"The subways and sewers all over the underground of Tokyo cover up the crimes of Yang Shi and accumulate a lot of grievances. It is easy to breed existences such as grievances."

Compared to Sosuke Araki's exclamation, Yu Mayumi Kotori did not show any unexpected expressions.

"Even the most senior spirit removers are extremely taboo about going deep into this type of place..."

Turning around a corner, her eyes condensed slightly, and several pieces of talisman paper appeared between her fingers: "It should be in front."

What appeared in the sight of the two of them was an iron fence temporarily welded with a seal.

Behind the iron fence, there is a dark and deep pedestrian passage that can't be seen at a glance.

In the darkness, the golden pupil of Araki Sosuke's left eye glowed with a strange light like a beast.

And in the depths of the golden pupils, a ray of pure white flame appeared from time to time.

As soon as he turned his head, Yu Mayumi's gaze was firmly absorbed by the luster in his eyes, and he felt that the world was spinning and he didn't know where he was.

"Try not to look at my left eye. I still can't control this force."

Araki Sosuke closed his left eye, and after awakening the absent girl, he stretched his finger to somewhere behind the fence...


"The resentment around is flowing there."

The abnormal flow of grievances shows that there is an existence in that direction that can absorb and influence grievances.

Tori Mayumi tried to pull the iron fence, but found that it didn't move.

"Is it locked? Looks like someone from the subway company is going to come..."


Before she could finish her words, the iron fence had been mercilessly pulled by Sosuke Araki, and with a miserable posture, she gave way for two people to pass through.

"Quick fight, try to provide as much'service' as possible tonight... After all, this stout guy with my waist is very edible."

Taking the lead, Araki Sosuke entered the passage without hesitation.

"……All right."

Seeing the "public object" twisted into a twist and completely deformed beside her, the girl raised her eyebrows, silently followed Araki Sosuke, and entered the passage where she could not see her fingers.

The passage where the five fingers could not be seen, from the left eye of Araki Sosuke, was as bright as daylight.

There was occasional blue light flashing in Yu Mayumi's eyes, which obviously also had some secret method to strengthen spiritual vision.

Before moving forward silently, a row of temporary coin-operated lockers covered with dark red rust appeared in the eyes of the two.

This kind of locker can be seen everywhere in Japan's subways. It does not need to be verified. You only need to insert coins and set a one-time password to use it. The larger ones can even be placed in a 28-inch suitcase.

"This locker was the one that found the body, right?"

Looking at the row of lockers wrapped in heavy grievances and with unerasable blood remaining in the rust, the two smiled bitterly at each other.

"...It seems that the commission from the Metropolitan Police Department was not given indiscriminately."

Originally thought it would take a little bit of time and explore the traces of the wraith spirit.

Unexpectedly, there seemed to be no hidden intentions at all.

"Knowing the existence of hidden deeds is basically a resentful spirit or weird above level [one]."

Mayumi Torii carefully and carefully explained to Sosuke Araki who was "the first legal exorcism".

"The vast majority of resentful spirits will linger at the end of their lives or where resentment condenses, and they have not hidden their consciousness..."


As if sensing the approach of the two of them, the row of lockers with more than ten compartments also made a dense impact like drums.

It's like, something wants to rush out from inside.

"Come on, no matter what the hungry resentful spirit is, let the spirit exterminator (trainee) Sosuke Araki provide you with the top-level'home to Buddha' service, and the cost only needs to pay for the white light spots in your body. Just fine!"

Just when Sosuke Araki did a good job of mental construction, he was ready to have a close hand-to-hand fight with the existence inside...

"I'm tired of guarding the child."

"After the Obon Festival, the snow fell."

"The child kept crying, and it's Obon."

"But, what can I be happy about."

"No new clothes, no belts."

"The child always cries and keeps it so hard."

"One back is one day, people are getting thinner and thinner."

"I really want to go out as soon as possible and leave this ghost place."

A woman's magnetic voice hummed a long and peaceful nursery rhyme, echoing repeatedly in the passage.

As the singing rang, the tin locker quieted down.


From time to time, I can hear the squeaky laughter of babies.

"This song is familiar, it seems to be..."

"Yes, it's "Take Tian no Ko Mori"."

The two looked at each other and at the same time heard this popular folk song.

"Take Tian no Zi Shou chant" is a folk song adapted from a village called Taketa in Kyoto.

Because of its beautiful and sad tunes and the singing of various bands, it took only three years to become popular in Japan.

However, because the title and content of the song touched on the socially sensitive issues of tribal ethnic minorities in the Kyoto area, it was blocked by the Japanese government from the 1970s to the 1990s, and only then began to be sung by Japanese children and included in various nursery rhymes. .

"Hurry up...hurry up..."

At the same time, a woman's bleak, intermittent, scalp-tingling voice came from their ears.

"While this child... is asleep..."

"Excuse me, where are you?"

Feeling that the owner of the sound did not seem to be hostile, Tori Mayumi tried to communicate.

"We... are here to help..."

However, the other party did not answer her question, just continued to hum, "Take Tian no Zi Shou chant".

"Let me go, she's in the biggest cabinet."

Without hesitation, Araki Sosuke walked to the locker that was full of resentment.

As he approached, the resentment on the locker quickly flowed into him like an industrial exhaust fan.

The lowly singing ballads became weaker and weaker, and finally came to an abrupt end.


Before he approached, the baby's sorrowful cry resounded abruptly through the dark passage and echoed repeatedly.

The maiden robe on Mayu Yuu Torii was windless and automatic, and the spiritual power rushed through Youlan, spontaneously resisting the cry that was enough to make ordinary people kneel down.


The iron doors of the shabby lockers were opened one by one, knocking on the lockers repeatedly.

Scarlet blood, flowing slowly from a grid of cabinets, is like several small waterfalls.

Countless dark red stumps and internal organs, like exhibits on display, slowly squirmed in every cabinet.

"This death should be the victim before..."

Seeing this tragic scene, Toori Yu Mayumi frowned slightly.

The case information and the scene in front of me were gradually overlapped in my mind.

"So, was she forced by the resentful spirit inside?"


At the same time, the storage cabinet with the largest compartment enough to hold the suitcase slowly opened itself amid the sour sound of rust.

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