I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 495 Appetizers in the Subway

"Senior Araki, please wait for me..."

Mayumi Torii pushes the bicycle onto the sidewalk with some difficulty, and walks towards the designated parking area.

"Leave it to me... It's really hard to go out in the middle of the night and have to ride a bike by yourself."

Before he had time to react, the red bicycle had already risen into the sky, and was easily carried on his shoulders by Sosuke Araki, and placed in a special bicycle parking area in the horrifying eyes of passers-by.

Japanese bicycles, like cars, have stencil barcodes that are difficult to remove.

If you park at will, there will be police copy cards, which will not only deduct points and pay fines, but also may drag them away directly.

But the advantage of this is that no one takes time and effort to steal the bicycle.

Firstly, the cost of removing steel is too high. Secondly, because of the complicated transfer procedures of bicycles, the nationwide network of stolen barcodes, the accidental buying of stolen cars or the confiscation of them if they are inspected, the thief would rather steal the car. Not willing to steal bicycles.

"Ah, thank you...Because the public transportation stops at night, I haven't got a driving license, and I don't have the budget to buy a car yet, so having a bicycle has already helped a lot."

After helping Yu Tori Mayumi lock the bicycle in the parking space and pick up the package, the two took the escalator and entered the subway station.

"That's true, taxis are not available anytime and anywhere. They are too expensive to die... Can't a spirit eliminator move during the day?"

Looking at the little bird Yu Mayumi dressed as a witch next to him, Sosuke Araki couldn't help but think of the scene where she met her for the first time in a convenience store in Arakawa Ward a few months ago.

At this moment, the identity of the two is no longer a clerk and a customer, but a companion who exterminates spirits together.

"That's something that can't be helped. The grievances at night will be more intense, and the activities of the spirit body will be active and easier to find, and at the same time, it can easily avoid the sight of the people..."

Tori Mayumi nodded and explained it to him earnestly.

Although Mr. Araki's strength is unfathomable, due to the perennial "illegal extermination", the common sense of "legal extermination" is relatively lacking.

This is why the association arranged for her to act together.

If a series of regulations and procedures such as the "Public Secrecy Regulations" are not followed, and if there is a big scene, it will encourage the fear in the hearts of the people and nourish the growth of certain existences.

"Mr. Araki, there is a place next to the subway station. In the list of tasks newly added by the association, the difficulty level of the task is [zero]. Although it is not on the route planned by Hanyu, can I stop by and take a look?"

Taking a look at the information on the phone, Tori Yu Mayumi cautiously solicited Araki's opinion.

"Level [Zero]? Huh, it's not bad for an appetizer to be familiar and familiar..."

As if remembering that his exemption level was also [zero], some people couldn't help but have blue veins on their forehead.

Seeing that Sosuke Araki expressed no objection, Yu Mayumi Kotori opened the navigation software and headed towards the subway station somewhere.

That's right, with more than 200 exits and an average of about 3.26 million people getting on and off the train per day, including 16 subway lines, the maze-like Shinjuku subway station, the fastest way to reach a specific place is to use navigation software.

Of course, it is in the area where the mobile phone has signal, and the user must also be able to accurately distinguish the floor he is on.

Since the latest train of the Shinjuku Line departs from Shinjuku Station at 0:22, there are still many people waiting to board the last train in the subway at this moment.

"According to information from the Tokyo Metropolitan Transportation Bureau, starting a month ago, a passageway in Shinjuku Station's subway often showed abnormal conditions such as broken light bulbs, strange black hand and foot prints, and baby crying..."

After walking along a connecting passage for five minutes, the flow of people gradually dwindled.

"However, after the Obon Festival, complaints and activities have become more frequent, and the Spiritualists' Association is short of manpower, and there is no time to pay attention to this extremely low-risk entrustment... Until the day before yesterday, the morning shift cleaner found out the abandoned deposit. Blood oozes from the cabinet."

While walking, Yu Mayumi Kotori explained to Sosuke Araki that she had just received the request information.

"The staff called the police and opened the temporary locker in the passage together. A large amount of dismembered fresh flesh and blood was found in every compartment..."

"Fortunately, the Metropolitan Police Department blocked the passage for the first time, so that the case did not spread further and caused greater panic."

"Tsk tusk, it sounds like the corpse case in Inokashira Park back then."

Hearing the girl calmly and calmly recounting the bloody case, Sousuke Araki touched his nose with some palpitations.

"However, is this kind of specious case also the responsibility of the spirit eliminator?"

The corpse case in Inokashira Yushi Park was a “complete crime case” that once caused a sensation in Japan.

In 1994, 27 corpses were found in seven trash bins in Inokashira Park in Mitaka City. Fingerprints on hands and feet were shaved off. Finally, the identity of the deceased was determined through DNA and residual fingerprints.

Because of the lack of motivation and decisive evidence, the murderer was not found until the prosecution period exceeded 10 years, and it is still an outstanding case.

"It is indeed very similar. The victim of this case was identified as the 54-year-old housewife Horimi Truth. After the police inspected the scene and obtained the internal monitoring of the subway channel, they did not find anything other than the victim himself. The traces left by people, I don’t know why the victims entered this passage at the last time of the subway..."

"This kind of thing is just like the murder in the secret room of a detective elementary school student. There must be a murderer! It is impossible for the victim to dismember himself and put it in the locker, ha, ha ha..."

"That's right, so the commission of the Metropolitan Police Department is only to ask the spirit remover to come over to confirm whether there are signs of grievances and movement, and to judge the possibility."

Inside the quiet, tidy, and dim subway tunnel, I don't know when it has become empty, except for the solemn voice of Yu Tori Mayumi and Sosuke Araki's horrified dry smile.

After the Obon Festival, because the gates of hell "suddenly closed", many of the wraiths who returned to the world did not have time to return by car.

As grievances become more and more commonplace, similar to this kind of unsettled cases, the ninth class will issue a commission on behalf of the Metropolitan Police Department in the first time, please send someone to confirm the spirit of the Association, so as to clarify the direction of the case.

This level of [zero] task, in theory, only requires the executor to be inspired and at the same time have a certain degree of self-protection ability to avoid "stepping on thunder".

Seeing that there was no one in the passage, Araki Zongjie simply lifted his blindfold.

"Wow, although I heard Kengo say before I came here, there are many urban legends and weird wraiths in the subway and sewers that have hollowed out almost the entire ground of Tokyo..."

What catches the eye is the densely packed hand and foot prints of various spiritual activities in the subway tunnel, drag marks, and a trace of resentment pouring into his back as the air slowly flows.

"... But, I didn't expect it to be so exaggerated."

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