I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 497: Twenty Years of Waiting

As the door of the largest cabinet opened, in the locker that should have been empty, there was a thin baby who was not covered with black blood.

He was crying sharply because of Araki Sosuke's approach and the rapid flow of resentment in his body.

A woman made up of a few pieces of stumps and flesh and blood, with only the upper body left, wrapped her with a cut and hollowed abdomen, like a crib.

She embraced her arms, shook her body slightly, and pressed her face against the baby's shriveled revelation, as if a mother was comforting a young child who was crying at night.

She must have been the one who hummed nursery rhymes to soothe the baby before.

"This...this is..."

Seeing this bloody and terrifying scene that was full of warmth for some reason, the two people who came to the locker were slightly taken aback.

"...Gather the wraiths?"

Tori Yu Mayumi made a judgment in the first place.

Although they are still in their embryonic form and their aura is not too strong, these two resentful spirits have indeed gathered together in this weird way.

If the two of them hadn't accidentally passed by today, and if they continued to increase the number of victims, they might have grown into even more terrifying clusters of resentful spirits.


As resentment continued to pour into Sousuke Araki's body, the movements of the flesh and blood in the cabinet gradually became weak, and the baby's cry was weakened to a normal child's volume...

The woman who was barely half of her body opened her mouth slightly to the Araki Sousuke in front of her, as if she was saying something.

However, Toriyu Mayumi could not hear any sound.

"Really... So that's it... You are Madam Horimi Masayoshi, right..."

Because that is "the whisper of the dead."

"Don't worry, I will immediately remove you from the service of this resentful spirit..."

Araki Sosuke, who came to the locker, suddenly looked blank and showed an unbelievable expression: "What, you refuse? Because... he is your child?!"

"As the two of you are so young, it doesn't look like this kind of relationship..."

"Oh, it turned out to be the child you gave birth 20 years ago... Wait, the amount of information is a bit big, let me stroke it..."

Following the narration of the half-length female resentful spirit and the narration of Araki Sosuke, a helpless, painful and sinful past came to minds of the two.

In the 1990s, Japan's economic bubble burst, followed by the collapse of the stock market and real estate, corporate closures, and massive layoffs.

The two-year-old Hori saw the truth, only to date the betrothed fiance who was engaged in less than a year, and hanged himself because of the company's layoffs and heavy debts.

Only left, she was pregnant for ten months, and the child in her womb.

Due to inability to raise, mental instability after childbirth, etc., under the cruelty of truth, Hori Kanji left the child less than a month old in the crowded lockers of Shinjuku Subway Station at night, hoping to have kind people or welfare institutions. Adopt him.

I have to say that in that social environment, there were not a few babies abandoned in lockers.

However, when the subway staff found the child in the open locker the next morning...

He has stopped breathing forever in his infancy.

Even afterwards, after reorganizing the family and having a daughter, Horikami Truth has been living in the torment of this incident...

Until after Obon, she saw the child again in her dream every night.

He was in the locker that was abandoned at the beginning, weeping weakly.

Just like the last look when I was abandoned.

The crying more and more bitterly, as if questioning her.

Mom... Why did you leave me?

Mom... It's cold here, when will you come back to pick me up?

After a month of sleepless suffering, Horizan Truth finally plucked up the courage and came to this locker back then.

Then, she used her life and soul to fill that bloody hole in her heart and redeem her sins.

"I am not qualified to judge the era of twenty years ago and the personal difficulties at that time."

After listening to the narration of the spirit body of truth, Araki Sosuke buried his face in the darkness, making it difficult to see his expression.

"All in all, the past has fallen into the ground, and what I can do for both of you is only like this..."

Immediately, he raised his hand and gently pierced into the locker.

"I hope that in my next life, I can go to a happy family."

A holy fluorescence lit up in every locker in front of him, illuminating the gloomy passage and the tears in the eyes of Yu Makoto.

"I know this world is as short as dew. However, yet..."

She folded her hands on her abdomen and bowed slightly to the locker.

By the time Araki Sosuke took a step back, all the internal organs of the original stump in the locker had disappeared.

"Thank you, this kid didn't harm anyone else..."

Only in the largest cabinet, a small and poor baby, and a middle-aged woman holding him in her arms...

"He just, has been waiting for me... waited too long, too long, too long..."

The mother and son folded their hands together, nodded in thanks, and then turned into a little white light.

Those white rays, like fireflies, circled Araki Sosuke's body, and poured into the bucket sports bag behind him.

"...The service is over, the two of you are going all the way."

After the two went back and left, the silence of the past in the dull subway passage was restored.

Only the twisted iron gate and the open locker door silently witnessed everything that had happened here.


"Nishi-Waseda Station is here, Nishi-Waseda Station is here, the car door will open on the left..."

After getting out of the tram and slowly descending along the old platform, Sosuke Araki's expression was still a bit heavy.

"Ms. Araki, don't care about me. If you want to smoke, just smoke..."

When he walked to the subway entrance, Yu Mayumi, seeing that he felt uncomfortable, reminded him softly.

"Oh, sorry. Then, get one..."

With that said, Araki Sosuke, as always, squatted to the side of the road and took out the lighter.

"Me, Xingping, and Ryoma were also abandoned to Daisy since they were young. They have always been uncomfortable with such irresponsible things."

"But, I don't understand..."

In the smoke, he seemed to be talking to himself, and he seemed to be narrating to Tori Yu Mayumi.

"That kid, who waited there alone for more than 20 years, was so angry that he started killing people... But in the end, he smiled so happily in his mother's arms..."

"Resentment, while giving the spirit body powerful abilities, it will also infinitely expand their obsessions and make them forget their original self..."

Seeing Sosuke Araki's discomfort, Yu Mayumi Kotori squatted beside him, and the two watched the traffic on the road side by side.

"Being able to become a Buddha together is already the best ending for the mother and child."

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