"The work of a spirit remover is destined to involve many sad stories, so everyone tries not to substitute too much personal feelings..."

Crouching side by side on the side of the road where the car was flowing, Yu Mayumi Tori looked worriedly at the low profile face of Sosuke Araki in the smoke, and did not finish her words.

Ordinary eliminators can only hear the simple repetitive words remaining in the condensed obsession of the resentful spirits.

Even so, there are often association staff, class ninth agents, and spirit-eliminators who are not firm in their beliefs, and mental problems erupt because they cannot bear the accumulated negative emotions.

For Mr. Araki, who can communicate freely with the spirit body, these sad stories may become a heavier burden.

As the president of the time said, the act of being a spirit remover, carrying a heavy load and walking on thin ice, requires much more than just a powerful skill.

"...Xiaoniao Yushi, I'm ready."

Rubbing the cigarette butt out on the ground and throwing it into the trash can next to it, Sosuke Araki slowly got up.

"I want to be a spirit remover."

"Huh? Haven't you already gotten the exemption?"

The little witch on the side looked at him with a bewildered head.

The street lamp shone on Araki Sosuke, but his figure appeared darker in the backlight.

"Although, it's just a waiver, but with the strength of Mr. Araki, it should be possible soon..."

"No... it's not defined by a piece of torn paper, in order to save Mochizuki, or to make money in Ginza to spend a lot of time and wine, every night to make a career."

"I want to be a true spirit remover."

Looking back, that brilliant smile returned to Sousuke Araki's face.

"The forgotten past, the lost life, the irreparable sadness..."

Looking down at his palm, his eyes gradually became firm.

"Although I don't know the reason, since I am endowed with this physique, I want to make good use of it and give the deceased a decent end, instead of letting the'hidden energy field' play with it and become an ugly monster."

Perhaps this is exactly what he stumbled and couldn't find all these years, and really suits his career.

"At this moment of thinking clearly, maybe you are already..."

At some point, Tori Yu Mayumi has already carried her hands on her back, moving Lianbu lightly and heading forward.

"...Continue with the mission tonight, Araki the Spirit Eliminator... Jun."

Only the back of him wrapped in the red and white witch costume, standing up against her.


Sosuke Araki trot a few steps to keep up, and walked side by side with the maiden, towards the quiet path full of green plants not far ahead.

On the stand beside the road, "Hushan Park" was written impressively.


"I often pass by outside the park, but I didn't expect it to be so quiet and beautiful inside."

Passing through the gravel path in the park, you can see a wide-view lawn surrounded by Japanese favorite maple and cherry trees.

Looking at the dim, quiet, and extremely vast park square in front of him, Sosuke Araki can imagine that there should be a lot of people picnicking on the lawn during the cherry blossom season and Fengye season.

"There are very few spirit bodies on the periphery of the park. Can we go deeper from here? Mr. Araki will deal with the spirit bodies when we encounter them. I will help carefully by the side..."

Slightly glanced at the empty and quiet park square, Bird Yu Mayumi suggested.

"No problem, it's the first time I've been here anyway, so I can bother you to lead the way."

Araki Sosuke folded his hands and responded enthusiastically.

The two chose to start the despiration and collection of "soul dust" in the Shinjuku area tonight, not because it is close to the residence of Toriyuki Mayumi.

At the beginning of the Meiji Restoration, the royal family moved from Kyoto to Edo and changed its name to Tokyo.

In order to restrain the "Seven-Star Array" set up by the Shogunate from the Fengshui and suppress the luck of the Tokugawa family, the imperial family deployed the "Five Spirits Seal Array" with the five great spiritual gardens as the array, as well as the Yamanote Line and Crossing around Tokyo. "Tai Chi Yin and Yang Formation" drawn by the east-west central line.

It even paid the tragic price of the Great Kanto Earthquake caused by the Fengshui conflict.

The two small circles on the left and the right are called "Yin of Yang" and "Yin of Yang".

The place of "Yin of Yang" is the most pure and sacred place, and all evil spirits cannot invade, so it is the place of "Imperial Residence".

"Yin and Yang" is the opposite. It is a place of chaos. The grievances of the entire Tokyo will slowly gather here, and it is easy to breed grievances.

The location of "Yin and Yang" is the famous Shinjuku area.

The place where the two of them are at the moment is located in Okubo, Shinjuku District, near Takadanobaba and Waseda, at the center of the "Yin and Yang", Toyama Park, which has the title of the No. 1 "Land of Death" in Shinjuku.

"The entire Toyama Park originally belonged to the Owari Tokugawa family's residence "Toyamazou" and its attached courtyard. "

"Tsk tusk, such a big park is actually just someone else's manor and backyard? 』

Araki Zongsuke suddenly felt that the area of ​​the "villa" he currently lives in might also be a toilet in it.

"Later, for unknown reasons, the garden here was constantly exposed to fire and water damage, and finally the Owari family had to discard it and no longer repair it."

The two walked side by side along the park dotted with dimly illuminated street lights. As the "landlord" Yu Mayumi, the little bird, like a few treasures, introduced this famous and fierce place just a few kilometers away from the Chisei Shrine.

"In the Meiji period, the Tokugawa family gradually declined after the transfer of power. This area was transferred to the government as a military facility. Facilities such as the Army Toyama School, Army Medical School, and Army Training Ground were built. A park open to the public."

"Owari Tokugawa's house?"

Hearing this strange name, Araki Sosuke raised his eyebrows.

"Owari Tokugawa's family, but one of the famous'Sanjia', doesn't Araki-sensei know it?"

"Speaking of Yusanjia, I only know Little Fire Dragon, Wonder Frog Seed, Jenny Turtle... Horie Yui, Tamura Yukari, Mizuki Nana... Magic Cannon, Doll, Enma... Collection, Talk, primary school……"

He muttered like a few Jiazhen.

"Of course, there are also Yusanya such as Hiroshi Mukoyama, Ryuji Yamamoto, and Takaka Kato..."

"Hey, Mr. Araki is true. The word'Gosanjia' originated from the Tokugawa shogunate!"

Xiaoniao You Mayumi Qingwu has long sleeves and glanced at him with an annoyed look.

In the Edo period, Ieyasu Tokugawa divided the local daimyo into three levels according to the close relationship with the Tokugawa clan in order to consolidate the political power. Among them, the "Tokugawa clan", "Kidkugawa clan", "Owari Tokugawa clan" are " The Mito Tokugawa Family, which is responsible for suppressing the "Kimen" in the northeast of Edo, is regarded as a special category.

If the "Tokugawa clan" has no heirs, the Mito clan, which has a special status and has the right to inherit the deputy general, decides to choose a suitable object from the "three families", and adopts the general as the adopted son to inherit the general position.

"An inexplicable fall, a bleak cry of a man at night, a figure in a military uniform, a missing case that has not been solved for many years..."

"Even before the'Yin Yang Tai Chi Formation' was completed and the grievances of the whole Tokyo gathered here, the weird rumors about this place were not cut off."

"Oh, in such an evil place, the royal family and the government are so relieved to let it be under their noses?"

Looking around repeatedly, Sosuke Araki couldn't combine this empty and elegant night view of the park with the description of Toriyuki Mayumi.

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