all sprayed on the windshield! 』

Rainbow-like light bands light up on three of the high-speed rotating wheels.

Tantric Six-character Daming Mantra, start!

As for the one next to Hiroshi Tsugada, he has gone on strike somehow because he was stained with vomit or other liquid.

Behind Demon Z, the originally dim taillight suddenly burst out with a huge light, shining on the rear body with countless six-pointed stars.

Six-pointed star curse binding pattern, start!

"Priincepsgloriosissimecaelig...pululu...lestismilitiaelig, sancteMichaeuml, lArchangele, defendenosinpraelig... ooh, bah... lioetcolluctatione..."

"As expected of an office worker who became a Buddha, he could reciting Latin mantras so fluently while vomiting? ! 』

With the deep chant of Tokashi Hiroshi, a large piece of golden Latin spells flowed lightly and darkly on the body of the car.

The Latin exorcism "Devil'sTrap" is activated!

At the same time, the bronze gossip convex mirror on the rearview mirror surged, reflecting the figure of the locomotive running at high speed.

Dragon Bronze Gossip Convex Mirror, Start!

"Guangzhi" brand spiritual power engine, the fire (vomit) force (spit) is fully opened!

Demon Z, originally prepared for the high-speed mother-in-law, but did not have time to show the grand plan of the spirit removal props, at this moment, all have been used on the rear of the heavy machine body with a terrifying appearance.

"Agent Harumoto, keep your distance. In this state, even a high-speed mother-in-law can't beat us!"

"Don't worry, how can I give up on this straight track!!!"

For the Harumoto Kairen, who was left behind by two locomotives on the Haruna Mountain Road, who had been sorrowful, shifted the gear and stepped the accelerator to the end!

Demon Z speeded up again, the body trembled crazily, screamed hoarsely, and stopped in the direction of the locomotive behind...

"Hold on... let me see, what the hell is this..."

With Hiroshi Changtian's continuous infusion of spiritual power, the bronze gossip convex mirror and the rear look like a heavy locomotive composed of burning lava, and the image suddenly changed...

Above the mirror, it is no longer a heavy-duty locomotive running at high speed on the road.

It was a four-legged beast with a unicorn, dog ears, dragon body, tiger head, lion tail, unicorn feet, and it did not belong to any kind of creature category that Hiroshi Tokuta had ever seen!

The only thing that doesn't change is the lava flames circulating on it, and the courage that chooses to eat, it shatters the six-pointed star mark that appears in the whole body!

"Boom boom boom boom... woo woo woo..."

The screeching exhaust sound of the locomotive seemed to have turned into the roar of a beast, which sounded in the ears of the two of them.


Before Changtian Hiroshi could take a closer look, the bronze gossip convex mirrors on both sides, together with the glasses on the bridge of his nose, suddenly cracked and shattered to the ground.

The beast that rushed on the mirror instantly disappeared without a trace, as if it were just a phantom of light flowing under high speed.

"What the hell is this?!"

Before Hiroshi Changtian recovered from the shock, the heavy locomotive had turned into a thick and dark red streamer, came behind Demon Z, and jumped high...


"Crack, click, click, click..."

With the sour grinding sound, it seemed that something was running over the roof of the car.

In the desperate gaze of the two, the streamer jumped directly from the top of the windshield in front of them and disappeared into the darkness in front of them.


After being run over by the locomotive with a gust of wind, several small cracks appeared on the roof of Demon Z.

As if there was some invisible sharp claw, it severely scraped off several coats of paint on the car body.

"Papa... Wow..."

With the continuous bursting sound, the spells and the radiance on the wheels of Demon Z all dissipated like dream bubbles.



On the dark and quiet high-speed road, only Hiroshi Tsugada and Harumoto Kairen were left immersed in the palpitations of the rest of their lives, staring at each other blankly.

The existence of the beast or a locomotive is unknown, except for passing over the roof and destroying the spirit-eliminating items on Demon Z...

It turned out to be just passing by and did nothing.

"Puff puff……"

A huge burst of black smoke floated out of the violently shaking hood of Demon Z, obstructing the line of sight in front of the windshield.

"Oops... the engine is overheating... it must slow down..."


Just when Harumoto Kairen slowed down for the first time, another burst of air burst sounded beside Demon Z.

As if an invisible thing passed by Demon Z at a speed beyond the sound barrier, it set off an invisible wave.


The front and rear windshields, rearview mirrors and windows of the Devil Z burst at the same moment!

"Uh ah ah ah..."

The two people in the car covered their ears that were temporarily deaf and painful due to their tinnitus in pain.

"Sound, sonic boom?! What is that?!"

Looking at the empty high-speed road, Harumoto Kairen couldn't help but recall the painful experience of watching a supersonic plane passing by when he was serving in the Self-Defense Forces.

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